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Official Southestern Louisiana at Lamar Game Thread


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Our team is bad. Those people who think our defense is good you good are wrong. 29 passes and no sacks. A poor rushing team has a 100yard rusher. You are wrong!!! There was no doubt who was going to win. Our offense look bad, defense looked bad and special teams was terrible. We need hang time on punts. A good average doesn't mean a good punter. Low punts and the other team having a 26 yard punt return average is pathetic. Punting is low and coverage is bad. Coaching was also terrible. We threw an INT before the half when we were in fg range...we suck. I am disgusted with our program. I thought we would open our offense up in conf play, but we were boring and predictable.


I hate to say it but you are probably right.


I'm not sure on our punter...I will pay more attention next time to how high his punt were but we had VERY poor, actually NO contain on the so that is as much about coaching as it is hang time.

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Cardinal, if you went to the game, you noticed how high SELA's punter put the ball up in the air. Very high lofting hanging punts. Even when our punter hit spirals, the went up and came down quick. All that said, that was just a piece of why we lost. It was definitely a team loss. The coaching would be included. I watched Woodard yelling at the punter after a crappy punt. I wondered why he never yelled at the offense or defense after a bad series. I am so frustrated. I want us to compete in the SLC...but not with the fellow cellar dwellers. SELA beat us, But they have no chance to compete in the SLC.
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Puddin, you are right. That deep snapper has some intensity. I commented to my buddy that same thing at the game today. If he doesn't watch it, he will end having a 10 year NFL career as a deep snapper.

That kid takes pride in his job and it shows. The most consistent player we have.

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Guest eagle eye
The game was bad. I had to wait a couple of days to calm down and it's still bad. Moss was bad. The O-line was bad. The defense was bad. They didn't play their lanes and they didn't play with much discipline and there are big holes in the zone defense. But, the real killer is the fact that our special teams (that's an oxymoron is there ever was one) is really disappointing. After a minor rebound last week we went right back to our old sorry ways. It seems that the old cliche that there are 3 phases to every game; offense, defense and special teams, is one that needs to reiterated to this coaching staff. Special teams count 1/3 of the game and we go from a 3 point deficit and a good drive away from going up in the game to ten points down - again - and it took a lot out of the team. I think you could see that on the sideline. This is a real set back to say the least. C'mon Cards, you ARE better than this.
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G.E. well I feel like we need to have our O.C. if you will go back to what made him, that is a spread type aka Westcoast style offense. The (O) side of the ball was recruited for that type of play. When losing like this last one go ahead put the young guns go. I hear the are restless and still carry a winning attitude. If you gone to lay an egg try fresh young guys that want to fly around put up numbers and feel they can win and make an difference, would it hurt ..? other recruits see the have a chance to hit the field turns to a chance to bring them in. Nick Sabine says Fresh - Senior every practice is a new tryout to start. In closing put the best players on the field and win that formula works well he has moved from school to school and gone to the highest level at each one. It's lower I know but like offenses everyone runs the same stuff do what fits your players..!
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G.E. well I feel like we need to have our O.C. if you will go back to what made him, that is a spread type aka Westcoast style offense. The (O) side of the ball was recruited for that type of play. When losing like this last one go ahead put the young guns go. I hear the are restless and still carry a winning attitude. If you gone to lay an egg try fresh young guys that want to fly around put up numbers and feel they can win and make an difference, would it hurt ..? other recruits see the have a chance to hit the field turns to a chance to bring them in. Nick Sabine says Fresh - Senior every practice is a new tryout to start. In closing put the best players on the field and win that formula works well he has moved from school to school and gone to the highest level at each one. It's lower I know but like offenses everyone runs the same stuff do what fits your players..!

I totally agree and wish Woodard would adopt Sabine's Philosophy but I don't think he's that smart. It be good if he'd just start with giving every kid a fair shot. He has players on the sideline that can help the team if he'd use them. He keeps bringing transfers in promising them they will start and they don't even have to prove their value to the team. They start ahead of the players who have been on the team working hard and they can drop passes and miss blocks and throw interceptions and not get atleast 100yds rushing but still get playing time. ITS TIME TO CHANGE THE LINEUP AND THE HEAD COACH!
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