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Lamar, Coleman await sixth-year ruling

BRI Staff

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Lamar is continuing to petition the NCAA to give linebacker Jacody Coleman a sixth year of eligibility, interim athletic director Jason Henderson said Wednesday.


College athletes typically have five years to complete four seasons. But the NCAA has an exception if an athlete misses two seasons because of injury or other extenuating circumstances.


Coleman missed most of last season after he suffered a dislocated ankle in the team's fourth game, Oct. 1 at Southeastern Louisiana.


Read more: http://www.beaumontenterprise.com/sports/lamar/article/Lamar-Coleman-await-sixth-year-ruling-3353689.php

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Guest CardAmbassador
Would be great to get Coleman back next season.


If Coleman came back and we gained another DT through FBS transfers we would have a much better defense than the past two years have shown.

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