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As Chastidy Barrs closes in on the NCAA career record for steals, it hit me that she is not the only thief among the Cardinal women. She is not only on track to lead the nation in steals for the third consecutive year (she had a bad freshman year --finished second) but the team, averaging nearly 16 steals a game, is also leading the nation (don't how they did those other years). She may break the record on the road but there is a chance it will happen at home. She is within single digits of the record. Next home game is March 2--she'll either do it then or get recognized for already having done it. Did I mention that she has had a steal in every college game she has ever played in? If you haven't seen her play, get up off of your excuses and come out before it's too late.
Not sure what kind of promotions the athletic department is planning, but the women’s BB team will probably be playing it’s most important game thus far in the season versus SFA. To truly support this team I’m urging all who can possibly show up to attend the game. A crowd of 5000+ would be great!

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