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SLC Home Attendance


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Winning is the key to attendence. If we ave 15k a game this yr that means we won a few games we werent supposed to. If we finish were we are supposed to or middle of the pack and still ave 15k then we are talking expansion. That shows conferences that we will pack the house when we are mediocre and if we do turn it around we can expand the stadium and possibly put more butts in the seats. Gotta fight though.


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There are some nice promotions this year. Hopefully they will help keep attendance up. Games are a lot more fun for everyone when the stands are packed. I'm glad the Athletics Department is doing things with the offers to make it easier for folks with families to be able to make the games.


For example, the "Family Package" offer for the LU vs SELA game this week is 4 tickets, 4 drinks, 4 hot dogs, and 4 candies for $70.00. Not too bad. Good way for a family to make the game and enjoy the goodies without breaking the bank. (See the splash screen at lamarcardinals.com.)




Also, it was announced that the kid zone is open 3 hours before game start. Don't have any kid age children any more and my granddaughter is in Colorado, so I can't take advantage of it, but would have been nice to have the pre-game things we have at LU now back when my daughter was at an age to take advantage of it.




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Winning is the key to attendence.


For me, this year it isn't even about winning. I feel it's hard to get motivated about this team given the schedule. We got our butts beat by two teams we didn't much have a chance against, and beat two teams that we were supposed to destroy. So for me I haven't had a game to get excited about in terms of expecting a real battle. Rather it was "we'll get stomped", "we should destroy them", "we'll get stomped", "we'll destroy them". Not much consistency in that scheduleing. I think it will help now that the SLC conference is here, as by nature the teams even out pretty well. But hopefully in the future there will be more competitive scheduling. Just me, I guess

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Home side was packed, but east side had some empty seats.


Home side was packed because all the cheap a$$ deadbeats buying cheap tickets and mooching into the gold section.


I was standing on the east side looking at the west side and just about every section except for the gold section was almost completly full. The gold section looked almost empty. Maybe three hundred or so people sitting in the section. I really don't think there was much "mooching" going on.

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I sit in the gold section and there were many empty seats. I also noticed more ushers in vests and I believe I saw an usher chase a couple of kids out of the section. I hope the gold section is full next week for SELA. The conference is up for grabs with both McNiece and Sam going down. We need to pack the house! Now is the time!
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Home attendance for the SLC teams this past weekend - Sept. 22:


Lamar: 12,383

Central Ark: 10,157

Northwestern: 8,245

Nicholls: 6,022

SELa: 4,791 (I can't believe that less than 5,000 people saw the Cowpokes get beat)


We should pack the house starting conference play this week!!!

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Home side was packed, but east side had some empty seats.


Home side was packed because all the cheap a$$ deadbeats buying cheap tickets and mooching into the gold section.


I was standing on the east side looking at the west side and just about every section except for the gold section was almost completly full. The gold section looked almost empty. Maybe three hundred or so people sitting in the section. I really don't think there was much "mooching" going on.


No mooching would be a first for the gold section.

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I sit in the gold section and there were many empty seats. I also noticed more ushers in vests and I believe I saw an usher chase a couple of kids out of the section. I hope the gold section is full next week for SELA. The conference is up for grabs with both McNiece and Sam going down. We need to pack the house! Now is the time!


I hope the ushers were finally doing something.


i agree, we need to pack the house but I am worried about the weather. it is going to scare a lot of people off.

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First of all lamar will not average 15,000 a game this year. They will be lucky to get 15,000 again this year. I am a 1980 graduate and can already since a loss in interest to lamar football. The reason is they are boring to watch, play calling sucks, scheduling sucks and mostly because they are getting worse not better and people in this area only support winners, last game against pv there was probably more people tailgating then watching the game especially after halftime. Why show a local game on tv anyway? Ive had season tickets for 3 years now and i can honestly say, this team embarasses me. Last year all the talk was we need to join the wac, we are were we need to be, and we can compete here. Until lamar students support lamar it'll be hard to win in any sport, we might be the best in attendance but probably the worse in student support. What lamar needs is a good pr person and promote lamar. As far as the coaches, you get what you pay for, if lamar wants to get better at any level they need to pay better, but that means prices increase and we are not there yet. Hell we hire an ad with no experience and expect miracles. Lamar like its students has to change. Lamar will always be a lower mid major until they see the light. Consessions suck, promotions suck, advertising sucks and promoting lamar sucks. Like basketball if things dont change attendance will be your loyal fans of about 5- 8000 if that. We owe nothing to our consession people to keep them, its the same crap every sport, hell ford park has better consessions and most high schools. Until things change it'll be the same old same old, wake up lamar, wake up students, we are LAMAR not texas not texas a&m. In closing attendance is not by attendinding its by tickets sold, last game i went to they didnt even scan my ticket, thanks and please lets change lamars attitude first and worry about everything else after
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