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Woodard awaits Contract Situation

puddin tane

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I might be wrong but the body language doesn't look good for Coach Woodard in last nights news story.



Wow...Woodard didn't look too happy...could just be the fact that he's tired of dealing with it and answering questions about the situation but it sure didn't look like the discussions were going the way he wanted...and of course Henderson is going to be generic with his answer...typical administration answer...can't look too much into that.


Either way this needs to be done quickly...if they decide to go a different direction they need to have a good plan in place for recruiting while they find the next head coach.

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No way he deserves a 5 year contract...I do agree he'll get an extension but I don't see how he can justify a 5 year deal...


The length of the contract isn't as important as how it is structured. They could easily give him a five year deal to at least give the appearance of stability to recruits while structuring the deal to give LU an easy out.


My guess is it ends up being a three year deal with school options tacking on another year or two.


Whatever they're going to do they need to do it soon.

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This is the funniest thread / comments so far on BRI...All the expert posters that called me and a few others idiots for backing and defending Woodard - now he is one step short of God (for beating MSU and OT loss to UCA)...some of you should find another hobby besides commenting of a football forum...lmao! And I was the one being called the Cardinal hater -


Woodard will be offered an extension - it will be up to him to except the offer. I expect a 3 year with options for 5 based on performance, may not be any monetary increases, or not much anyway - that's where Woodard will have to decide to except or move on.


With that said, LU did not play NSU and SFA this year...depending on LU's 2015 SLC schedule an improved conference record may be tougher. If those 2 games replace lower quality games or the SLU, SHSU, UCA or ACU. If NSU and SFA replace SLU and SHSU - that would give LU a favorable chance, if they replace UCA and ACU it would somewhat increase the difficulty of improving - however, if they replace the UIW, HBU, NSU's LU would have an uphill battle to improve, due to having what some would consider a very tough SLC schedule.

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This is the funniest thread / comments so far on BRI...All the expert posters that called me and a few others idiots for backing and defending Woodard - now he is one step short of God (for beating MSU and OT loss to UCA)...some of you should find another hobby besides commenting of a football forum...lmao! And I was the one being called the Cardinal hater -


Woodard will be offered an extension - it will be up to him to except the offer. I expect a 3 year with options for 5 based on performance, may not be any monetary increases, or not much anyway - that's where Woodard will have to decide to except or move on.


With that said, LU did not play NSU and SFA this year...depending on LU's 2015 SLC schedule an improved conference record may be tougher. If those 2 games replace lower quality games or the SLU, SHSU, UCA or ACU. If NSU and SFA replace SLU and SHSU - that would give LU a favorable chance, if they replace UCA and ACU it would somewhat increase the difficulty of improving - however, if they replace the UIW, HBU, NSU's LU would have an uphill battle to improve, due to having what some would consider a very tough SLC schedule.


My my how people can see things differently. I by no means see anyone saying that Woodard is one step short of God! I am unsure, and you are as well, if Woodard is going to be any better than a middle of the SLC pack coach in his best years. Remains to be seen, but I am not seeing it. As SHSU fan, no doubt you want us to keep him as he has not shown that his program will overtake SHSU. I think that what you are seeing on here, with some reservation, is the hesitation to fire him after this years record. As for future schedules, others know better but I think we pick up NW State next year but SFA is still another 2 or 3 years before we play them again.

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Reading comprehension ain't CS' strong point.....


And football isn't most of y'alls strong point - but whining and crying seems to top the list.


I surely would like to see LU compete with the Kats, Lions, and Cowboys (healthy) year in and year out. I'd also like to see Bmt host a playoff game, I'd be there.

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Why would anyone think LU (Woodard) can't compete in the near future? only 2 blowout loses (SHSU & SELA) the only other loss was an OT loss to a good UCA team. I do believe LU needs to up their OC games to prepare them better for SLC play. However, LU needed wins (for the crybaby fans) so they got them...THEN, that wasn't good enough, so y'all whined some more, then it was fire Woodard, then he went 5-3 (almost 6-2)....Who even wants or needs fans like you people! However, it's to be understood that getting quality DI (or even quality DII) teams to come to Bmt, there has to be an incentive...I think with LU's continued improvement they should be able to draw better teams as time goes by...however, that may also lend to a lesser record and possible loss to a inferior classification, which by no means an inferior team. This was evident by SHSU losing to a highly ranked DII team....everyone went to bashing SHSU....I can guarantee playing CS-P (win or lose) helped prepare them for the run they are currently experiencing....SHSU idiots whined the same as y'all do...fire the coach....fire the coach....now praising him for a great turn around...


Unlike most of you, I feel every kid in the GT capable of making an impact in the SLC needs to get an offer from LU. However, I do not believe that it should be the sole goal of getting GT kids on the roster - hence my statement of making an impact.


LU is overall a young team, I'd hope for LU to get a JUCO transfer and a HS QB, redshirt the HS player, and let him learn under the transfer...that would provide instant replacement and development at QB for the next 5 years.

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I interrupt everyone's negativity and whining to say...Other than the god comment, I think everything else CraigS said was 100% spot on. Truth hurts. "On paper", some of the posts on this board are a pathetic representation of "fans". Nothing but whining and negativity. Who needs haters when we have fans like many on this board claim to be?


...as you were. :)

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I interrupt everyone's negativity and whining to say...Other than the god comment, I think everything else CraigS said was 100% spot on. Truth hurts. "On paper", some of the posts on this board are a pathetic representation of "fans". Nothing but whining and negativity. Who needs haters when we have fans like many on this board claim to be?


...as you were. :)


When opposing fans come on this board and want you to keep your coach, it is not because they "fear" that he will ever beat their team!! That said, whatever the current "braintrust" we have that will make this decision does, they need to do it fast!! I will not scream in agony or joy either way this goes!! I think Woodard probably did "just enough" that he will receive an extension. Then let's do that now so he can get busy solidifying a recruiting class!! On top of that, I do not trust who we have in the decision making authority positions to actually do a good job selecting a top notch replacement!! No, Puddin hasn't taken over my screename!!

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Why would anyone think LU (Woodard) can't compete in the near future? only 2 blowout loses (SHSU & SELA) the only other loss was an OT loss to a good UCA team. I do believe LU needs to up their OC games to prepare them better for SLC play. However, LU needed wins (for the crybaby fans) so they got them...THEN, that wasn't good enough, so y'all whined some more, then it was fire Woodard, then he went 5-3 (almost 6-2)....Who even wants or needs fans like you people! However, it's to be understood that getting quality DI (or even quality DII) teams to come to Bmt, there has to be an incentive...I think with LU's continued improvement they should be able to draw better teams as time goes by...however, that may also lend to a lesser record and possible loss to a inferior classification, which by no means an inferior team. This was evident by SHSU losing to a highly ranked DII team....everyone went to bashing SHSU....I can guarantee playing CS-P (win or lose) helped prepare them for the run they are currently experiencing....SHSU idiots whined the same as y'all do...fire the coach....fire the coach....now praising him for a great turn around...


Unlike most of you, I feel every kid in the GT capable of making an impact in the SLC needs to get an offer from LU. However, I do not believe that it should be the sole goal of getting GT kids on the roster - hence my statement of making an impact.


LU is overall a young team, I'd hope for LU to get a JUCO transfer and a HS QB, redshirt the HS player, and let him learn under the transfer...that would provide instant replacement and development at QB for the next 5 years.

CraigS, congrats for the Bearkats Co-championship and then beating your Co-Champ in the first round. SHSU got better as the season went on and that is what good teams, and good coached teams do, they get better as the season progresses, unless you are decimated with injuries. And LU wasn't!!

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CraigS, congrats for the Bearkats Co-championship and then beating your Co-Champ in the first round. SHSU got better as the season went on and that is what good teams, and good coached teams do, they get better as the season progresses, unless you are decimated with injuries. And LU wasn't!!


First - Yes I did start off on this board as a smart ass, most of that was personal and making jabs at friends with kids who play for LU, we had friendly bets, sat with each other at the game, our kids in opposing colors took pictures on the field after the game - NO HATE HERE!


Second - I am an '91 LU grad, when SHSU and LU play it's kind of a win/win for me, but I do support my kids school.


Third - I do not agree with the way LU handles most of it's recruiting in all sports when it comes to locals - but not for the same reasons as most of you.


fourth - LU did improve, maybe not as much as they should have, or some would like to have seen, but they did. If anything, I'd say inconsistencies by some players were the biggest problems. LU was one play away from turning at least 2 games into W's - UCA and SHSU. Which would have had LU with only 1 conference loss at 7-1 and this conversation wouldn't even be taking place, and y'all shady ass fans would be praising...bragging....yaking...blah blah blah...The UCA game obvious...SHSU - LU played them at a vulnerable time, and if LU had just stuck the dagger in early, that could have been a different outcome. That game for SHSU was a turning point of confidence.


Fifth - you said good coaching and SHSU in the same sentence - well, they have the same type of bull shit fans also - they were calling for Keelers head after the 1-3 start...now they act like he is the best thing since sliced bread....


Sixth - alot of people on here and I disagree on whether LU can even build a team that will win the SLC on a regular basis. I don't think they can, so maybe what I consider realistic keeps me from being butt hurt if they don't - and that has nothing to do with my affiliation with SHSU and wanting to keep LU down - or Woodards ability to coach - like some of you idiots claim.


Seventh - and just like on Katsfan.com this site has become an echo room for the whiners...they/y'all all say the same damn thing...praise each other, and when anyone has a different opinion or sees it a different way - bash the hell out of them....well, just like over there, I will always give my opinion just like y'all do, whether you like it or not - if nothing else, it gets some action on this forum -


Go Cards - Eat'em Up Kats

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