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We embarassed the Southland last night


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The Good:


- $325,000


- The band played their heads off


The Bad:




The Ugly:


Where do we start??


- Our offensive strategy was TERRIBLE again. I totally understand when playing a team thats physically just better than you that we had to attempt to run the football and the clock so the game kept moving but what I saw last night was beyond terrible. We gave away first down every series and after Berrys early INT never really attempted to stretch the field which is our biggest strength. Hell on the opening series Berry made a nice throw to Roberts but that was about it. We possibly couldve had some success against that a&m secondary if Kueck had given the offense a chance


- Speaking of Berry for as good of a player as he is for us he always seems to play scared in big games. NOOO I dont think we were going to beat A&M but if he had played with more confidence we could have put more points on the board. In fairness to caleb his OC doesnt give him any chances to really succeed and we'd be in way worse shape without him.


- I told you last week that we had no backup to Kade Harrington. Without him in the lineup our offense is one dimensional and last night we were zero dimensional. If hes out for an extended period of time Ill be adjusting my season win total prediction.


- The defense.....WOW. As expected we were outmanned and playing against what was likely the best offense in the country but we gave NO resistance. Guys werent in position and when they were they whiffed. It's gonna get better, right??


- Special teams continued to be pathetic as we lost the field position battle all night long.


- Physically we looked like a JV team vs the Aggies. Im not saying that we're going to match up with a SEC team man for man but we looked tiny. Watching the McNeese vs Nebraska game before ours at least the Cowboys had some guys that looked like they couldve switched uniforms and played for the Huskers without missing a beat. Do we have anyone that could play for A&M?


- Our fugly uniforms got showcased on national TV. I had people asking me what that crap was going down the back of their pants. EMBARRASSING. Have some vision administration and at least make us look good. If youre going to play bad at least look good doing it.


- The new Kyle Field still looks like an over sized erector set tackle box that just seats more people now lipstick on a Pig. at least they can play some football there in College Station.



The bottom line is this team has still shown nothing to prove we arent in trouble. you all can keep your heads in the sand and call me an idiot but deep inside you know this to be true. While conference opponents like UCA and McNeese are competing and competing well with big FBS schools. we're tucking our tails for a paycheck and getting embarrassed. Those schools go into those games gameplanning to win, not to just get a check. We played conservative in an attempt to keep it close and in return still got 73 points put on us. BTW...UH who was shutout in week 1 beat the hell out of Grambling 47-0 and it easily couldve been 70-0. Hopefully with the two cupcakes coming up we can get some guys healthy and gain some confidence heading into conference.

Edited by CS
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As much as I would like to disagree with the points, I can't.


Special teams suck!!!! We sucked against Grambling and we continued the suckage against A&M. That needs to be fixed if Lamar is going to be successful.


Offensive play calling was bad. The tv commentators mentioned it repeatedly.


On the positive, I thought there were some pretty good hits on the defense. However, I was extremely disappointed with the defensive effort on A&M's late running touchdown from the middle of the line. I didn't see the effort and the secondary was clumped up out of position.


Berry was scrambling a lot. I didn't see him as scared, but the rushes helped make the throws inaccurate.


I saw some decent runs; just not enough of them. It's hard to run when the defense knows you are only going to run or throw a short pass. There's nothing in Lamar's offense to keep the defense from stacking up close and it is very difficult to make a decent gain with a predictable offense.

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UH is an FBS school who got shut out by another FBS school, which by the way almost beat a BCS school on Thursday. So I'm not sure where the comparison of Lamar and Houston is practical or logical.


The playcalling wasn't great, but Texas A&M also had way better athletes and way more of them. They were going to make a lot of what Lamar did look bad. I didn't particularly like how Caleb Berry took as many hits as he did. Seemed like a good amount of them were unnecessary.


The special teams wasn't good. Some of it was pure ability on TAMU's part but the muff from Devonn Brown was not. That was just not smart football.


Lamar didn't embarrass the SLC last night. Just like Sam didn't and Northwestern State didn't. They were tough losses all against top 12 teams in the country. You decide to use the times when SLC teams played better but conveniently ignored the other two SLC blowouts. Hopefully Lamar can take these next two weeks to shore up what went wrong in the first two weeks as well as get healthy.

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UH is an FBS school who got shut out by another FBS school, which by the way almost beat a BCS school on Thursday. So I'm not sure where the comparison of Lamar and Houston is practical or logical.


The playcalling wasn't great, but Texas A&M also had way better athletes and way more of them. They were going to make a lot of what Lamar did look bad. I didn't particularly like how Caleb Berry took as many hits as he did. Seemed like a good amount of them were unnecessary.


The special teams wasn't good. Some of it was pure ability on TAMU's part but the muff from Devonn Brown was not. That was just not smart football.


Lamar didn't embarrass the SLC last night. Just like Sam didn't and Northwestern State didn't. They were tough losses all against top 12 teams in the country. You decide to use the times when SLC teams played better but conveniently ignored the other two SLC blowouts. Hopefully Lamar can take these next two weeks to shore up what went wrong in the first two weeks as well as get healthy.


1. it wasnt a comparison of us and UH...it was the point that Grambling is a terrible football team and will get exposed as such week to week and we had issues with them


2. The difference between the athletes from top to bottom was night and day but athletes or not we gave our boys no chance to have any success. Repeated ineffective runs on 1st down and calling the game scared is what bothers me. He couldve opened it up and would the score been any worse than 73-3? At least call the game acting like you're not scared. I 100% agree with Berry taking all the hits. It was unnecessary after we threw up the white flag with the play calling around midway through the 1st. He shouldve been relieved in the 2nd half along with some other starters to save them for when it counts.


3. Special Teams- no response necessary


4. I dont give a rats behind about the other SLC schools only Lamar and IMO weren't given the best opportunity to play with any confidence last night. After re-reading Ill give you that the thread title is a little misleading but I still stick by we have a ton of work to do to compete for this conference. UCA, McNeese, SELA specifically have shown already that they are the real deals and will be tough to stay on the field with if we execute game plans like what I witnessed last night. It'll be interesting to see if we have what it takes when conference rolls around. After the next two cream puffs we should hopefully be healthy and gaining some confidence.


Thanks for the mature rebuttal even though you disagreed. That doesnt always happen on here.

Edited by CS
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Offensive play calling was bad. The tv commentators mentioned it repeatedly.


McElroy did his research because he made some valid point about us all game long. He knew our strengths were stretching the field with Roberts and Co yet we wimped out attempting it after Calebs INT. It looked like we went into safe mode from that point.

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Thank you Dave Berry. Well said. We need more folks like you posting on this board.---with logic and reason--


For any Lamar fan to break down this game and say how bad we suck is not reasonable, in my opinion. For example, for the next two weeks we play DII schools. So, when we beat them 75-0 does that mean that we actually dont suck? When we run for 300 yards and pass for 400 yards and our special teams wipes out their special teams, will Lamar be redeemed? I say they wont. And I say us playing Texas A&M and us playing DII teams is the EXACT same thing. Lamar learns nothing and gains nothing from doing so. I say that these same posters saying how poorly we performed will be saying that we should destroy these DII teams and that we shouldnt be playing cup cakes and that Lamar still sucks. Naysayers are naysayers no matter what.

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I'd give you special teams if we didn't look so bad against Grambling State also. It is something that will hurt us down the line if it is not fixed. We lost the field position battle in both games so far this year. Most of that was not because of the other team. That's against Grambling State rated as one of the worst teams in FCS and against A&M on the other side of the spectrum in FBS. The special teams problem is not because of a talent differential if we get killed in field position against Grambling also.


I saw some positives for us from both games, but our special teams play is not one of them.

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The good:


Xavier Bethany: 8 tackles and a forced fumble.


Berry: 1 INT, no fumbles (even though he was scrambling a lot). Showed a lot of heart.


Carl Harris: 51 yards rushing, no fumbles (after 2 fumbles last week I consider this a plus)


2 hour late start and the game was played on the SEC alternative channel, probably not too many people watched the game.


The bad:


Kueck as OC. How many years do people have to say his play calling is predictable and conservative before he gets replaced? Woodard knew the defense is suspect, why not let the offense loose?


Not scoring a TD yet again against a FBS opponent. I think last year against La Tech was the only game since LU brought back football they've scored a TD against a FBS opponent.


The ugly:


The defense, especially in the second half. Giving up 28 points in the 4th quarter to their scrubs? Now that was embarrassing.

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The Good:


- $325,000


- The band played their heads off


The Bad:




The Ugly:


Where do we start??


- Our offensive strategy was TERRIBLE again. I totally understand when playing a team thats physically just better than you that we had to attempt to run the football and the clock so the game kept moving but what I saw last night was beyond terrible. We gave away first down every series and after Berrys early INT never really attempted to stretch the field which is our biggest strength. Hell on the opening series Berry made a nice throw to Roberts but that was about it. We possibly couldve had some success against that a&m secondary if Kueck had given the offense a chance


- Speaking of Berry for as good of a player as he is for us he always seems to play scared in big games. NOOO I dont think we were going to beat A&M but if he had played with more confidence we could have put more points on the board. In fairness to caleb his OC doesnt give him any chances to really succeed and we'd be in way worse shape without him.


- I told you last week that we had no backup to Kade Harrington. Without him in the lineup our offense is one dimensional and last night we were zero dimensional. If hes out for an extended period of time Ill be adjusting my season win total prediction.


- The defense.....WOW. As expected we were outmanned and playing against what was likely the best offense in the country but we gave NO resistance. Guys werent in position and when they were they whiffed. It's gonna get better, right??


- Special teams continued to be pathetic as we lost the field position battle all night long.


- Physically we looked like a JV team vs the Aggies. Im not saying that we're going to match up with a SEC team man for man but we looked tiny. Watching the McNeese vs Nebraska game before ours at least the Cowboys had some guys that looked like they couldve switched uniforms and played for the Huskers without missing a beat. Do we have anyone that could play for A&M?


- Our fugly uniforms got showcased on national TV. I had people asking me what that crap was going down the back of their pants. EMBARRASSING. Have some vision administration and at least make us look good. If youre going to play bad at least look good doing it.


- The new Kyle Field still looks like an over sized erector set tackle box that just seats more people now lipstick on a Pig. at least they can play some football there in College Station.



The bottom line is this team has still shown nothing to prove we arent in trouble. you all can keep your heads in the sand and call me an idiot but deep inside you know this to be true. While conference opponents like UCA and McNeese are competing and competing well with big FBS schools. we're tucking our tails for a paycheck and getting embarrassed. Those schools go into those games gameplanning to win, not to just get a check. We played conservative in an attempt to keep it close and in return still got 73 points put on us. BTW...UH who was shutout in week 1 beat the hell out of Grambling 47-0 and it easily couldve been 70-0. Hopefully with the two cupcakes coming up we can get some guys healthy and gain some confidence heading into conference.


You embarrass this forum.

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