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I'm pumped after our first win!


After my only exposure being what I've read online and seen in uploaded videos, I was impressed with the team tonight. After hearing about the mishaps last game I thought this would be a nail-biter and last second victory or a loss.


It's hard sometimes to compare teams but I have to put PV in the domain of teams like Langston. They just weren't on the same level as Lamar, so I take our win with a grain of salt.


The QB looked great. He played smart - threw the ball away instead of chunking it up for an INT (like Bevil), kept plays alive with a scramble, stayed inbounds when he needed to keep the clock running, etc. He was very accurate with his passes and seemed to have good field presence. IMO he looked like what a solid FCS QB should look like. We should win a number of games on his arm, play extension abilities and game management.


I really would have liked to have seen the backup QB in the 4th Qtr. You guys have said good things about Berry and in a blow out like this why didn't we see more Offensive backups coming in? Especially the freshman RB's. It was good to see some guys rotate in real late on defense that were 2nd/3rd stringers.


Kevin Johnson is ALL THAT! Man that guy is an athlete. Sims makes you hold your breath. I just know he's going to rip off some big runs this year. I was impressed with #80 the 6'8" TE as well.


The O-line did a fair job, but they aren't blowing people off the ball which is why so many of our runs are 3-4 yards. They just aren't getting to the next level. They did a fair job though, much better than in the past, of protecting the QB in passing situations. The D-line put more pressure on the QB than I've seen in 2 prior years. But, it came at the expense of leaving screens wide open.


I saw a couple of guys on the sideline not listed on the roster. Who is #22?


We have some freshman and sophomores that are going to be beasts when they mature and put more size on. #76 Brock is going to be a huge left tackle in years to come. Some of these freshman LB's are going to be giants (or DL's) in the future. :D



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