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Posted (edited)

If you have not seen, the Lamar athletic department is overhauling their Twitter accounts and going live with all new accounts starting Saturday August 1st. The following are the new accounts for each sport...give them a follow.


All Sports - @lamarathletics



Football - @lamarfootball

Basketball - @lamarmbb

Baseball - @lamar_baseball

Golf - @lamarmgolf

Tennis - @lamarmtennis



Volleyball - @lamarvball

Basketball - @lamarwbb

Softball - @lamarsoftball

Soccer - @lamarwsoccer

Golf - @lamarwgolf

Tennis - @lamarwtennis


Track & Field - @lamartandf

Edited by KABrother88
A lot of other schools use this Sidearm Sports program to build their athletic sites and I feel like it's a lot easier to navigate than the former site. One thing that hasn't been updated are the stats from the past years...maybe something that just hasn't been uploaded yet and hopefully that's the case because I like to go back and look at them at times.
Posted (edited)

Same here. I liked to look at the media guides for the seasons also. There was a whole lot of historical information in those guides, particularly the ones before Knight that would have been difficult to find otherwise.


Plus, a ton of Wikipedia citations have now turned into dead-links without the various seasonal stats and media guides.

Edited by LUSportsFan
Hopefully the page will get an "Additional Links" tab like the old one that stored links to Prospectus' and what not...the media guides could be put there as well...looking at McNeese's page (they use Sidearm too) this is how they have it set up. Hopefully the site will be tweaked often as needed
They still have a lot of work to do to get the new website working smoothly. The football roster is missing the players' experience and position. And the links don't work either from the roster page. Software upgrades are always a big undertaking so it'll probably take a little time to get all the kinks out.



I like the format. There are some additional pictures in the facilities section which is nice. The Ty Terrell Track Stadium are the old pictures so I imagine those will be replaced with new ones bragging about the new track surface. The training facilities and weight rooms have their own pages and pictures now. That's an improvement. I'm hoping descriptions are added for each of those. Right now it is just the pictures.


I'm one of those who believes if you don't toot your own horn, it is more than likely no one else will either. The athletic websites and university site are like virtual living rooms of the university. Each could be the first impression an outsider gets of the university. The improved site gives a very good first impression. Down the line, I'd like to see virtural tours of the facilities added to the site. Below is a link to a good example of some very well done virtual tours on the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers athletics site. It takes an additional effort up front, but unless the facility is renovated, it is a one and done type of project.



Posted (edited)

Prospectus (listed as "Quick Facts") and the Info Guide (still 2014 as of now) are listed under the "Team Resourses" tab. They have also update the statistics archive. One thing I really like is the "Information Center" under Team Resourses. Here there is a table with each game listed...in each game's cell they'll have the link for the Lamar Game Notes, Opponent Game Notes, Game Stats, Recap, and Highlights. Below all of the games are links to the Info Guid and Season Stats. Very user friendly and a one stop shop for all the the info you need pre and post game.



Edited by KABrother88

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