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Mike last won the day on May 24

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1 Follower

About Mike

  • Birthday 06/19/1974


  • Location
    Port Neches, Texas


  • Interests
    Sports, Football, Lamar University, Dallas Cowboys


  • My Favorite Sports Team:
    Lamar Cardinals


  • My Favorite Sports Team:
    Dallas Cowboys


  • My Favorite Sports Team:
    Houston Astros

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Hearing McGrath who previously has been with the Seattle Mariners organization, University of Elon and most recently at the University of Iowa will be named the new Cardinals pitching coach. https://hawkeyesports.com/coach/sean-mcgrath/
  2. Getting rid of Abreu was the first step in recovery. I hate it because I read he was well liked in the clubhouse but he needs a fresh start as much as the Astros did.
  3. This is to accommodate SFA returning.
  4. From @ShlyKBMT “A (28-27) Florida team gets in and Lamar doesn’t. Ridiculous. The Gators were (13-17) in conference play. The regular season is officially pointless for Southland baseball teams.”
  5. Fantastic season regardless for the Cards.
  6. https://d1baseball.com/stories/2024-d1baseball-field-of-64-projections/ Nicholls as a 3-seed in Starkville. That wouldve been a great spot for Lamar.
  7. Welcome back friends, sorry for the hiatus. Hope you all enjoy the new site.
  8. Welcome to the updated and improved bigredinsider.com! After a short hiatus, we are back online and better than ever before! We're thrilled to announce that after addressing some technical challenges, revamping our software, and implementing numerous enhancements, we're ready to welcome you back to the first and only Lamar University fan forum. The decision to temporarily take the website offline wasn’t easy, but necessary. Our commitment to providing an enjoyable and functional platform for our members meant acknowledging that the outdated software and persistent errors were hindering your experience, so we took action to rectify the situation. So, what's new? 1. Updated Software: We've overhauled the entire backend infrastructure of bigredinsider. Out with the old, in with the new! Our website is now running on more modern, user-friendly software, ensuring improved performance, stability, and security. 2. Enhanced Functionality: Say goodbye to frustrating glitches and errors. With our latest updates, browsing the site is smoother and more intuitive than ever before. Whether you're accessing the site from your desktop, tablet, or smartphone, expect a smoother experience across all devices. 3. Fresh Look and Feel: We’ve given the site a makeover to reflect the vibrant spirit of our community. From updated visuals to streamlined navigation, everything has been crafted with your user experience in mind. 4. Optimized Features: We've fine-tuned existing features and introduced new ones to enrich your time on the site. From interactive forums to personalized member profiles, there's something for everyone to explore and enjoy. 5. Continued Commitment to Excellence: Our work doesn't stop here. We're dedicated to continuously improving bigredinsider to meet and exceed your expectations. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please don't hesitate to reach out with any suggestions or concerns. As we relaunch, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your patience and understanding during this transition period. Your support fuels continues to fuel us towards creating a successful online community where our members can connect, engage, and share their love for all things sports. So, what are you waiting for? Dive back in today! Whether you're a longtime member or a newcomer, we can't wait to see you online. Welcome back, Mike Link to reply in forum!
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