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About bigredfan2

  • Birthday 01/05/1947


  • Location
    A, A


  • Interests
    Cheerleading at Lamar University, Lamar Cardinals men's basketball, Lamar Cardinals football The Swa

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  1. We took care of business in a resounding way, but what did you exspect..... The photos I took at the game.......https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.582067877671872&type=3
  2. The young fans made it more like a real college atmosphere, small screams, excited to be there reacting to every Lamar score. The photos I took of the game........ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.582067877671872&type=3
  3. The season has started on a sputtering note......NOT MUCH DEFENSE Here the photos I took. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.577732338105426&type=3
  4. No defense.......sporadic at best. There was too much relying on the 3 to take a 10pt. lead and then just give it up. I heard that Pennebaker and Knight were injured and would be back soon. Hamilton was not effective with no points and a disappointment. White played pretty well, but considering who we were playing needs to step up his game. Beaumont's Holifield was impressive on offence. He is a flyer around the basket. Marmolejos, Barrs and Dawsey like to drive the basket. But no defense......sporadic at best.
  5. The women took care of business with a good start against East Texas Baptist over matching them 70 to 39. I have neglected this site, but plan to post photos taken at Lamar Athletics events. The Facebook site is a page and open to the public, so anyone can see and download the photos want. https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=bigredfan2&set=a.575293751682618
  6. Great 👍🏻 to have forum back. #WeAreLU
  7. Thanks, Mike, for updating the site. It has taken me a little tine to figure out how to post without just replying to someone else's posting. I hope to post more on the site. As some of you may know I post photos on the Facebook site. I have a page and group. Meta is has been harassing the page say I have been breaking policy. This is not the first time I have problems. After I had Covid and off the Facebook for a while, i was snookered and lost my Bigredinsider group. I was hacked and I screwed up. They had said they could shut the page down, although I have not seen any problems. I decided to revive the group. With the revival of this site, and the Facebook page problems I'm going to build the Facebook group. Juat quick heads-up McNeese has to beat Nicholls one game for Lamar to had the conference by themselves. As of now McNeese is winning, Top of 8th 9 to 6. I know it sounds bad, Go Cowboys!
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