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** LU at NWST Game Thread **


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And so it begins. From lamarcardinals.com


"We killed ourselves with too many penalties and too many negative plays," said LU head coach Ray Woodard. "But Northwestern State had a lot to do with that. You can't take away from their performance tonight. We deserve to get beat. We didn't play well enough to win."


Umm maybe, or could it simply be OUR DEFENSE SUCKS???!!!!

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Not gonna say anything out the D because frankly it looks like I'd be preaching to the choir. Instead I'm gonna complain a little bit about the passing O. Maybe I was just spoiled with Berry and Keuck (oh my God did I really just say that?!?!). I don't think Minden is the answer. He has a great story in everything he's had to overcome in life but I'm just not sold on him at QB. He's a statue back there and makes some headscratching throws. Next week against UCA we are going to have to pass the ball to even have a decent showing. UCA is giving up just 97 yards per game on the ground this year and you better believe they are going to sell out on Kade. It's obvious Earp isn't healthy and at this point I'd rather see the freshman Cox in there than Minden...at least if he struggles you can point to youth. We already burned his redshirt by playing him in garbage time vs Bacone where he just turned an handed it off every time (dumb move in my opinion) so might as well play him and see what we have. Cox lead all of 6A in passing in the regular season last year throwing for more yards than Kyler Murray who was possibly the greatest HS QB ever in the state of Texas. Plus he isn't a terrible runner. The Wildcat will not work against UCA...we have to have someone take the pressure off of Kade. Someone else will have to step up in this game. Woodard has said Kade has been banged up the last 2 seasons and he's finally healthy this year...keep the offense like it is now and it'll happen again.
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So people are jumping off the Lamar bandwagon. Just remember the bandwagon will fill up again and there may not be room on it for some of the fair weather supporters in the future. Get behind your team and support them through thick and thin. This is our Lamar Cardinal football team if you support them then stay behind them for every game not just the ones we think were good games. They have experienced success this season and will continue to succeed despite the armchair quarterbacks that seem to know what the problems are. This is college football, most of us on this forum didn't make it past high school football, so let's leave it to Woodard and his staff that have proved that they know what they are doing.

Still supporting my Cardinals


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I'm a Newbie to the site because my Son is a Freshman player on the Team. I'll leave the Coaching to the guys with the headsets. This is far better than what we dealt with in High School(I'll leave that alone)

My only question is: Why the heck would you go for it on 4th down on 2 seprate occasions near or at midfield? SEEMS AS THE STAFF GOT IN PANIC MODE. We got near the goal line twice against SLU and settled for FG's.

I'm puzzled by these calls. We couldn't tackle a 5th grader last night. I believe this was the first game ALL season we had to play the entire game from behind. We didn't handle being down well at all. Still a lot of Football left to be played.

I believe we will still get a spot in the post season, but we must Win ALL remaining games. My Cardinal Wagon is still UPRIGHT:biggrin:


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100% not jumping off the bandwagon here. I'll still be in my spot at PUS cheering on the Cards every game. Just needed to vent a little bit. I said earlier in the week that this game had me nervous...on paper this game should have been a win for us...but that's why they don't play it on paper...thought we had several things going against us going into this game. NWSt being 0-5 and potentially overlooking them knowing who comes to town next, being their homecoming, them having a week off before, not having beat them since we brought football back. The season isn't lost but we definitely put ourselves in a really bad position. With SELA losing also and Sam vs McNeese still to play I think there is still an outside shot at the playoffs...but it will take winning out with McNeese beating Sam plus additional help.


Ideally I would like to see this:

Obviously us win out and finish with 2 losses.


McNeese beat Sam and lose to us...McNeese finishes with 1 loss.


Sam beat UCA and lose to McNeese...Sam finishes with 2 losses with 1 being to us.


SELA lose to UCA...SELA would finish with 3 losses.


UCA beat SELA and lose to Sam and us...UCA finishes with 3 losses.


That is a lot that has to go our way and at this point the SLC is a 3 bid conference at the very best so we need to position ourselves in the top 2 for a shot.

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Nobody is jumping off the bandwagon that I saw. What I've seen in this thread is folks who have had their expectations raised by the level of play we have had so far this season. It's not bandwagon jumping if you can see the deficiencies in your team and getting frustrated by their lack of improvement. Our pass defense this year has been pretty bad for the most part. I don't know why but I'm sure it's not from the lack of effort. You can only go with what your scheme allows and you can't change scheme's mid stream or mid season. If you bring more pressure to help the DBs then you take a chance on losing something in the run defense. We can be proud of the Cards for what they have done so far. Last night's loss to NWST hurt but no more than to the players and coaches in the locker room. We are still behind the Cards, we still hope for a playoff berth and we are not giving up on the rest of the season. I'm glad we have such a passionate fan base. That is a good thing IMO. Losing to NWST really sucked but we can't change it now. That fumble return for 95 yards by Kade was a back breaker. Of all the plays in last night's game that was the one that killed us. Are we going to rag on Kade now. Hell no, that would be stupid especially since Kade is the reason we were in the game in the first place. I would really like to know what's up with Earp. Minden was supposed to be the guy who had the chops for the passing game and Earp was the guy who could run. In the games he played Earp was good in every facet. I'm not opposed to Cox having a shot but we have been missing Earp. I think the SELA game is different with Earp at QB. It wouldn't have been any help to the pass defense but the offense would have been better IMO which would have kept the defense off the field. What's the saying, "the best defense is a good offense."? If it's between Minden and Cox though, I don't see Ray making a change there. If anyone can find out what is up with Earp I would really like to know.
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The responses do make me feel better. I have always had the belief that if I personally though I could do it better(coaching that is) then that is what I should have chosen in life but I chose a different profession. When my son signed on to play for Lamar I was impressed with what I saw of Woodard and his staff. I may question some decisions but this is what they are paid to do. I am confident that they do not flip a coin to make decisions on the field. They have studied game film and tendencies and are making the best decision base on what they know. I for one say let's move on to the next game and take care of business. If I could change the past I would be the richest and most powerful man in the world but instead I am in the stands being the proud parent of a Lamar Cardinal football player and supporting them the best way I know how. Let's take care of business this week and move on.
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Not gonna say anything out the D because frankly it looks like I'd be preaching to the choir. Instead I'm gonna complain a little bit about the passing O. Maybe I was just spoiled with Berry and Keuck (oh my God did I really just say that?!?!). I don't think Minden is the answer. He has a great story in everything he's had to overcome in life but I'm just not sold on him at QB. He's a statue back there and makes some headscratching throws. Next week against UCA we are going to have to pass the ball to even have a decent showing. UCA is giving up just 97 yards per game on the ground this year and you better believe they are going to sell out on Kade. It's obvious Earp isn't healthy and at this point I'd rather see the freshman Cox in there than Minden...at least if he struggles you can point to youth. We already burned his redshirt by playing him in garbage time vs Bacone where he just turned an handed it off every time (dumb move in my opinion) so might as well play him and see what we have. Cox lead all of 6A in passing in the regular season last year throwing for more yards than Kyler Murray who was possibly the greatest HS QB ever in the state of Texas. Plus he isn't a terrible runner. The Wildcat will not work against UCA...we have to have someone take the pressure off of Kade. Someone else will have to step up in this game. Woodard has said Kade has been banged up the last 2 seasons and he's finally healthy this year...keep the offense like it is now and it'll happen again.



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So people are jumping off the Lamar bandwagon. Just remember the bandwagon will fill up again and there may not be room on it for some of the fair weather supporters in the future. Get behind your team and support them through thick and thin. This is our Lamar Cardinal football team if you support them then stay behind them for every game not just the ones we think were good games. They have experienced success this season and will continue to succeed despite the armchair quarterbacks that seem to know what the problems are. This is college football, most of us on this forum didn't make it past high school football, so let's leave it to Woodard and his staff that have proved that they know what they are doing.

Still supporting my Cardinals


106th ranked defense in FCS. Denial is not a river in Egypt...

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Cardinal...you're about the worst example of a "fan" that I've ever seen. Get the f'k off the wagon and dont let it run you the f'k over. Frustrated or not, you sound like a little whiny bitch.


I've been a season ticket holder since day one. Haven't missed a single home game. Spelling out facts, if you don't like my posts don't read them. Being a "fan" doesn't mean being a Pollyanna!! And who the hell are you to tell me to get on or off any "wagon"?!!!

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I've been a season ticket holder since day one. Haven't missed a single home game. Spelling out facts, if you don't like my posts don't read them. Being a "fan" doesn't mean being a Pollyanna!! And who the hell are you to tell me to get on or off any "wagon"?!!!


And being a season ticket holder (which I am too) doesn't give you the right to be a whiny bitch. Sounds like you're a little too sensitive for the game of football. And if you post a bunch of whiny crap like you did this game, I'm gonna call you out on it. If you don't want me reading your posts, don't post them. Put on your big girl panties....we've got Central Arkansas in town next Saturday.

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Was at the game. Everything was flat from the beginning. The team. coaches, and fans were all flat. I had a feeling we were in trouble from the start. Now on another note. That has to be the worst stadium in the SLC. The loud speakers sucked, my t.v. at home is as big as the minitron, and the visiting team locker room is like a johnny on the spot. I did notice after the game Kade and the O line looked wore out, leaving the field. Makes me wonder how hard are they practicing during the week ? Anyway time to move on to next week
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I've heard several times how bad the visiting facilities are at Turpin Stadium...this is a tweet from when SHSU played there last season




Yes that is the team sitting under a tree right before the game because they didn't even have enough room for everyone...

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Some of you probably already knew this but during the San Diego-Green Bay game this afternoon the broadcasters mentioned the Phillip Rivers little brother, Stephen Rivers, is the NWST QB. Just thought you might like to know that. BTW his measurables are 6'7", 235 lbs. Who knows why he didn't go to a bigger school but he is a senior. He may draw some interest in next year's draft if for nothing else his size and his pedigree.
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Some of you probably already knew this but during the San Diego-Green Bay game this afternoon the broadcasters mentioned the Phillip Rivers little brother, Stephen Rivers, is the NWST QB. Just thought you might like to know that. BTW his measurables are 6'7", 235 lbs. Who knows why he didn't go to a bigger school but he is a senior. He may draw some interest in next year's draft if for nothing else his size and his pedigree.


Originally signed with LSU then transferred to Vandy and now NWSt...

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Just crazy...we have a helluva lot of players on defense back, and we are second to last in the SLC in defense..worse than Nichols, UIW, or HBU! The only team with a worse defense than ours, just beat the piss out of us.


IMO, we have not been good at pass defense all year. Our pressure on the QB has not been very consistant, only when we blitz a defensive back. I also question the speed and size of the defensive backfield as a whole. We have given up the long pass all year to the opposing QBs that have a decent arm. It seems that the opposition can get open deep on us way too often. I believe this is also why we get the holding/pass int penalties more than we like, we are out of position too often. I do not know if it is lack of speed/ quickness, technique, or cover schemes - but it has replaced special teams as our glaring weakness.

When we play IWU, Larry Kennon will try to exploit our defensive weaknesses big time - that maybe another road game we struggle at.

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