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2015 Dallas Cowboys Off-Season News and Notes

eagle eye

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Yesterday Dallas signed free agent linebacker Andrew Gachkar who had been with the San Diego Chargers. He will be a good special teams player and backup linebacker. The Cowboys signings so far have been to provide depth. The big splashes are likely to come via the draft but Dallas is notorious for it's week 2 signings in free agency.


Speaking of Week 2 free agent signings. DE Greg Hardy and his people have been reported as in talks with the Cowboys for a deal. After missing all of 2014 under the commissioner's exempt list after domestic violence issues and speculation he could be suspended anywhere from 2-6 games he price is liable to be dirt cheap. Signing Hardy could be as valuable as the signing of Rolando McClain was last year but even more so. McClain was Dallas taking a chance on a guy who retired twice and never really played up to his potential but Hardy is a proven commodity. In 2013 he made the Pro Bowl and 2nd team All Pro. The domestic violence issue was dismissed after the lady in question failed to show up to court. The accusations against him are serious and he definitely needs some counselling but the Cowboys have a great player support system headed by former player Calvin Hill. The stability of the Cowboys locker room should also help Hardy. Signing him could be a tremendous win-win for both the player and the team.

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Dallas has veteran linebacker Jasper Brinkley to a 2 year deal for $6.5 MM w/ $1.25 MM guaranteed. Brinkley plays mostly inside linebacker so he's likely to be a backup at the MIKE spot and special teams player.


The only development in the Greg Hardy deal is that, according to Mike Fisher @ #fishsports the Cowboys have been talking to Hardy's old coaches and so far they like what they've been hearing. (fingers crossed here)

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I posted the other day that Dallas had signed a middle linebacker named Jasper Brinkley. The 29 year old linebacker who played for the Vikings before becoming a free agent looks to be a guy who could actually start at the MIKE linebacker spot if Rolando McClain can't be resigned. In the link below DallasCowboys.com analyst and former scout Bryan Broaddus breaks down Brinkley as a player.




Still nothing definitive about the Greg Hardy deal. He and the Cowboys are still talking.

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After two full days of negotiating and talking the Cowboys and defensive end Greg Hardy have agreed to terms on a one year $11.3 MM deal that could escalate to $13.1 MM if certain incentives are met. In the link below an article from the Bleacher Report by Tyler Conway which includes a tweet by ESPN's Adam Schefter breaking down the exact details of the contract. Actually, this is a heavily, heavily incentive laden contract with begins with a minimum base salary of $745K. It's great news for a Cowboys team that has been sack-starved for several seasons. Hardy was drafted by the Carolina Panthers in the 2010 draft and he had his best seasons in 2012 and 2013 when he recorded 11 and 15 sacks respectively. In 2013 Hardy was a 2nd team All Pro and made the Pro Bowl. He played one game in 2014 before a domestic violence incident derailed his season. According to Mickey Spagnola of DallasCowboys.com via the podcast Talkin Cowboys the 9-1-1 call to the police was placed by Hardy because he said his then-girlfriend was attacking him and beating him with a shoe. Now, the reports of the violence he committed on the lady is inexcusable especially when the victim sustained bruises and was choked according to reports. You have to wonder why the young lady never showed up in court last month to testify against Hardy. Her failure to appear was cause for the case to be thrown out but now Hardy is subject to fines and/or suspension by the NFL. The suspension has been anywhere from 2 games to 6.

Whenever Hardy is able to get on the field next season it will be a big shot in the arm for Dallas' pass rush and with his signing it should catapult the Cowboys into the top five teams favored to go to the Super Bowl. If the Cowboys draft well that number and expectations should grow as well.



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Dallas stayed in house for a signing they completed yesterday of defensive tackle Nick Hayden. Hayden was one of those guys signed in desperation in 2013 when Dallas suffered one injury after another on the defensive side of the ball. He and DE George Selvie were players who were kept for the 2014 season and while Selvie's production fell off considerably last season Hayden was steady as a rock playing the one technique. Hayden was not dominating but he was solid and helped anchor the middle of the defensive line for the Cowboys. I am happy they Cowboys signed him to a new deal. The 29 year old player is solid and will end up being a rotational player on the interior line. Signing Greg Hardy was great for one year but if he's not what Dallas believes him to be or it doesn't work out for one reason or another the Cowboys will need to fill another hole in 2016. This means Dallas will be open to drafting either a d-end or a d-tackle in the first or second round of this years draft.


Speaking of George Selvie, the NY Giants signed Selvie to a one year $1.4MM deal yesterday.


I wonder how much Jerry bashing is going to take place now that Dallas has signed Greg Hardy. Dale Hansen, a long time sports reporter in the Dallas area, yesterday in a video blog on his regular sports segment on WFAA ABC in Dallas-Ft Worth area. The segment titled "Dale Hansen Unplugged" is geared as a platform to do a rant on controversial subjects or hot button sports items of the day. Hansen was the partner of the voice of Cowboys on the radio, Brad Sham, until constant friction between then head coach Barry Switzer and Jerry Jones and him caused Hansen to be fired. The rift began in the 1994 training camp when he and Switzer had a heated on-camera argument and evidently the relationship deteriorated from there. Hansen is an award winning broadcaster with a lot of respect nationally and his "Unplugged" rant yesterday has gone national. In it he accuses Jerry Jones of being insensitive to women and he said Jason Garrett is either a liar and hypocrite or he's Jerry Jones puppet. Decide for yourself after listening to the rant via the link below.




While I agree that signing Hardy is risky in a lot of different ways and his signing could be construed as being insensitive to women. It appears that Hardy was actually convicted of assault by a judge the case was thrown out on appeal because during the jury trial the lady in question never showed up and could not be found to testify against Hardy. There is speculation that Hardy paid off the woman to disappear. Hardy isn't a paragon of what an upstanding citizen should be but he has gone through the court system and done what he's had to for that. It may not be the best of circumstances but that's the way our judicial system works. As a fan I'm glad we got the dominant player but I do have concerns about Greg Hardy. Do I forgive Hardy for his transgressions? I wonder if it's my place to do that. What matters is who he is going forward. Hitting women is never acceptable but we've all know guys who have done it. Guys we work with or play games with. You don't have to like them or what they do you just take care of your business and move on. Now on Colin Cowherd's show he compared Hardy with Aaron Hernandez which is totally wrong. Hernandez killed people. Executed them as if they were so much dirt and while hitting women is reprehensible it's not that. I don't blame Jerry Jones for taking advantage of a system and a set of circumstances to sign an impact player on his team. The way the Cowboys structured the deal it really offers Hardy nothing if he doesn't play and it doesn't reward him the way being on the Commissioner's Exempt List did by paying his salary while his off field issues were pending. The NFL league office would have been better served suspending Hardy until the issue was resolved. The NFL league office seems paralyzed by the many issues that have prevailed over the last year and half. Roger Goodell has butter on his hands making him continually drop the ball on the issue. Any suspension should have been dealt with immediately upon his arrest. The NFL certainly has the right to do that if a player is involved a domestic violence case. Make a stand Roger. I blame the system more than I blame the Cowboys for signing Hardy. As they say, everyone has the right to a second chance and in Hardy's case it's likely his last chance because a second offense is a lifetime ban. As far as the NFL is concerned Hardy has one foot out the door and one foot on a banana peel. He'll need to straighten up and fly right or find a new line of work or possibly to go jail. I say lighten up on Jerry and Jason and Cowboys fans who will continue to root for their Cowboys despite what their feelings about Hardy may be. 20 years ago Dallas got a player who was considered "out of control" and a locker room poison pill and he changed his demeanor and help the Cowboys win 3 Super Bowls. You know him, Charles Haley. People can change. They can grow and mature. Sometimes people just need a second chance.

Edited by eagle eye
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Man, I appreciate guys who don't go off half-cocked and react to things in an emotional rather than a rational way. I have always found Mickey Spagnola of DallasCowboys.com to be one of those guys. Perspective, facts and rational thinking. That's what a good journalist is supposed to exemplify. So, after the maelstrom and backlash of the signing of Greg Hardy where Jerry Jones integrity, Jason Garrett's veracity and the fans of the Cowboys who applauded the deal for Hardy signed Wednesday were all taken to task and had their very morality questioned here come Mr Spagnola with what was needed immediately following the signing. Again, the media took the TMZ route treating the whole situation like gossip passing moral judgement on everybody in sight. For the life of me, I should be used to that be now but doggoneit I always fall for the bait. So, take a look at the Greg Hardy case in terms of cold, hard fact and take a look at the breakdown of the Greg Hardy contract in equally cold and hard facts and come to your own conclusion.




Here's an updated list of free agent comings and goings for the Cowboys. I somehow missed the signed of the two OT's RJ Dill and Ryan Miller way back in January. Also in January the Cowboys signed a safety named Keelan Johnson. The Cowboys have also signed a 3rd fullback to go along with Tyler Clutts and Jed Collins who was signed on March 12. His name is Ray Agnew. Competition is the key to making your team better and Jason Garrett and company certainly have created a competition at fullback. Dallas has also sign a long snapper named Casey Kreiter to take some of the load off LP Ladouceur for OTAs and training camp. Kreiter was part of the Cowboys 90 man roster last season for the same reason.



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I want to say that I've always admired people who can look at the world with some perspective and not fly off the handle letting their emotions guide them. That's how lynch mobs and riots occur more often than not. People fired by emotion do extreme things, some not always to the benefit of society. That's why I have always appreciated Mickey Spagnola of DallasCowboys.com. He has always been able to exemplify the best of what the 4th estate is supposed to be about. A voice of reason in a sea of chaos. Okay, all this isn't so dire as to threaten the fiber of society but c'mon the majority of media has gone all TMZ on this deal. Jerry Jones-insensitive to women, Jason Garrett-Idiot, puppet or hypocrite, Cowboys fans who supported the Greg Hardy signing-mercenary bastards. Mickey takes a look at the signing and the deal Hardy agreed to from a sane, rational and factual manner. Check out the link below and see for yourself and come to your own conclusions. To me, that's good journalism.




Here's list of the free agent comings and goings up to now.



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Since the Ray Rice punch on camera at an Atlantic City hotel elevator domestic violence has become THE hot button topic in the NFL and the latest crusade a la mode has been the signing of Greg Hardy. I am sick of ESPN making Hardy the poster boy for domestic violence. It's clear something happened last year but a judge, a female judge, was so incensed at Hardy's actions at the bench trial last summer that she slapped Hardy with a suspended 6 month jail sentence and 18 month probation. I'm telling you, that lady judge was apparently not convinced that Hardy was the second coming of Charles Manson considering her verdict and sentencing in the bench trial. A bench trial, btw, is a hearing with no jury and only the testimony of the accused, the victim and the arresting officer/s to go by. Apparently there was not a recorded history of domestic violence by Hardy to lean on either. However, a female judge didn't think what took place was heinous enough to throw Hardy in jail, even for such a short term as 6 months. However, the people at ESPN I have heard weigh in on the matter have just made Hardy the face of domestic violence because he was "convicted" of the accusation. Now, Hardy could have accepted the 18 months probation and the issue would have died and he'd probably still be a Carolina Panther. But, by Carolina law you can appeal a bench trial with a jury trial and that's what Hardy elected to do. Now, when the case went to trial it was thrown out because the victim didn't show up and couldn't be found. It was reported that she accepted a cash settlement from Hardy and stayed out of sight the day the of the trial. One more thing about the case, by Carolina law the prosecution can still prosecute the case without the witness using her testimony from the bench trial but it wasn't done because of some significant differences in what the lady told the cops the night of the incident and what she testified at the bench trial that made the case too shaky to take to court. Case closed as far as North Carolina is concerned. It sure doesn't sound like Hardy's actions were as reprehensible as they are being painted does it? Hardy is no angel and certainly something happened that night but the way the case went it doesn't appear like Hardy is the urban terrorist he's being painted as.

You want to bash Jerry Jones for signing Hardy under these circumstances? That's okay, he's no stranger to criticism and even among Cowboys fans there is a large portion who just hate Jerra. But c'mon man, this bashing of Jason Garrett, Charlotte Jones Anderson (Jerry's daughter) who has backed her father's and the Cowboys front office signing of Hardy buy saying the Cowboys have an opportunity to help a player turn his life around, Jason Garrett's father and Cowboys fans who have been in favor of the signing have been over the top and out of line. Go to DallasCowboys.com or follow the links below and see what Jerry and Stephen Jones and Jason Garret have said about the Cowboys due diligence in investigating Hardy's background all the way back to his high school days had in the process of deciding to sign Hardy. Sounds to me like Dallas did their homework on this guy. Another item is Dallas didn't pursue Hardy. Like a lot of teams they kicked the tires and the deal they made with him holds no guaranteed money and certainly doesn't force Dallas to keep him if he doesn't work out and it certainly doesn't effect the Cowboys salary cap at all if he doesn't make the team. It's a no-tolerance contract that only rewards Hardy if he does all the right things on and off the field. It's a minor risk for a great reward situation. I'm sure that Dallas' front office new the team would take a hit in the media. After all, it's not politically correct to hire a wife beater especially after the debacle the NFL made of the Ray Rice affair and the backlash of the hire has been harsh. But, Jerra has been through this kind of thing before and he's shown a pretty thick skin and if nothing else I admire his courage to stand up to this heat in an effort to shore up a huge hole in his team's defense. I hope the Cowboys and Greg Hardy come out of this successful. On the Cowboys side success would be a good enough defense to compliment the offense to go to, and win, a Super Bowl. For Greg Hardy, with the help of the Cowboys player support system, I hope he becomes a better person off the field while maintaining his quality of play on the field and I hope that the media, ESPN especially, likes the taste of crow.










On a more football related tone here's a link to an article from DallasCowboys.com about some of the top running back prospects in this year's draft visiting Valley Ranch this week.




You may have heard that CB Brandon Carr is not open to discussions about a pay cut to help free up some salary cap money for the Cowboys and because he probably hasn't lived up to such a high paycheck. How would you feel if your boss came up to you to asked you to take a pay cut because the company needed the money and because you haven't performed up to your salary expectations? You'd say no too. It doesn't mean that a little tweaking to Carr's contract can't be done. That's what the article link below seems to be trying to tell us.




While LB Rolando McClain was a big difference maker when he was healthy for the Cowboys defense last season there was a willingness to allow him to test free agency. It is now 3 weeks into free agency and no reports of any interest in McClain have surfaced. Why? Well, it's because McClain has retired twice and hasn't stayed healthy in his time in the NFL. Despite the fact that he was a major factor in the Cowboys defense for 3/4 of the season before injuries slowed him down and derailed his play on the field they is a genuine factor about McClain's desire to play football, about his overall toughness and apparently his dedication to getting better in the weight room and the meeting room. Dallas has signed several linebackers this off season and they found a guy in Anthony Hitchens in last year's draft that could certainly play middle linebacker for Dallas. They probably feel they don't need McClain especially if he's more of a pain than he's worth. With the backlash of the Greg Hardy signing still very much in the news Dallas may not want to take on another headache in the locker room. The link below is an article that is saying that maybe Dallas could still sign McClain but..................



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With all the wringing of hands over the loss of DeMarco Murray (I admit, I was one of the wringers.) and an arched eyebrow or two over the signing of Darren McFadden don't go to sleep on a guy who spent 2014 on the Cowboys practice squad. Remember Ryan Williams? You know the 2nd round pick of the Arizona Cardinals who displayed such promise as a rookie but a torn patellar tendon in his knee derailed his career. It actually was spelled the end of his time in Arizona as the 2012 injury kept him off the field in 2013 and landed him on the street in 2014. The Cowboys took a chance on Williams and he showed some burst and some speed in training camp. Enough so that the Cowboys included him their final cuts before the season but they were quick to resign him after he cleared waivers. To some who believe that Dallas is lumping all their eggs into the Darren McFadden basket for 2015 didn't pay attention to the contract Run-DMC signed. The contract only calls for a minimal amount of guaranteed money so his is a kick-the-tires sort of deal. If McFadden truly is done it cost Dallas a drop in the bucket for a look. It doesn't preclude the Cowboys from drafting a running back in the first round like say a Todd Gurley from Georgia is still on the board he may be the best player available and the Cowboys first overall pick in this year's draft. But, it doesn't mean Williams won't get his shot and as a practice squad guy HE won't cost much for the look-see either.


In an interview yesterday Jerry Jones said that their draft board going into this year's draft is wide open. The signing of Greg Hardy means that a huge hole in the Cowboys roster has been filled and the Cowboys are free to draft the "best available" player. They did that last year and ended up with All Pro Zack Martin. Jerry also admitted it may be time to start seriously looking for Tony Romo's replacement. We're not talking about the Cowboys moving up for a chance at Jamais Winston or Marcus Mariota but if, say, a Brice Petty from Baylor or Todd Hundley from UCLA is sitting there for the taking in the second or third round it would not be a shock to see Dallas sign one of their names on their draft card.


Need a little spring pick-me-up? Try this slide show from DallasCowboys.com featuring some photos from the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders at their 2016 calendar shoot in Tulum Mexico. Tulum is located on the Yucatan Peninsula about 50 miles south of Playa del Carmen.



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The mock drafts are well in the 4th and 5th editions by now and it's starting to take some shape as far as having some interest to fans. In the link below DallasCowboys.com's David Helman gives us nice cross reference of mocks and who the "experts" think Dallas is likely to take. A new guy has taken over as the favorite and it's a direct result of the Greg Hardy signing. UT fans should find this article interesting.




In his weekly article on DallasCowboys.com Mickey Spagnola give us the clues to the why's of several player's contracts and questions begin to mount about what the 2015 roster will look like. Interesting bit of news.




You get a little tired of Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett saying the politically correct things all the time. Always being polite, never calling out players or refs or giving Cowboys opponents any bulletin board material to motivate them above and beyond the norm. So, when you get an article from the Ft Worth Star-Telegram's lead sportswriter, Clarence Hill, talking about Jason Garrett's reaction to the NFL NOT amending the Calvin Johnson catch rule you kind of sit up and take notice. BTW, Jason Garrett thought Dez caught that ball in Green Bay too!




The NFL draft is 33 days away!


Did you ever notice that the NFL is a year round business. I know all sports are but they have ingrained themselves into our lives every single month of the year now. I know that you already count September through February from week 1 through the Super Bowl but they augment February with the Senior Bowl and the NFL scouting combine. March comes along and for at least two weeks free agency dominates the sports landscape. Then comes April and the continuation of college pro days and private work outs aiming toward the NFL draft which begins on the final day of the month. May kicks off by the draft and the beginning of voluntary OTA's which always garners a lot of attention. Then comes June and mandatory OTA's begin with discussions about contract holdouts and draft pick signings dot the monthly business agenda. July begins with final team's final OTA workout as every single team prays to the football gods that the dead time between the last OTA and training camp which begins at the end of the month doesn't see additions to the NFL Knucklehead's Club. Testosterone filled young men with too dang much time on their hands seem to always find a way to get into some kind of trouble. Training camp shifts into full swing in August as teams try to whittle down their rosters from 90 guys to 53 plus a practice squad as the drive to Week 1 of the new NFL season begins the process all over again. Is it any wonder that the NFL is a multi-BILLION dollar entity? Without even trying they have become an integral part of their fans, and non-fans too, lives. As appropriate as baseball is about to begin their long odyssey on April 5th the NFL took the "Field of Dreams" catch phrase, 'If you build it, they will come.' to a level never dreamed of way back in 1958 when Baltimore beat the NY Giants on a Johnny Unitas QB sneak in overtime for the NFL Championship on TV on a December evening. With that game, called the "greatest game ever played" coupled with the marriage of the NFL with TV it sparked a 57 year and counting nuclear blast into American society. It's so freaking big it's pushing the encumbrance of the US boarders and threatening to expand world wide. Who's to say that the development of the Star Trek transporter machine isn't going to be pushed to facilitate NFL travel demands as the new millennium progresses. Come to think of a world wide transporter system would be pretty freaking sweet, I'm just saying.........................................

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The Cowboys strengthened their defense today by coming to terms on a one year deal with LB Rolando McClain. The deal is worth around $3MM with an additional $1MM in incentives. It's 3 weeks into free agency and you'd think that by the way he played last season that offers would be rolling in but none came. It's likely because of McClain's history in the league. He retired twice and he didn't play in an NFL game for over a year when he came to Dallas. There are also questions about his durability. He was only able to play in 12 games during the regular season and he left both Cowboys playoff games early on with a concussion. That said, McClain was second on the team in tackles and he had game sealing interceptions against Seattle and the Giants. Since it's a one year deal there is no reason not to draft a quality LB in the draft but it also means Dallas is even more able to take the very best player available when their turn comes around.


Recently Tony Romo did a 45 minute interview on the 105 The Fan morning show with Ben and Skin. Normally, I hate player interviews but Romo was engaging and interesting. At one point Romo broke down the infamous Dez non-catch play in the Green Bay playoff game. That was interesting as hell. The interview included subjects such as DeMarco Murry, his Jimmy Kimmell interview where he inferred Jerry Jones had only 3-4 years to live and a fantasy football fan convention in Las Vegas which is in the works. I have posted a link below to the whole interview but if you want to listen to bits and pieces of it go to DallasCowboys.com's multimedia page and choose the segment you are interested in.





Here's some links to profiles of players who could be on the Cowboys radar in the upcoming draft.







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The Cowboys have signed a new defense end--or is it a tight end? Even the Cowboys aren't sure at this point but regardless the player named Efe Obada. Obada has played just five games for the London Warriors of the British American Football Association. He is the second Londoner on the Cowboys now joining DE Jack Crawford who grew up in London before moving to the United States to attend high school and eventually Penn State University where he played football. Obada is a physical specimen going 6'6" and 255 lbs but he's bound to be very raw. Regardless, Dallas must have seen something in the big man who currently is a warehouse storeman for Grace Foods located on the outskirts of London. You know something. I can't help but think this a classic April fool's joke. I'll believe it when DallasCowboys.com posts it.---Update, it's no joke. DC.com posted the deal a few minutes ago. Welcome to Dallas, mate.




Today the Cowboys announced that Tony Romo has agreed to restructure his contract to help free up about $12MM in cap money. Romo's 2015 cap hit was going to be $27MM dollars and would steadily decline in future years of the life of his contract. It has been reported the Cowboys were will willing to take the cap hit this season with the benefit of future years lower expense. Here's the lowdown on the deal from DallasCowboys.com.



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For those of you old enough or fan enough of Cowboys trivia the very first QB in history, Eddie LaBaron died this week at age 85 of natural causes. LaBaron spent 4 seasons with Dallas from their inaugural season of 1960 through the 1963 season. In 1962 LaBaron made the Pro Bowl despite splitting time with future starting QB Don Meredith. In all he spent 11 years in the NFL the first seven of which was with the Washington Redskins where he made the Pro Bowl 3 times.


Here are the linebackers Dallas currently has on their roster: Sean Lee, Jasper Brinkley, Rolando McClain, Anthony Hitchens, Dakoda Watson, Kyle Wilbur, Andrew Gachkar, Will Smith, Keith Rivers, Cameron Lawrence, Troy Davis and James Anderson. The Cowboys lost starters Justin Durant and Bruce Carter to free agency. Gachkar, Rivers and McClain, who tested the free agent market before resigning with Dallas were free agent signings. The only two players who will start this season are Lee and McClain with a wide open race for the 3 LB spot. Keith Rivers is sometimes the forgotten man in the mix because since being drafted with the ninth overall pick in the 2008 draft out of So Cal he's been largely a bust.l As Bill Parcels once said, somebody at one time thought he was a good player and if Rivers can reinvent himself Dallas, along with Rolando McClain will have two former first round top ten picks at LB. Rivers would have to earn a job at the SAM spot with McClain and Lee holding down the MIKE and WILL spots. If Rivers isn't suited to play the SAM he could be a capable backup at the WILL to Lee. Rivers is just 28 years old and he's a veteran guy who adds value and depth to the roster. So, I'm saying Rivers is a dark horse favorite to earn a starting position on the team. I will certainly be keeping an eye on reports of his progress this off season in OTA's and training camp. If an impact linebacker is available in the draft don't expect Dallas to pass on him because nobody's contract except Lee's would stop the Cowboys from drafting a good young player at linebacker.

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People asked this week after Tony Romo agreed to restructure his contract why he didn't do it earlier so Dallas could keep RB DeMarco Murray. The answer to this question is answered by DallasCowboys.com's Mickey Spagnola in his weekly article and no, it's not because the Cowboys are making cap room for Adrian Peterson.




Speaking of AP, I find it quite interesting how incensed people got over the Greg Hardy signing and how little is being said about Peterson's abuse of his son. What does it say about us when we get so fired up about a minor domestic abuse issue where the man got a slap on the wrist from the court system and nothing happens to Peterson who spanked his kid with a switch and the result was bad enough to need medical treatment and everyone is speculating just where AP will play this season. Unbelievable.


Speaking of the Hardy case, there is word that the photos of the incident between Hardy and his then-girlfriend were released to the NFL in consideration for the severity of his suspension from the NFL will be. According to the Bleacher Report which has since been taken down reported that only one photo showed a possible bruise on the lady in question. The photos in question were taken after the incident and were not part of the evidence in Hardy's trial. Those are the pics that the NFL were requesting from the Charlotte DA. It is believed that a ruling will come down from the NFL around April 15th and Hardy for his part has said that he will appeal any suspension over 2 games.


Have a happy Easter!

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The week Dallas will have 30 potential draftees come to Valley Ranch to chat with the coaches and front office people. I suppose it's a mass job interview. It is significant who comes because most are guys who the Cowboys have a genuine interest in drafting at this point but want to know more about. The rest are guys who the Cowboys just want to know more than they do right now because they didn't go to the Senior Bowl or they didn't get the chance to chat with them at the Scouting Combine or they having had their pro day yet. Guys who are the team now who made the visit to Valley Ranch prior to the draft include Travis Frederick, Zack Martin, Dez and Tyron Smith.

Each day this week there will be several players come in for their visits. Yesterday's visitors included Georgia RB Todd Gurley (considered the best RB in this year's draft), UCLA LB Eric Kendricks, Washington LB Shaq Thompson and Kentucky DE Bud Dupree.


Here's some links to player profiles on DallasCowboys.com of players that the Cowboys could be looking at as potential draft picks in the draft beginning April 30.









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Former Houston Texan first round pick DT Amobi Acoye who has been trying to make a comeback to the NFL after missing the past 3 seasons because of a rare brain disease that saw him put into an induced coma for 3 months to facilitate his recovery has been released by the Cowboys today. Dallas took a chance and signed him in case he was able to complete his comeback and be a cheap 1st round player for a Dallas defense in need of some help on the D-line. Despite reports that Acoye worked hard and did everything possible to return to the field after not playing a down since 2012 he was not able to crack the Cowboys lineup. Too bad but he was already considered a bit of a bust after Houston let him go after two seasons. He had a rebirth of sorts in Chicago playing for then defensive coordinator Rod Marinelli and it was hoped Marinelli would be able to help Acoye make his comeback complete. Hopefully, Acoye will be able to chase his dream elsewhere. The move saves Dallas $870K in salary cap money with no dead money carryover.
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The Cowboys have lost another player to free agency. Today the New Orleans Saints signed LB/DE Anthony Spencer to a one year deal. This will reunite Spencer with former Cowboys defensive coordinator Rob Ryan who is now the Saints DC. Spencer had the best year of his 8 year career in 2012 under Ryan when he recorded 11 sacks and 55 tackles playing the SAM LB spot in Ryan's 3/4 defense. The Cowboys didn't get a compensatory draft pick this year but with some significant free agent losses this season the Cowboys may end up with 3-4 comp picks in 2015.


Here's a link to DallasCowboys.com's David Helman's 3.0 recap of this week's mock drafts. As Helman points out, thing change a lot and often in the NFL and none change like weekly mocks. Personally, I can't decide which way I want the Cowboys to go but their biggest weakness against Green Bay in the divisional round of the playoffs last season the lack of pass rush is what burned Dallas the worst. Dallas did sign Greg Hardy to a one year deal so the 'Boys could go D-tackle but either way they need to get a defensive front that can pressure the QB. Period. So, I guess I just talked myself into a defensive end. Let's see who's mocks most agree about.




BTW, the draft is 2 weeks and 6 days away.


In this week's article by lead writer for DallasCowboys.com, Mickey Spagnola, the Mick-ster talks about thoughts he had spring to mind as he attended the ceremony for the Texas Sports Hall of Fame 2015 Inductees. There were 8 athletes who were enshrined with 2 of them being former Cowboys. As usual Mickey has an interesting take on what was a nice day in Texas sports.




All 32 teams in the NFL have a day dedicated to giving workouts to local athletes who either live in the area or played in the area in either high school or college. Today was officially Dallas Day for those workouts. The highest profile player at Valley Ranch today was Boise State running back Jay Ajayi who, if you've seen the DallasCowboys.com writer's mocks, have Ajayi included in 1st or 2nd round picks in this year's draft. If you notice, there's some pretty good names who attended today's festivities. Here's a recap of today's activities in north Texas.



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Tick-tock, tick-tock (crickets chirping) playing with pencils at my desk. The draft is how many days away? 15? Crap.


One of the positions of need for the Cowboys is generally considered cornerback. Orlando Scandrick is solid but after that the position is a little shaky. Brandon Carr is signed but based on his high salary cap hit many feel the Cowboys are not getting the bang for their mucho bucks. People say if he doesn't take a pay cut then cut him. Tough love until you realize without Carr you're stuck with a lot of dead money this year and next year and nothing at all to show for it. I think it's quite likely Carr will stick around and the way to get him to take a "pay cut" is to extend his contract a couple of years giving him a lot of bucks up front in the way of a signing bonus so instead of a salary cap hit of $8MM this year and a similar amount next year you have him for the next 4 years at around $3MM per. Carr doesn't look so bad then does he? You've got some shaky depth behind Scandrick and Carr too in 2nd year man Tyler Patmon and free agent signee from New Orleans Corey White for depth. Here's a link to a DallasCowboys.com article taking a look at 5 possible draft picks that Dallas may be looking at for this year's draft.



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The Cowboys Star Magazine has just released it's second annual Draft Guide. It's a look at this year's top draft prospects and it has a lot of stats and info that is very interesting to fans of the NFL draft written by the Cowboys official site beat writers. I bought my copy last year at the Cowboys Pro Shop at Parkdale Mall but you can also get it on line, by phone or by conventional mail. Here's the link to the DallasCowboys.com article that tells you how to get yours.




DallasCowboys.com also has a podcast called the Dallas Cowboys Draft Show hosted by Cowboys beat writer and former NFL scout Bryan Broaddus, Cowboys staff writer David Helman and CBS Sports draft expert Dane Brugler. The reason I mention this is because Dane has put out an even more complete draft guide than the one mentioned above. This one is for hard core draft fans who want to know every freaking thing about this year's draft prospects. As he's said on the Cowboys Draft podcast it was a labor of love that took the last 9 month to compile and write. You can get it via Dane's twitter account

or another place I found is on MyFootballNews.com and look for the link to Dane's magazine download page. There's also link on CBSsports.com as well. I believe it costs $34.95 and listening to Dane on the podcast, he knows his business very well. I believe he's earned some cred from Bryan Broaddus who seems really impressed with Dane's knowledge and evaluation ability. There have been very few times I've heard Broaddus disagree with anything Brugler has said in terms of evaluation of players. He may disagree from time to time about where he'd rank a player but it's obvious Broaddus feels like Brugler is legit.


Today is Thursday and the reason I mention that is because the NFL draft is exactly 2 weeks away!

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Cowboys off season workouts official began today with most of the team in attendance. The only reported no-shows were Dez Bryant and Orlando Scandrick. Who knows why Scandrick isn't with the team but it is not totally unexpected that Bryant didn't show up. In fact it's pretty common for franchised players not to show up to what are voluntary workouts without a deal in place. Bryant has yet to sign his $12.98 MM franchise tag agreement and he and his agent are still hoping to get a long term deal done before the July 15th deadline to sign the tender offer. Many NFL players have held out under similar circumstances eventually getting either a deal done or the tender signed. Bryant, or the agent representing him, would be stupid to walk away from $12.98 MM dollar that is guaranteed by the franchise tag.


Update on why Scandrick isn't at workouts. According to the Bleacher Report Scandrick wants a new contract. Turns out that's just speculation but he did sign a $9MM contract two years ago when it was thought he was being overpaid at the time. His cap hit this season is $1.5MM and I'm sure since he signed his contract the fact that he is considered the best CB on the team now and Brandon Carr is slated to make $8MM and constantly injured Mo Claiborne is scheduled to make $2.4MM we could be looking at a little contract envy. The fact is Scandrick will lose a big chunk of change unless he is present for 90% of the team's off season workouts. So, while this is a mild protest I would not look for much absenteeism by him.


Dez Bryant fired a guy that took him in way back in his Oklahoma State days after the NCAA suspended him for his association with Deion Sanders who was portrayed as a recruiter for agent Tom Condon. David Wells took Dez into his home and helped him stay on the straight and narrow. The Cowboys like having Wells around Dez so he can focus on playing football but apparently Dez is growing tired of Wells and has terminated his association with him. Dez has made changes to his business life. He changed agents last October signing on with Roc Nation and Tom Condon has been his rep since then. Now Dez has dropped Wells. He actually had a cease and desist order filed on Wells in February. Dez may be growing up or his new agent is in his ear to the point that Dez is trusting only Condon in his business dealings. Ex Cowboy WR Drew Pearson has weighed in on the subject by saying the Cowboys need to trust Dez to do the right thing once he does get a long term deal. Speculation is that Dez will get a long term deal and the Cowboys are afraid it will cause him more problems than he can handle or it might Dez a problem nobody else can handle. Pearson feels that Dez is a grown man and should not be treated like a child especially when he really has behaved responsibly for the most part. Maybe Dallas should trust him but it seems like it would be hard to trust a 10 year contract to a guy who you can't be absolutely sure won't fly off the deep end once he's got a lot of guaranteed money in his pocket. The saga continues.


One of the Cowboys biggest needs going all the way back to when Darren Woodson retired is safety. Despite having JJ Wilcox and Barry Church upgrades are certainly needed. The Giants safety Stevie Brown is a free agent and despite losing his starting job last season is still a very popular man. In 2013 Brown tore his ACL and he was struggling some last season to get back up to pre injury speed. Brown was drafted in 2010 by Oakland and he ended up on the Giants roster in 2012. Due to an injury to starter Kenny Phillips Brown got his chance to play and he made the most of it. He lead the NFL in INTs and won defensive player of the week award twice. He set the Giants all time record for interception return yards and was having a nice preseason in 2013 when he tore his ACL. Brown is looking at 5-6 teams including the Cowboys. It could be Dallas has a bit of an edge considering he was born in Dallas but I suppose we'll have to wait and see.


There was a development last week that some speculate will have a negative effect on whether or not Dez actually gets a long term deal done

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While the Greg Hardy ordeal is not over at least the Cowboys know the worst of what could be. Today the NFL handed down a 10 game suspension to Hardy and in a statement by Roger Goodell announcing the suspension he stated that there was sufficient evidence that Hardy had injured his former girlfriend at least 4 times. It's not clear whether he injured her times in the one incident or he had 4 separate incidents. The inference I took from the NFL.com article (linked below) was that the injuries were all done at the same incident Hardy was arrested and tried for. As for Goodell, he gave a stern suspension to Hardy but there will be those who want Hardy banned for life or, at very least the 2015 season, but the suspension will at least be seen as Goodell taking a hard line against domestic violence. Hardy, as he stated last month, will appeal any suspension over 2 games. Hardy appealed the original sentence in the bench trial of 18 months probation and the case was subsequently tossed out of court. Last week Hardy and his lawyers were seeking to have his arrest for the incident expunged from any records of the incident. In any way you look at it, the whole mess is bizarre. Again, Goodell has covered his ass with the media although he undoubtedly will get some flak over this. When Hardy's appeal is on the table another entity will rule on the appeal and Goodell will have washed his hands of matter. The appeal should be handled before next week's draft because the outcome will probably directly affect the Cowboys draft strategy.




From DallasCowboys.com: http://www.dallascowboys.com/news/2015/04/22/nfl-announces-suspension-greg-hardy-10-games-without-pay


The Cowboys draft strategy going forward: http://www.dallascowboys.com/news/2015/04/22/draft-may-shape-fit-cowboys%E2%80%99-primary-position-needs

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The NFL released the regular season schedule yesterday and the Cowboys have a tough 2015 coming up. There is a difference in this year's schedule in that in the recent past the last month of the season has been dominated by division games. Not this year. Most of their division games will be complete by Halloween. For an analysis of the Cowboys season here's a link to the DallasCowboys.com article by David Helman.




For a look back into Cowboys history this article from the Dallas Cowboys Star Magazine which is included on DallasCowboys.com written by Star Magazine writer Kurt Daniels about how, in 1969, the Cowboys unearthed a player and selected him in the first round of that year's draft. Just so you read the article I'll leave the players name off but if you've been a fan of the Cowboys for a long time or you are fan enough to know some of the history of the team or the guy is famous because of his son you may be surprised.



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Today in OTA conditioning workouts there was an exchange between DT Davon Coleman and free agent signee Greg Hardy. Apparently, Hardy was on Coleman for not working hard enough and Coleman countered by calling Hardy a woman beater. It turned into a heated argument causing teammates to step in between the two men before the jaw-jacking turned into fisticuffs. Guess who the media turned on? Yep, reporters asked Roger Goodell what he was going to do about the incident. Goodell said he wasn't aware of the situation and he would have to look into it. Freaking media trying to stir the pot. If was noted in the report than Davon Coleman is considered a "goof ball" which I guess excuses him from insulting Hardy the way he did. As I said yesterday, the Greg Hardy thing is not over yet.


The draft is only 5 days away.

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You talk about a bad week. This past week Greg Hardy was given a 10 game suspension for violating the NFL conduct policy on domestic violence. That appeal is on-going. Next, in a conditioning drill in team OTA's this week 2nd year defensive lineman Davon Coleman called Hardy a "woman beater" after Hardy questioned Coleman's work effort. The two had to be separated before the incident came to blows. Then, on Friday as a result of heavy rain (we're familiar with a little rain aren't we?) and flash flood caused Hardy to become stranded in high water going home from work at the Cowboys facility. Photos on twitter show Hardy getting belongings out of his Bentley wading in knee deep water so his car could be towed.


On the Dez Bryant front the alleged photos of Dez in a domestic dispute at a local Walmart has been called totally bogus after nobody involved in the investigation could find any trace of any photos of the alleged incident. Now, if only the Cowboys and Dez could agree on a long term deal......


Mickey Spagnola's Friday article on DallasCowboys.com reminds us that regardless of what happens with Greg Hardy and who Dallas drafts next weekend one DeMarcus Lawrence needs to become what the Cowboys expected when they traded up in the 2nd round of last year's draft to get him.




I bought the 2015 edition of the Dallas Cowboys Star Magazine draft preview issue on Saturday. Besides some dandy profiles of prospective draft picks it has some nice articles including a look back at the so-called "Dirty Dozen" from the 1975 draft that elevated the Cowboys from expected mediocrity to the Super Bowl! That draft was, gulp, 40 years ago this year. It's unheard of before or since to have 12 draft pick not only make your team but make a serious impact on that team. Most teams are happy is 2 or 3 draft picks actually pan out. I got my copy at the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop at Parkdale Mall. If you are familiar with this store it has moved from the corner near the food court to the old Radio Shack location on the other side of the sunken lounge area by the bungee jump area. The space is twice as big and it feels like even more stuff can (and eventually will) go into the space. I'm telling you, it's well worth the $4.95 you pay for it.


Did I mention the draft begins Thursday? Only 4 days away.

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Okay, this last minute draft stuff is beginning to drive me crazy. The latest thing I see on NFL.com is the question, "What if Marcus Mariota does an Aaron Rodgers and falls down the draft board all the way to the Cowboys at #26 would the Cowboys take him? That is an interesting question however unlikely that scenario is.


Running back or cornerback? Which way will the Cowboys go with #26? Most feel it will be cornerback with an outside chance at defensive end but, if Todd Gurley is available some experts believe Gurley is the sure bet. It's not likely he will fall to the Cowboys so the likely choices are between either Wake Forest's Kevin Johnson, Washington's Marcus Peters and UConn's Byron Jones likely targets. Dallas may opt for a D-line choice of either UCLA's Owa Odighezuwa at defensive end or defensive tackle with Ohio State's Michael Bennett. That's the fun of the first round and that is what makes it so nerve wracking. Anything could happen and picks rarely go totally chalk with trades and deals flying around like crazy. I'm excited. The real shame of it all is the anticipation is better than the actual event will be. In the first round teams have 10 minutes to make a pick and that means I have to wait over 2 hours before Houston picks at number 16 and it will be bed time before the Cowboys pick at #26.


Dallas has made a deal already! Yesterday they announced that the team reached a contract agreement to keep punter Chris Jones through the 2017 season.


In the pre-draft press conference yesterday Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, COO Stephen Jones and head coach Jason Garrett answered the question of whether they were surprised at the 10 game suspension levied by the NFL on DE Greg Hardy. They all agreed they were not surprised because of the homework they did before they signed Hardy to a team friendly contract back in March. They also stated that they were happy with Hardy so far in team off season workouts. What wasn't said is they figured Roger Goodell would come down hard on Hardy but the appeal process would likely get the suspension down to a manageable 6 games or less. The Cowboys have repeatedly said they would not alter their draft strategy based on the Hardy situation and I, for one, believe them. During the Jason Garrett tenure Dallas has made smart choices in the draft and the Cowboys obviously have a plan for building the team. Taking the best player available is more than just lip service and Dallas has still shown a willingness to make a deal to get what they want.


Tomorrow night folks, it's down to hours away.

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