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Posts posted by BigRed98

  1. Hey guys I just wanted to let you alumni know that we can get discounts on LU clothing and gear items from the campus bookstore Barnes & Noble at Lamar University. It is their new loyalty program they have for us. Sign up at welcomebackalumni.com to receive exclusive discounts and offers delivered straight to your inbox. Your first offer is 25% off LU gear in store or online!


    Just wanted to let you know if you wanted to upgrade your gear...




  2. I've read about this ad nauseoum on another board. There is a ton of speculation out there, and that's all it is. I'm not sure there's much left that the B1G would want that's not either in the SEC or currently tied up in a GOR. I think we can all agree that no one is leaving the SEC. (I've heard the rumors - Missouri and Vanderbilt - and I don't think any school in their right mind would leave the SEC).


    The primary question then becomes, what REALLY happens to a school if they leave during the GOR? I haven't seen an attorney's position on this yet, only fan conjecture. It seems that people believe one of three things will happen:


    1. The GOR won't have any more legs than what is considered punitive exit fees, thus allowing a school to leave while only paying a slight sum to the conference. I think this is the least valid belief.


    2. While a conference owns the rights of all schools in a conference, the conference MUST compensate each school for those rights. Read this to mean regardless of which conference that school ends up playing in. To explain, let's argue that FSU gets a B1G invite and accepts. The ACC would then maintain all media rights to FSU home games and neutral site games that FSU is the home team. However, the ACC would be required to cut FSU a check for those rights. The conference would not be able to cash in on FSU without compensation, regardless of where FSU calls home. Personally, I think this is the most valid.


    3. The GOR is air tight. The only way that a school gets any benefit from their media presence is to stay in the conference in which the assigned their rights. I'm not so sure this would hold up in court, but I'm not an attorney.


    I would LOVE to get an attorney's opinion on this. If #s 1 or 2 are correct, then any team from the ACC or B12 is ripe for picking and I'd expect that the B1G, SEC, and possibly the P12 would spend the next several years ending the lives of both of those conferences.

  3. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/9499740/is-college-football-big-five-conferences-split-ncaa


    I have a feeling that larger FCS schools like Lamar and SHSU are really going to be left behind if this split happens. I feel that the large schools like UT and TAMU need this, but LU, as an FCS school, would basically be a Div II school if this were to happen. We would need to get to the mid major level (FBS) to maintain any semblence of recognition for the university. I also feel recruiting would take a step backwards as potential recruits would then see FCS as an even lower level than they do now.


    It's more than a hint, big changes may already be underway:



    The Sun Belt needs to wake up, they're not going to get either JMU or Missouri State. LU's the best choice for expansion.


    I read that article earlier today. The author lost credibility with me when he mentioned some 160 schools moving to D4. Make no mistake about it, this move is about exclusion. I'd be surprised if a full 70 wound up in the new division.

  4. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/9499740/is-college-football-big-five-conferences-split-ncaa


    I have a feeling that larger FCS schools like Lamar and SHSU are really going to be left behind if this split happens. I feel that the large schools like UT and TAMU need this, but LU, as an FCS school, would basically be a Div II school if this were to happen. We would need to get to the mid major level (FBS) to maintain any semblence of recognition for the university. I also feel recruiting would take a step backwards as potential recruits would then see FCS as an even lower level than they do now.

  5. The main point that has been made is that LU will not get to pick when it gets the invite. When it comes, it must be accepted. Otherwise, an inherent decision will have been made to stay FCS for the long term.


    I agree, we might as well get blown out at the FBS level. This move is NOT just about football anyway. We have a MBB coach that is way bigger than the SOuthland. DO we want to keep him? THis is why you move to a bigger conference. Football follows along, and will hopefully gain traction at some point.


    Seriously admins, would it be that bad to just ban nickels and cougar king? I like reading posts from other school's fans, but these two are intent on ruining the board.

  6. The fact of the matter we got beat by a bigger, stronger, faster team. ULL will go to Florida this year and will get the same ass whooping. We stepped out of our league and got a nice check.

    I can't bash our o-line..hell they were undersized by 30 to 50 lbs.

    Our QB play was hard to gauge for the fact we had no time to do anything.

    Our running backs did show promise on some nice cuts and runs.

    Defense was not that bad considering they were also giving up size and speed.

    ULL's program has been around a long time and has finally gotten to the level to get those big fast recruits. They are getting everything second in Louisiana behind LSU. They are also in the area of some really great football with Acadiana, Carencro and others. They can't all go to LSU.

    As someone refered to earlier our offense is still learning a new scheme. They were all recruited from spread teams and we have changed. I'm not much on the pro set but the QB's still have to have time to see receivers.

    As for us getting those bigger faster stronger guys....It is hard to recruit at this level. If you zoom in on a guy who is a ULL or full D1 level you probably lose him before you get him to Beaumont. We have to get the big guys and fast guys that are missed or as you say projects. Example. The 6'5" oline guy who is 315lbs and moves good is not coming to beaumont over A&m or Texas, or Tech or whoever...Recruiting here is tough.

    It will take years to build this program to the ULL level, not 3 or 4 but more. With fan support and administration we can get there. You might not realize it but putting butts in those seats is huge for recruiting. Pack the house every game and watch the recruits roll in. Kids do not want to play in front of high school crowds, they been there and done that..


    +1 Excellent post

  7. Gosh, I'd love to ride the bus but I'm not sure yet who all is going to the game with me yet. Geez, nothing like planning at the last minute!


    From the e-mail I received, I believe there is a waiting list for the second bus. When I was notified that I could pay for the trip, I was out of town for several days. They eventually sent me another email asking me to let them know if I had decided not to go so they could release my seats to the next people on the list. I don't know if they are still maintaining a list or not. I'd call Peggy really quickly if you are interested in going on the bus.

  8. They all have sufficient prep time to show what they can do and THEY are ALL in this together. It doesn't matter what they've done before today. They all come from different high school playing situations that none of us have FIRST HAND knowledge of unless they came from around our Beaumont area. All that matters is "here and now" and who is the most capable on any given day. Coaches are working hard and the players are working hard. Fans need to do their job now and be supportive of the them all, today and all throughout the season. GO CARDS!!!!!!


    My thoughts exactly.

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