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Nicknames For PUS Stadium


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Whatever is decided it needs to be promoted to the public. Someone should create a Facebook fan page and maybe a new shirt design with the angry cards logo but with the cardinal head busting through a birdcage. BRI could use it for fundraising since we didn't get to on the last idea.


Obviously, I'm partial to "The Cage" :)


I like the Angry Cards, but put it going flying over "The Hill". The Cage is is too obvious of a name. The Hill is not so much and like someone else said earlier, it could take on a meaning of its own.

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls welcome to your home form Lamar Football, THE HILL!

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I still like " THE U " but " THE HILL " also has a ring about it. The whole thing with the cage is without MMA being popular would it even be on the list? I think we need a name that not only sounds out but will last from one generation to the next. The cage is top five don't get me wrong, just trying to be more critical of the best ones now. One side note is we don't want to be labeled BIRD BRAINS either....lol
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Guest CardAmbassador

I like The Cage regardless of MMA which I don't watch or care for. I don't see how it would fade in popularity over time.


Anyways I just thought it would be fun for us all to choose a top 4 and then maybe in a few days we can do a thread with a poll.

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I don't like The Hill. Maybe i just don't get what is ment by it but we live in one of the flattest places in the US. Why would we call our stadium, which is flat located on flat land and the word flat has nothing to do with LU, The Hill? It just doesn't make sence. And other people will also have a problem making sence of it so it will have a harder time sticking then The Cage which is obvious and very stickable(Is that a word?). I mean i've already got many of my friends calling it the Cage just by saying it once to them. It is a name that will stick. I just don't see the Hill sticking.
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I don't like The Hill. Maybe i just don't get what is ment by it but we live in one of the flattest places in the US. Why would we call our stadium, which is flat located on flat land and the word flat has nothing to do with LU, The Hill? It just doesn't make sence. And other people will also have a problem making sence of it so it will have a harder time sticking then The Cage which is obvious and very stickable(Is that a word?). I mean i've already got many of my friends calling it the Cage just by saying it once to them. It is a name that will stick. I just don't see the Hill sticking.


It is a reference to the university's obviously close ties to Spindletop. If you don't know much about it go to Google. It was called "Spindletop Hill". I am grew up in Oregon all my life so I understand what you are saying when you say you don't get the whole hill thing, but that is why it could take on a meaning and life of its own. It could mean something different to everyone. As a person interested in history especially historical battles many a war was fought over a hill or a raised piece of land (ie. hamburger hill - great movie if you've never seen it, the battle of Gettysburg was fought over many hills). It was and is still common practice when involved in a battle (which is what many refer to football as) that you want to have control of the high ground or in this case "The Hill." I get that it is not a huge hill that we are talking about but to me many of the other names are just to cliche and maybe not, in my opinion, be something that would be remembered by everyone, but a lot of people would think well why did they call it "The Hill" which could lead to many discussions and theories being discussed. Then there will be those that just say we just don't want to have to go back to "The Hill" to do battle again. They, the LU football team, defend "The Hill" very well. Or something of that nature. I just think it could be something to be proud of rather than "PUS." No disrespect intended toward anyone involved with the "PUS" group. Just my opinion but it seems like there is great discussions on this board so just something to talk about.

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I don't like The Hill. Maybe i just don't get what is ment by it but we live in one of the flattest places in the US. Why would we call our stadium, which is flat located on flat land and the word flat has nothing to do with LU, The Hill? It just doesn't make sence. And other people will also have a problem making sence of it so it will have a harder time sticking then The Cage which is obvious and very stickable(Is that a word?). I mean i've already got many of my friends calling it the Cage just by saying it once to them. It is a name that will stick. I just don't see the Hill sticking.


It is a reference to the university's obviously close ties to Spindletop. If you don't know much about it go to Google. It was called "Spindletop Hill". I am grew up in Oregon all my life so I understand what you are saying when you say you don't get the whole hill thing, but that is why it could take on a meaning and life of its own. It could mean something different to everyone. As a person interested in history especially historical battles many a war was fought over a hill or a raised piece of land (ie. hamburger hill - great movie if you've never seen it, the battle of Gettysburg was fought over many hills). It was and is still common practice when involved in a battle (which is what many refer to football as) that you want to have control of the high ground or in this case "The Hill." I get that it is not a huge hill that we are talking about but to me many of the other names are just to cliche and maybe not, in my opinion, be something that would be remembered by everyone, but a lot of people would think well why did they call it "The Hill" which could lead to many discussions and theories being discussed. Then there will be those that just say we just don't want to have to go back to "The Hill" to do battle again. They, the LU football team, defend "The Hill" very well. Or something of that nature. I just think it could be something to be proud of rather than "PUS." No disrespect intended toward anyone involved with the "PUS" group. Just my opinion but it seems like there is great discussions on this board so just something to talk about.


My point exactly. Plus I grew up in southeast Texas and remember watching a lot of games at Lamar. We used to sit on the hill(the endzones) for all the games. When my friends and I talk about it, we would always say lets go sit on the Hill. Think about it, "Man those Cardinal's sure do defend The Hill."

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Ok i get it but to the casual fan they probably still won't get it. Their most likely going to think of a king of the hill type thing and not get the true meaning of it. The Cage is simple stright foward and everybody can make a conection with it and not get it confused for meaning something else.
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