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We need to get updated pictures to some of the websites

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I was looking at the Lamar team page on Phil Steele's site this evening and noticed the picture is still pre-renovation. Apparently, there are some updates to some since UCA's page is showing the purple and grey turf installed in 2011.


Link to our page: http://www.philsteele.com/FCSINFO/TeamPages/Southland/Lamar.html


The one on Texas Bob is current, but it is not the best view of the stadium. Just my opinion, but I would prefer either an aerial view or a view from the back side of the Montagne Center angled to catch the Dauphin Athletic Complex and the pressbox side of the stadium. Texas Bob does have a link to the facilities picture on lamarcardinals.com, but the link is not well identified.


Link to Texas Bob: http://www.texasbob.com/stadium/stadium.php?id=339


ChampionshpSubdivision.com is a little out of date also.


Link to Championshipsubdivision.com: http://www.championshipsubdivision.com/teams-stadiums-directory/southland-conference/lamar-cardinals-provost-umphrey-stadium/


Here's a link to worldstadiums.com The picture is was taken with just the scoreboard frame and when the Hellas Matrix FieldTurf was being installed.


Link to worldstadiums.com: http://www.worldstadiums.com/stadium_pictures/north_america/united_states/texas/beaumont_umphrey.shtml


Sent from my Android device using Tapatalk2


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