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Overall I think Mike and whoever else was in on it did a great job with the new site...no complaints from me but I do have a few questions...I'm not a formatting guy so I don't know how feasible any of this is.


Main thing is, is there a way to subfolder the "In The Bird Cage" folder to seperate each sport like how we had the last site? It does eliminate a click by having it all together but to me it would appear better categorized.


The links at the top of the page aren't working correctly.


We did lose post from the last week or so...assuming that has to do with when the site was being tested?...no big deal.


The Tapatalk app still has the old subfolders on it. Do I have to reload BRI on there?...I would hve already tried that it still displays the aforementioned posts that aren't currently on the new site so if need by I can copy and paste then over.


I really like the "409 Recruiting" tab...great idea. Will we be able to freely add new players to or do we need to submit them to mods?...also anyway to subfolder it into sports?


Like I said overall I think everyone involved in this did an excellent job and I appreciate all the work put into it (although my wife and boss may hate you). I'm sure some of my questions are already being addressed but just figured I'd bring them up in case. Again great work guys.

Overall I think Mike and whoever else was in on it did a great job with the new site...no complaints from me but I do have a few questions...I'm not a formatting guy so I don't know how feasible any of this is.


Main thing is, is there a way to subfolder the "In The Bird Cage" folder to seperate each sport like how we had the last site? It does eliminate a click by having it all together but to me it would appear better categorized.


The links at the top of the page aren't working correctly.


We did lose post from the last week or so...assuming that has to do with when the site was being tested?...no big deal.


The Tapatalk app still has the old subfolders on it. Do I have to reload BRI on there?...I would hve already tried that it still displays the aforementioned posts that aren't currently on the new site so if need by I can copy and paste then over.


I really like the "409 Recruiting" tab...great idea. Will we be able to freely add new players to or do we need to submit them to mods?...also anyway to subfolder it into sports?


Like I said overall I think everyone involved in this did an excellent job and I appreciate all the work put into it (although my wife and boss may hate you). I'm sure some of my questions are already being addressed but just figured I'd bring them up in case. Again great work guys.


1. Combining all the LU/SLC subjects was a strategy on our part to consolidate all those topics into one area to hopefully generate more discussion. With multiple forums we had a lot of topics posted but most of the traffic seemed to migrate to the old Red Zone forum. I'm hoping that this will keep all the Lamar fans in one spot and they'll be more inclined to reply to good post. In the long run if it seems necessary I can go in and create sub folders/forums that break the sports apart but for now this is the strategy. This is how many of the bigger sites have done it and had success so I wanted to give it a shot. I hope this is ok for at least the short run! :)


2. The links up top should all be fixed, give them a try and let me know otherwise. If they aren't you may have to clear your cache on your computer.


3. We did lose 3 days worth of post because of the cutover. the backup was done a few days ago but we werent able to get it online until last night, for that I apologize.


4. Im not 100% sure on the tapatalk yet but I know we loaded the new stuff on to an account. You may need to reload. I'll investigate and let me know what happens after you attempt to reload.


5. I have some nice idea's for the recruiting forum that I'll share soon but for the short answer you can do either. If a kid has a thread you can simply add to the existing thread as the season progresses if there is any news on the individual and if they arent listed you can submit to me or another admin. The goal is to give the local kids an arena to list their accomplishments and info on a local level. Again, Ill share my idea's on another thread later today.


6. Thanks so much for the compliments and support. I'm hoping that the new look and features will bring back some of our old regulars and generate some new posters to come talk some sports with us. Please don't hesitate to reply with more questions/comments because for probably around a month or so we will still be working the bugs out and adding a few more new things.



Yes I had to reset my password as well...thanks for the quick respond Mike...the more I think about it the one main forum will probably sort itself out anyways during each particular sport season except for the end of football/beginning of basketball seasons...which that won't be a big issue.

I like the new site. While I liked the separate sections, it's not a big deal with me. I'm all for anything that will generate more participation. This site is and has been a great service for the fans and hopefully the area. I have a feeling it might be a hidden jewel that some still need to find.


Anyway. Thanks for all the hard work. I'm looking forward to the upcoming season and the conversation with fellow members of the online community. This really a great way for out of towners like me to be able to keep up.

Once you get logged on, you may want to go to "Edit Profile" under the "Forum Actions" tab at the top of the page. There are a lot of settings that lets each member tweek the site's display the way he/she may want it. There is a lot of flexibility...still learning what this board can do, but I like what I see!!!!
Guest Mike Melancon
Dang spammers are fast...



working this issue. hopefully it'll be short term


Playing around with the new site. One thing I really like is the "Thread Display Settings" found under Forum Actions -> General Settings -> then scroll down to the "Thread Display Settings". There is a pick list below the check boxes that provides the following options.


Linear - Oldest First (I think this is what I had on the old board).

Linear - Newest First (Newest messages on top).

Threaded - This lets us see who is replying to what.

Hybrid - Looks like threaded to me, but the background is white and letters are black (easier to see than threaded for me).


I settled on Hybrid for now.


Other things we can do is set up how many posts we want to see ranging from Today all the way to Everything from the Beginning of Time. We can also set the number of posts we want per page up to 40 posts. There is a ton of options so we can tweak to our hearts content and get things to show up how each one of us likes.

Noticed a few links on the top tabs aren't working...the ones that won't work for me are the Lamar athletic site, then ESPN.com and everything after it under External Sites...Also KatFans (SHSU) isn't under Fan Sites
Noticed a few links on the top tabs aren't working...the ones that won't work for me are the Lamar athletic site, then ESPN.com and everything after it under External Sites...Also KatFans (SHSU) isn't under Fan Sites


Links on the forum page or homepage?

Links on the forum page or homepage?

From the homepage the tabs for "SLC Athletic Sites", "SLC Fan Sites" & "Eternal Links" don't bring anything up then from the Forum tab the Lamar Athletic Site and all the links from ESPN on from the "External Links" tab don't work...get a 404 Error

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