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OT: Bobcat Stadium upgrades look very nice


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It does look good but that's a lot of end zone seating. Why not build up the sides first then add cheap seats in the end zones last? To me the stadium looks a little awkward.


Because TSU has to get up to that minimum 15k per game and they have to do it on the cheap. Building the upper decks would cost much more and take longer.

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Guest NorthoftheBorder
Our stadium is very nice but this is a really nice stadium. I don't know if they will fill it up or not but lets not kid ourselves, we all wish our stadium was this good, even you Katfans.
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Our stadium is very nice but this is a really nice stadium. I don't know if they will fill it up or not but lets not kid ourselves, we all wish our stadium was this good, even you Katfans.


Agreed. Texas State did a tremendous job with their stadium. Unfortunately, after the first game, it will be half full. I'm excited to see it this year when we travel to San Marcos.

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Better view of the stadium:


width=500 height=250https://p.twimg.com/AzoyYwwCIAElp-t.jpg:large[/img]


It does look nice but doesn't it look half finished? I think it would have looked better to have just extended the stands down past the end zones on both sides. But long term the stadium is going to be real nice once they finish with all the upgrades.


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Guest NorthoftheBorder
It looks like they have the room to go to 50k easy maybe 60k. On the other hand LU probably could not get more than 40k if that with the Montagne on one end.
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Guest NorthoftheBorder
Add a 5k to 7.5k deck on the east side with a small low height bowl on the North side under the Montagne and you can get close to 40k. Pretty cozy and loud if it were packed.
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That stadium is real nice, im not sure how Lamar could expand much more than they already have. Win a few more games with a packed house, we might find out. I say 25K tops, that sound right?



30K easily:


width=500 height=414http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7260/6890167022_b26325286e_b.jpg[/img]




Any way for you to show us what the stadium would look like with a second deck on the MLK side? Also, I have an idea of how they could potentially "bowl" both sides. I know the Montagne Center is on one endzone, but it is possible to bowl seats out with the Morgan Suites cut out of that end of the bowl with no seats in front of them. What do y'all think?

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UNT's new stadium has about the same number of rows as Lamar's stadium. Take a look at their stadium, it's real nice too.




Lamar could copy what they did and add a nice press box with a small deck below it. If FCS schools like Appalachian State and Montana can have 25K stadiums then so why not Lamar if the demand is there?


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