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Jacody Coleman offered 6th season


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Had it on coaches thread but thought it deserved it's own topic. Jacody was granted the 6th season but is deciding whether or not to take it. Has a job offer and weighing whether to play ball or get job. He's already graduated.
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Had it on coaches thread but thought it deserved it's own topic. Jacody was granted the 6th season but is deciding whether or not to take it. Has a job offer and weighing whether to play ball or get job. He's already graduated.


I hope for Lamar's sake he decides to play another year of ball. I hope for his sake he does what he wants without feeling pressured to do what others want him to do.

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Guest CardAmbassador

Whatever he decides will be right. Greatful we had that beast on our sidelines for at least 2 years.


Congrats on the job offer J. Cole.

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With the amount of time it took to get this approved and knowing it's not an everyday opportunity I would be hard pressed to pass it up. I agree though that I wouldn't blame him if he took the job.


You could say the same thing about starting your after-college career.

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With the amount of time it took to get this approved and knowing it's not an everyday opportunity I would be hard pressed to pass it up. I agree though that I wouldn't blame him if he took the job.



He has two young children and a job offer on the table that likely wasn't there when he was still attending school.

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Guest bigred360
Selfishly I want him to play because he is a beast on the field. However, with 2 children it might be hard not accept the job offer. I'm not saying he can play in the NFL but he does have NFL size at the LB position. Best of luck J. Coleman on whatever do decide!
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He gets to work the rest of his life, 98% of the kids playing in the Southland Conference only get to play football 4/5 years of their life. He's getting a 6th one, and it'd be a shame for him to regret this opportunity down the road.


Just my .02

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Guest NorthoftheBorder
He gets to work the rest of his life, 98% of the kids playing in the Southland Conference only get to play football 4/5 years of their life. He's getting a 6th one, and it'd be a shame for him to regret this opportunity down the road.


Just my .02


I would agree JJ Woot! With the possibility of LU running the 3-4 defense next year he could also get the chance to star as one of the MLB's and possibly get a shot at the NFL with his size and skills (with a great season). That would only enhance his future earnings in the regular workforce because we all know that pro athletes get breaks in the working world we normal folk don't. What ever he decides I think LU fans will support and will be the best decision for him and his family.

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