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100 yrd rusher


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Guest eagle eye

Langston played 8 and 9 players in the box. Nobody can run against a front like that. In fact, I think the Cards did a good job under the circumstances. The fact that Lamar scored its first TD on the ground and did it rather easily was pretty good.


Mossikowski wasn't as bad you think. In fact, his stats would have been much better had not Kevin Johnson dropped several balls that would have given Lamar first downs. When he started going to Barry Ford Lamar's started putting together some drives.


Yes, Langston is a small school but they have some good players and they had a good scheme they copied from the University of Hawai'i. Now Lamar is on film as effectively offsetting pressure defenses with the bubble screens and draw plays.


If we score 31 a game we are going to win a lot of games this year.


Defense was really good at shutting down the Langston running game. and the D line was effective putting pressure on Langston QB James Kilpatrick. No 90 Mark Murrill, No 93 Jesse Dickson, 54 James Washington and 4 Tyrus McGlothen were noticeably good last night.


Lamar won and won easily. I see no reason to complain.

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Wow, and I thought I was the ultimate optimist. When the run was stopped we should have thrown deep. With that many in the box, you have man coverage outside. Langstons QB got around our defensive ends and was able to move around. Our secondary had holes in the middle. Lucky for us they were either dropped or bad passes. Langston is NAIA. We should have dominated with a ton running yardage or lots of passing yardage. We had neither. Our defense is our strength and Langston did move the ball against us.
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