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*Rumored Lamar to FBS discussion*


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Guest CardAmbassador

I know some of you are getting tired of the endless speculation about Lamar to the WAC, I'll just do the reporting and let you decide.


Here is the latest from Jack at BobcatReport.com: (Must be a member to see the full post)


Remember Kirk Bohls' "crazy prediction" about Lamar and Sam Houston being invited to the WAC in July? Well, I don't know if it's true or not, but we just heard from two sources - one affiliated with Lamar, another with a western school's athletic department - that Lamar anticipates an invite for the 2013-2014 season.




I'll say this, I spoke with Jack and he has alot of connections. Two of his connections are not backing off this Lamar July invite. They're reputable sources and if any of you have been following from the beginning you know that Jack was the very first media source to officially confirm Seattle would be invited. He got the story out before the award winning Seattle times.


I'm still not sure if this is true or not, but I'm going to give it a little more credibility because of what I have read today and because of my conversation with Jack.


Stay cool Cards B)


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hey Cards -


I was given some new information regarding Kirk Bohls' prediction of LU joining the WAC in July. I have one source dead set in saying Lamar will be a member for 2013-14 and after conferring with your moderators, it sounds like this might have some legs to it. He's been telling me this for months and I don't know how much better the LU side of this info can be. Someone else with some street cred has changed their tune and concurs with what I am saying.


Does this mean July is your month? I can't say. I do promise to stay on top of matters. I am confident the guys that run BRI will do the same and I will work alongside them to figure out what's going on.


Stay hopeful (and thirsty), my friends.



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This came up on my Facebook status.


Lamar U should join an FBS conference - Go Big Red

Lamar and SHSU to join the WAC next month?


9. For your movie tip of the week, my wife and I rented "No Strings Attached." Review: We were sorry there's No Money Refunded. Just awful. Also went to see "Bridesmaids." Just between us — and don't spread it around — it's pretty funny. Loved the airplane scene.


10. One crazy prediction: Sam Houston State and Lamar will join the football-hungry WAC in the next month





Well, I totally disagree on "No Strings Attached" and "Bridesmaids"... I thought the former was rather cute, but the latter was horrible.


But, I hope he's right about his "one crazy prediction."

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I recall I believe Utah State's or San Jose's AD saying they wouldn't be interested in adding a SW school without adding a Western school to go with it. So if there is any truth to this I wonder if that means there is a Western candidate also.
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This from Jack at BR

Quick update...if Lamar is indeed wanting to bail on the Southland in favor of the WAC, the SLC hasn't been officially notified.


Edit: Some things bear repeating. LU has never made a formal presentation. Their leadership likes keeping things low key and on the DL. And don't discount any team of Pat Knight (and his dad), Billy Tubbs, and Larry Tidwell.


I think LU knows what they are doing.

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I talked to a guy I half ass know that works in a WAC school athletic department. They are scouting in SETX for the first time since he has been there. When I asked about LU he said it "makes sense".
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Guest CardAmbassador
Hopefully they come away impressed with the recruits in the area and add that to their reasons for LU to join.
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Guest CardAmbassador

I think so too Coach. The question is will Lamar have to wait until the last minute like this past year with Seattle?


I don't think it would be fair to Lamar to make us wait that long because we would have lost a significant recruiting advantage with spring recruits. Hopefully Lamar is invited a moth or two before the football signing day in February. That will give us some time to step up our level of recruits since we will need to recruit FBS quality kids.


Beggars can't be choosers though.

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Guest Txstcat79

Card Fans,


This Bobcat is wanting Lamar in the WAC. I have read where a number of you prefer the Sunbelt.



Let me give some reasons why the WAC is better:


Football- Better history and still competitive with remaining teams. Built in Rivals-Texas State, UTSA, Louisiana Tech and New Mexico State The Sunbelt has not had a team in the top 25 in football. A Bowl in San Antonio is a real possibility along with one more existing bowl. The Sunbelt is even at best in football.


Basketball-WAC is better hands down, Utah State has been a top 25 team. New Mexico State has been a top 25 team a few years back. Sunbelt Zip


Baseball- The WAC had a NCAA national champion a few years ago-Fresno State, The Cali schools have good baseball Add Texas State, Lamar and UTSA to the mix Sunbelt- Good but no National Champion


Womens Softball- WAC has BYU, Texas State, New Mexico State, Utah State, San Jose, and UTSA

Sunbelt has ULL


BTW, The Sunbelt fans think they have moved ahead of the WAC in 2012. I would lay money on Louisiana Tech defeating anyone in the Sunbelt in football come 2012. Just look at La Tech's 3 star 2010 recruits if you don't think I am right. I am picking La. Tech to have the team that wins the WAC in 2012.

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Guest CardAmbassador

Don't need to convince me I completely agree with your assessment.


I do believe in 2012 WAC football will likely be a little weaker than the Sun Belt as a whole but I don't expect that to remain the case for numerous reasons. In all the other major sports you're correct the WAC is hands down a better league athletically. You forgot to mention one sport that LU fans follow religiously, women's basketball. La Tech is one of the most historic and greatest women's basketball teams of all time, I would love to see the Cards and the Bulldogs in the same conference for that reason alone, I think the WAC would immediately become a two bid league for the women's NCAA tourney if Lamar is added, our RPI gets killed because of SLC opponents.


I would just like to add though that Lamar was already in the Sun Belt once, and many of Lamar's former SLC rivals from the 60's and 70's are in the Belt, this is why many people like the Belt, they also like the idea of a more regional conference although the WAC has plenty to offer in regional competition if La Tech stays on board.


Don't get worried, the belt doesn't look like it's adding teams unless more realignment happens. We already know Lamar and the WAC have been talking, so that has a much higher possibility of happening.

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Guest CardinalClaw
Card Fans,


This Bobcat is wanting Lamar in the WAC. I have read where a number of you prefer the Sunbelt.



Let me give some reasons why the WAC is better:


Football- Better history and still competitive with remaining teams. Built in Rivals-Texas State, UTSA, Louisiana Tech and New Mexico State The Sunbelt has not had a team in the top 25 in football. A Bowl in San Antonio is a real possibility along with one more existing bowl. The Sunbelt is even at best in football.


Basketball-WAC is better hands down, Utah State has been a top 25 team. New Mexico State has been a top 25 team a few years back. Sunbelt Zip


Baseball- The WAC had a NCAA national champion a few years ago-Fresno State, The Cali schools have good baseball Add Texas State, Lamar and UTSA to the mix Sunbelt- Good but no National Champion


Womens Softball- WAC has BYU, Texas State, New Mexico State, Utah State, San Jose, Idaho. UTSA

Sunbelt has ULL


BTW, The Sunbelt fans think they have moved ahead of the WAC in 2012. I would lay money on Louisiana Tech defeating anyone in the Sunbelt in football come 2012. Just look at La Tech's 3 star 2010 recruits if you don't think I am right. I am picking La. Tech to have the team that wins the WAC in 2012.


I agree with you 100% that's why I have my fingers crossed that LAMAR gets a invite.

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Thanks Txstcat79 for the support. When I visit BobcatReport.com it appears that the majority over there are also supportive of Lamar joining the WAC. I'm actually looking forward to playing basketball in the WAC more than football, especially with Pat Knight at the helm.


As far as football goes, the Sun Belt might be better in football for a few years, but I think in 5 years time the WAC will eclipse the Belt. History is on the WAC's side. The WAC is already ahead of the Belt in basketball and it will probably stay that way too.

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Guest Txstcat79



Many Bobcat Fans have a desire for Lamar to join the WAC. Sam Houston is another story. Sam fans have been so negative toward our move up it seems our fans think they deserve to stay in FCS. They are now afraid that if Lamar accepts then they will be tied to FCS for a long long time. Sam is in panic mode because they finally see that FBS is more than football.


This move is going to catapult our entire university. Texas State has just scratched the surface of many good things to come for our U.


Lamar has support from Texas State, UTSA and Louisiana Tech in their pocket. New Mexico State is interested in Lamar also. San Jose, Idaho and Utah State are warming up to Lamar since the Cali schools can not afford the move now. The opportunity is coming soon. Seize the moment. We are seeing all kinds of support coming from our alumni stepping up to help the university move up. I would not be surprised to see Montana, Montana State and Portland State joining soon. They are playing up the Big Sky but talking behind closed doors to the WAC.

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I'm posting this via a mobile device so I apologize for any spelling issues. Let me first address the negative comments coming from txst state posters. I personally don't understand why there is so much bitterness from txst towards SHSU. I can understand the argument coming from txst that SHSU doesn't have a big DMA and our attendance numbers the last few years have been terrible. But most of txst's hate towards SHSU stems from our (non official) rivalry. SHSU and txst have been on opposite sides of the table on a lot of issues namely over who gets the flagship title. If SHSU were in the WAC then we wouldn't want txst in either.

Yes, many of my bearkat brethren laughed and joked at txst leaving to the WAC but now we might (I stress might) have to join them. Two of the reasons why our AD desires to move up has to do with "keeping up with the Joneses" but it also has to do with there being little incentive to stay in a diluted league with D2 move ups. Like I posted on katfans, SHSU fans are historically apathetic to changing athletic divisions, just look at when we went from D2 to D1. I am behind our AD 100% whether we get an invite to go FBS or stay FCS. Like I've said before I can see both sides of the argument and would be happy either way. One more point, perception is key. Existing WAC posters who don't know a lot about either LU or SHSU rely on txst posters to give them insight to both schools. Naturally,there perception of SHSU will be negatively skewed. How many games do you think any of the WAC members have been to SHSU? Txst fans have done one helluva job making SHSU look like a below par university on WAC boards. All that being said, if LU goes to WAC, more power to you guys. I just believe that SHSU will do what it has to do to thrive at whatever level we are going to be at for the next several years. My thumbs are starting to ache so ill have to get to a cpu to finish my thoughts. Lol!

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Guest Txstcat79



You can thank Texas Terror for all the goodwill from Texas State fans. He has posted nothing but negative information about Texas State and the WAC on multple forums.


I have read your posts which seem to be pro FBS. You are in the minority on Katfans.


I have enjoyed the games with Sam but feel Texas Terror carried his propaganda too far.


TT stated that you guys were going to the Sunbelt and constantly posted negative information about the WAC. His actions have not helped your chances of getting in the WAC. The WAC teams have taken notice of the negative remarks posted on bobcatfans and bobcatreport and other forums.


I have no ill will toward you but wanted to explain where the damage came from.

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Guest bigred360

That TexasTerror really gets around all he knows a lot about FCS football but rubs people from other schools the wrong way.


I really like the conversations with JJWooten and Bearkat25 but I don't care too much for TT.

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Guest Txstcat79
That TexasTerror really gets around all he knows a lot about FCS football but rubs people from other schools the wrong way.


I really like the conversations with JJWooten and Bearkat25 but I don't care too much for TT.


One of our long term fans has named him the Terrorist because he always spreads ill will about Texas State.

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This doesn't surprise me one bit. As much as I love my Cards, I was wondering why the WAC wasn't going after the Mavs before us.


Lamar is a better school than UT-A, but that school has several trump cards that conferences like more:

(1) bigger market (even if they don't draw as well- they want a "presence" in a market more than they like attendance)

(2) The "University of Texas" name

(3) Bigger student body... they forget that a following takes more than a student body (look at the number of people who attend U of H games (with 31000 undergrads) vs. Notre Dame games (8400 undergrads).


But, this could be a very good thing for Lamar because:

(1) It increases the presence of the conference in Texas meaning that, if they want to get up to 12, it won't be as shocking to see them call up Jimmy, Barry, and Billy.

(2) UT-A does not solve the 7 football team issue (since, Denver, Seattle, and UT-A don't play football).

(3) Lamar and UT-A are besties, thanks to the Academic Partnerships program that LU started and UT-A joined... so this might be a means-to-an-end situation.

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Guest Mint
I'm posting this via a mobile device so I apologize for any spelling issues. Let me first address the negative comments coming from txst state posters. I personally don't understand why there is so much bitterness from txst towards SHSU. I can understand the argument coming from txst that SHSU doesn't have a big DMA and our attendance numbers the last few years have been terrible. But most of txst's hate towards SHSU stems from our (non official) rivalry. SHSU and txst have been on opposite sides of the table on a lot of issues namely over who gets the flagship title. If SHSU were in the WAC then we wouldn't want txst in either.

Yes, many of my bearkat brethren laughed and joked at txst leaving to the WAC but now we might (I stress might) have to join them. Two of the reasons why our AD desires to move up has to do with "keeping up with the Joneses" but it also has to do with there being little incentive to stay in a diluted league with D2 move ups. Like I posted on katfans, SHSU fans are historically apathetic to changing athletic divisions, just look at when we went from D2 to D1. I am behind our AD 100% whether we get an invite to go FBS or stay FCS. Like I've said before I can see both sides of the argument and would be happy either way. One more point, perception is key. Existing WAC posters who don't know a lot about either LU or SHSU rely on txst posters to give them insight to both schools. Naturally,there perception of SHSU will be negatively skewed. How many games do you think any of the WAC members have been to SHSU? Txst fans have done one helluva job making SHSU look like a below par university on WAC boards. All that being said, if LU goes to WAC, more power to you guys. I just believe that SHSU will do what it has to do to thrive at whatever level we are going to be at for the next several years. My thumbs are starting to ache so ill have to get to a cpu to finish my thoughts. Lol!

Texas State fans would like TXST/SHSU to be the next LaTech/ULM situation. We want separation. By being in a different league athletically and potentially garnering more state media, it will be harder for SAM to still view us as their equal. Not sure if the flagship discussion is still alive, but it certainly can't hurt that either. Plus, it's nice to think of you guys eating crow after the countless negative comments regarding our move to the Bowl Subdivision.

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Guest Mint
For the record, I personally buy into the theory that the spotlight is now on the Montana's and if that doesn't work, Lamar and a Western school. If that doesn't happen, the we sell our souls to someone because I don't even want to think about Sam joining this conference.
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