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Five Key Questions after Texas College


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Coach Woodard as already address the use of the 3 QB's and it was more fair than most people know. Bevil started the game and was told prior to the game that Johnson would come in on the 3rd series and they would split the snaps in the first half.


Then starting the 2nd half was Prewitt with the first three series with the number one offense.


Finally, obviously he has read this message board and asked that people can support their guy but not to say things personal against any of the other QB. If they wanted to bash someone he is the head coach so bash him. "I'm big enough to handle it."


I think it ridiculous that coach would have to make a statement like this. Having an opinion on which QB you think should get the starting job is one thing, but making personal comments about the other young men trying to win this position is totally unnecessary and shows little class but that's just my opinion on this.

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Coach Woodard as already address the use of the 3 QB's and it was more fair than most people know. Bevil started the game and was told prior to the game that Johnson would come in on the 3rd series and they would split the snaps in the first half.


Then starting the 2nd half was Prewitt with the first three series with the number one offense.


Finally, obviously he has read this message board and asked that people can support their guy but not to say things personal against any of the other QB. If they wanted to bash someone he is the head coach so bash him. "I'm big enough to handle it."


I think it ridiculous that coach would have to make a statement like this. Having an opinion on which QB you think should get the starting job is one thing, but making personal comments about the other young men trying to win this position is totally unnecessary and shows little class but that's just my opinion on this.


Oh sorry, I did not realize that this was Pop Warner football and everyone needs to be encouraged. Give me a break. This is a college football team and sorry, but these young men are getting free college and some to play sports. Its time to graduate from preschool and grow up. By your standards, we should just love everyone no matter how bad they do. Here is one for you.....Come on, Man!

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Guest CardAmbassador
Coach Woodard as already address the use of the 3 QB's and it was more fair than most people know. Bevil started the game and was told prior to the game that Johnson would come in on the 3rd series and they would split the snaps in the first half.


Then starting the 2nd half was Prewitt with the first three series with the number one offense.


Finally, obviously he has read this message board and asked that people can support their guy but not to say things personal against any of the other QB. If they wanted to bash someone he is the head coach so bash him. "I'm big enough to handle it."


I think it ridiculous that coach would have to make a statement like this. Having an opinion on which QB you think should get the starting job is one thing, but making personal comments about the other young men trying to win this position is totally unnecessary and shows little class but that's just my opinion on this.


Oh sorry, I did not realize that this was Pop Warner football and everyone needs to be encouraged. Give me a break. This is a college football team and sorry, but these young men are getting free college and some to play sports. Its time to graduate from preschool and grow up. By your standards, we should just love everyone no matter how bad they do. Here is one for you.....Come on, Man!


It has nothing to do with encouraging people. You can say that Bevil is turn over prone or Prewitt is slower than Johnson or Johnson isn't as accurate as Prewitt, etc. But you don't have to wish evil on the players. I've see people say they hate Bevil or want to call Johnson a quitter. If that is your attitude than you're not a fan because those are things you can just keep to yourself.


If you couldn't look the person in the face and tell it to them like that then you probably shouldn't say it on a message board.


I've only seen you comment on here a few times and you've been far more negative than positive, I thought a fan would be more positive than negative?

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Coach Woodard as already address the use of the 3 QB's and it was more fair than most people know. Bevil started the game and was told prior to the game that Johnson would come in on the 3rd series and they would split the snaps in the first half.


Then starting the 2nd half was Prewitt with the first three series with the number one offense.


Finally, obviously he has read this message board and asked that people can support their guy but not to say things personal against any of the other QB. If they wanted to bash someone he is the head coach so bash him. "I'm big enough to handle it."


I think it ridiculous that coach would have to make a statement like this. Having an opinion on which QB you think should get the starting job is one thing, but making personal comments about the other young men trying to win this position is totally unnecessary and shows little class but that's just my opinion on this.


Oh sorry, I did not realize that this was Pop Warner football and everyone needs to be encouraged. Give me a break. This is a college football team and sorry, but these young men are getting free college and some to play sports. Its time to graduate from preschool and grow up. By your standards, we should just love everyone no matter how bad they do. Here is one for you.....Come on, Man!


I don't know if you thought I was aiming my post at you, but I was really aiming it at people like the one that lu cards posted about in another thread. But if you feel that it is ok to make personal attacks on one of the LU players then you need to grow up(there is a difference in having a opinion and making personal attack on a player). How would you like it if I came to your work and made negative comments about you on every little mistake you made?


had to sit next to some turd last night who was commenting out loud everytime jj made a bad throw.i saw four or five people giving him death stares and felt like he was going to get his ass kicked.
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Ok listen, I in no way condone someone threatening a player or do I even like the fact that people have hatred in their hearts. The simple reality is this, if you do not think a player is good enough or is not performing up to what you think he should, then you should have the right, especially if you buy game tickets, to express you opinion though be it a negative one. Now that does not mean doing harm to somebody.
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Here's our contributor Fred Davis's answers to the 5 questions:


Let me begin by saying, it’s difficult to properly gauge anything that happened from Saturday’s game

because Texas College was a terrible football team, the weather was awful and it was the first game of

the season. But in the spirit of discussion, here are my retorts to Mike’s Five Questions….


Has the Quarterback Situation Been Settled?


For now it has… Bevil is still the guy. And why not? As Coach Woodard said Saturday night following the game, he didn’t do anything to lose the starting job. The stat line for all three quarterbacks was bad, and that had more to do with the weather and offensive gameplan than anything else. Sure, he didn’t look great throwing the ball, but when was the last time we graded a quarterback’s ability on how he looked in pouring rain and wind for three hours? How would Tom Brady look? Probably not that great. Not saying Bevil is Tom Brady – their hair is probably the main difference – but let’s be real, outside of overthrowing a few passes, we didn’t really see Bevil get a chance to uncork anything. Now, I will say, his decision-making bothers me. He threw into some questionable coverage, and I know JJ Hayes is a talented receiver, but when he’s blanketed by a DB, Bevil may want to look in another direction, because good defenses will make him pay.


Jeremy Johnson did not look good at all throwing the football Saturday night except for the bullet

he threw to Kye Hildreth, who fumbled at the two-yard line on what should’ve been a touchdown

reception. Outside of that pass, Johnson underthrew a lot of passes, and even looked bad throwing a

screen pass. Running the ball, Johnson looked great, throwing the ball, eh, no so much. I’m not going to knock the kid for it, maybe he was nervous, maybe the weather, either way, I expect he’ll be fine and look better throwing the ball, because he has a great arm.


Doug Prewitt didn’t look good in any facet Saturday night, and maybe that was because the game was a

done deal, but he couldn’t hold on to the ball, and he only threw the ball two times, completing one for four yards. Ugh. Nothing to really take away from Prewitt’s performance, he remains the third string guy for now. Prewitt fans shouldn’t take it as a slight. Sure, could he start somewhere else? Yeah. But he’s at Lamar. He’s got two guys in front of him. He walked on. He was playing wide receiver before moving back to quarterback last season. Football is a crazy sport. One week the position is loaded, next week, Bevil could get hurt – very real possibility – and Johnson could go down. They’re both mobile guys, and if we know one thing about mobile quarterbacks, they have a propensity to get hurt. Michael Vick anyone?


Bevil’s the guy until further notice.


Was moving Jacody Coleman to LB the right move?


Sure was. The guy is a monster, and every team needs a linebacker that brings the wood. Coleman does

that. I like Marcus Malbrough, who I thought brought good pressure Saturday, and Coleman did a great

job of applying pressure, not to mention he had some big hits as well. But, sigh, it was against Texas

College. While he’s great at LB, I’m real interested to see how he does against South Alabama, but so far, so good.


Comfortable with the running game?


I’m trending in that direction, but that’s because I didn’t see how bad Lamar’s ground game was last

year, but six touchdowns to start the season is never a bad thing, and I don’t care if that’s against the scout team. DePauldrick Garrett is a good running back. Octavious Logan is a solid reliever, and Mike Venson is the wildcard of the group because he might be the best athlete of the trio and should improve as the season wears on. I’m disappointed to hear Cody Hussey quit the team, because I felt he added another dimension as a bruiser coming out of the backfield both running the ball and catching passes. But life goes on, and now Caleb Harmon has suddenly seized that fourth spot and it’ll be interesting to see if he can prove his worth. He fumbled the ball against Texas College, fortunately it was recovered by Lamar, but hopefully that was a byproduct of a slippery football and not a sign of Tiki Barber-like hands. The line will improve, the passing game will improve, so I expect the added balance the running game provides to supplement what will be a dangerous offense once all the pieces are in place. So am I comfortable? Eh, not sitting in my recliner, watching a football game on a Sunday while my fantasy team is winning with five guys left to go and I’ve got a cold drink, BBQ on my plate, and I don’t work on Monday comfortable yet, but I’m encouraged.


Will the Sloppy Play Get Fixed?


Let’s hope So. Seriously, why wouldn’t it be fixed? I can’t imagine that Lamar will be forced to play in Monsoon conditions the rest of the season, not to mention this team is going to get better as the season rolls along, because that’s what good teams with good coaching staffs do, and Lamar is a good team with a good coaching staff. The quarterback situation will figure itself out, the offensive line will gel, players will get healthy – and a few straggles and injuries aside, there’s no reason to think this team won’t fix the sloppy play that riddled them Saturday night. Plus, the quality of team they’ll play moving forward will be exponentially better, starting with South Alabama on Saturday, and Woodard even said himself after the game that this team needs more reps to fix what ails them.


Is the team better off after Texas College than it was last year after McNeese?


I don’t see how it couldn’t be. Again, I missed last season because I wasn’t in SE Texas, but it doesn’t take Craig James to figure out that another year in the program with bigger, stronger, faster players and another year under the same coaching staff with offensive and defensive philosophies put in place will make a team better. This team has expectations, last year? It was a novelty, first year program, so there was as much of a “What is this all about” factor as it was whether or not the team would actually win. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy a good tailgate? This year, this team has a bona fide chip on its shoulder. They were picked to finish dead last in the conference by coaches and media. Translation: Nobody in the Conference outside of Beaumont thinks this team is any good. At all. Coach Woodard and his staff could not have asked for a better motivator for this season. It’s easy for the Coach to do his Knute Rockne and motivate the team before the season, but now? “Hey guys, the rest of the league thinks you suck.” What 18-22 year old male with an ego who enjoys smashing into other 18-22 year old males in a violent manner is going to be okay with being told he’s not very good?




It’s only one game in, so there’s no reason to get too high or too low after stomping Texas College.

The real first game of the season is Saturday when the Cardinals travel to Mobile and play a team that

has never been beaten in 11 tries, South Alabama, yet escaped 20-10 against a Division II team while

committing four turnovers in the process. This a game the Cardinals can win. It’s too early to say they should win, but they can. We’ll have a much more definitive answer about Ray Woodard’s group after Saturday.

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As I've said before, blind allegiance to a QB he brought with him calls his coaching ability into question. Furthermore, his choice for OC was horrible.


Bevil may have done great at the beginning of the season last year, but as defenses realized that all he could do was throw deep, they prepped for that. Look at the difference in his stats as the year progressed. Look at the difference in his McNeese stats as they changed up their defense against him.


But hey, let's give Woodward and Bevil blind loyalty. When the newness wears off of the program and people don't want to see poor quality, there will be you, me, and about 100 others in the stands. At least we won't need message board any more. We can just chat in the stands. There won't be a game worth watching.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I get so frustrated!! Anytime I question anything everyone jumps my butt essentially saying "how dare you"! You are 100% correct. I TOTALLY agree with you. You are awesome!! What is so difficult about looking at how they performed? Bevil,in essence, had one great game. Defenses figured out quickly that he can only throw deep. Granted, I love the deep ball but it is very easy to defend once you figure out the QB is a one trick pony. Why is everyone so adamant about sticking behind Bevil after they year he had? He was great for one game and much below average after that!!!! UGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!

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Yea, ok prewitt and I are best friends and I am just making up his 62.5% completion rate and bevil's 54% (33%) last night. Granted last night was almost impossible to judge but bevil missed some wide open throws as did johnson. To address your allegations, I know who he us but i've never met him. As I recall, the worse bevil played the more "hurt" he became. Id you think he really list his job last year, well..whatever. I guess you can believe that and I can't make a definitive argument against it but most everyone could tell what was really going on. Bevil does throw a great deep ball but that is about it. It didn't take long for defenses to realize that. Two deep zone and or blitzes and be il is toast. Now, back to prewitt. I neversaw him play in high school and was surprisedhe was even trying to walk on at LU. Additionally, they had him at receiver. I am not surehow it came about but he was moved to qb and was like 5th string ir something. He then gradually moved up the depth charts and I was really shocked. I honestly thought backuos had to all be hurt for him to move up. Then after watching bevil gradually get worse week after week we were long overdue for a change. I was extremely shocked at how well prewitt played. Every aspect of his game was much better than I expected: goodarm strength, accurate, very good mobility, able to throw on the run and his apparent toughness. I mean, a walk on? Why wouldanyone walk on to play football? Anyway, yes part of me wants him to start because ut is a great story. It goes along with why u am an lu fan, I love pulling for the underdog. But I also want him to play because, based on what u saw last year and based on the statistics, he us the better av. So, again, he should be the starter. If he starts out with a bad couple of games, fine...benchhim


Guy, read what I said to begin with: I think that Prewitt is a better QB, he makes better decisions with the ball, he doesn't force the ball. That, for whatever reason is not how the coaches feel. So I was agreeing with you. If you're such a great judge of QB talent go be a QB coach somewhere.



When did you start following the team last year? Bevil's completion rate was actually pretty high at the beginning of the season. Bevil not Prewitt holds two Lamar records (Most Completions and Most Passing Yards) Then he got hurt, fine call him a sissy or what ever you want to do, I'm sure it's something you wouldn't say to his face.


Point is if the coaches think that Bevil has cured himself of the turnover bug I would actually go the other way and say Bevil is a better QB. And lets not forget about JJ, look at his stats, look at what he did in training camp, if he wasn't a RS freshmen I would bet my life that guy would be our starting QB.


You can't point to last nights stats because of the conditions and the team. If you're a Lamar fan then why don't you support the coach of LAMAR'S TEAM. This was game only one game against bad competition (Texas College) and some people are acting like Woodard has just slapped Prewitt in the face.


And if you feel so strongly about it why don't you go lecture Woodard about why he is wrong. The guy is a HC of DI university he knows a thing or two about football, it's his life, he can probably give you lesson on the entire game.


P.S. Prewitt is on schlarship, receives medical insurance, nutrition, tutoring and top notch recovery facilities. Has Woodard really been that bad to the kid???


Dude, Bud, Guy, Man...what do you expect? You made a lot of comments I disagree with. I suppose, in your book, I should not be allowed to respond? Maybe I should say "you are right about everything, I totally agree", even when I don't?


I followed the cards all of last year. I am well aware of how well Bevil performed last year against McNeese, I am also aware of how poorly he performed after that. He is a one trick pony. Your comment about calling him a sissy is absurd. But, whatever...of course I'd call him a sissy if he were faking an injury and I would tell him to his face. I mean, what difference does that make anyway? Who cares? Have you ever played sports in your life? Coaches aren't always the nicest people in the world. Are athletes only supposed to be told lovey, touchy, feely things? Give me a break.


Wonderful about JJ. I am glad we signed him if he is any good. However, Prewitt was the starter. What has JJ done to change anything other than be "highly recruited"? Big damn deal. Prove it on the field. Prewitt was the starter and his performance ON THE FIELD EARNED HIM THE RIGHT TO CONTINUE AS THE STARTER unless he was just a total dud in the off season. Since he was a walk on I seriously doubt he came into the off season with any attitude problems.


Isn't that sweet that Woodard's life is D1 football! There are many fans that live and breath football. Unfortunately not everyone was born 6'8" and 300+ lbs. I guess that fact means he knows more about football than everyone else? Honestly, I could care less if he is the coach. Part of being a coach is having people question your decisions. If that is a problem then all I can say is wah, wah, wah. And, I would love to lecture him about why he is wrong. Actually, it isn't even a lecture it would simply be "look at their performance on the field". That is supposed to be the great thing about sports. It is supposed to be non-discriminatory because the performance on the field speaks for itself. It is usually pretty easy to figure out when someone is playing favorites.


Finally, if you think giving him a scholarship is what this is about you are sadly mistaken! Do you think someone would walk on because all they want is a scholarship? I don't know the kid but there is obviously a passion for football that most of us can't understand. I seriously doubt he was thinking "maybe I can earn a scholarship". Granted, it is a huge accomplishment that he should be extremely proud of and it is great that Woodard recognized it but my guess is this is a kid that loves football, period. Should that entitle him to the starting position? Hell no! Athletics are an overly brutal lesson in life. At the same time, I guess it teaches him another lesson about life...the best person is not always the one that gets the proverbial "promotion". A lot of times it isn't what you do but who you know.

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Yea, ok prewitt and I are best friends and I am just making up his 62.5% completion rate and bevil's 54% (33%) last night. Granted last night was almost impossible to judge but bevil missed some wide open throws as did johnson. To address your allegations, I know who he us but i've never met him. As I recall, the worse bevil played the more "hurt" he became. Id you think he really list his job last year, well..whatever. I guess you can believe that and I can't make a definitive argument against it but most everyone could tell what was really going on. Bevil does throw a great deep ball but that is about it. It didn't take long for defenses to realize that. Two deep zone and or blitzes and be il is toast. Now, back to prewitt. I neversaw him play in high school and was surprisedhe was even trying to walk on at LU. Additionally, they had him at receiver. I am not surehow it came about but he was moved to qb and was like 5th string ir something. He then gradually moved up the depth charts and I was really shocked. I honestly thought backuos had to all be hurt for him to move up. Then after watching bevil gradually get worse week after week we were long overdue for a change. I was extremely shocked at how well prewitt played. Every aspect of his game was much better than I expected: goodarm strength, accurate, very good mobility, able to throw on the run and his apparent toughness. I mean, a walk on? Why wouldanyone walk on to play football? Anyway, yes part of me wants him to start because ut is a great story. It goes along with why u am an lu fan, I love pulling for the underdog. But I also want him to play because, based on what u saw last year and based on the statistics, he us the better av. So, again, he should be the starter. If he starts out with a bad couple of games, fine...benchhim


Guy, read what I said to begin with: I think that Prewitt is a better QB, he makes better decisions with the ball, he doesn't force the ball. That, for whatever reason is not how the coaches feel. So I was agreeing with you. If you're such a great judge of QB talent go be a QB coach somewhere.


When did you start following the team last year? Bevil's completion rate was actually pretty high at the beginning of the season. Bevil not Prewitt holds two Lamar records (Most Completions and Most Passing Yards) Then he got hurt, fine call him a sissy or what ever you want to do, I'm sure it's something you wouldn't say to his face.


Point is if the coaches think that Bevil has cured himself of the turnover bug I would actually go the other way and say Bevil is a better QB. And lets not forget about JJ, look at his stats, look at what he did in training camp, if he wasn't a RS freshmen I would bet my life that guy would be our starting QB.


You can't point to last nights stats because of the conditions and the team. If you're a Lamar fan then why don't you support the coach of LAMAR'S TEAM. This was game only one game against bad competition (Texas College) and some people are acting like Woodard has just slapped Prewitt in the face.


And if you feel so strongly about it why don't you go lecture Woodard about why he is wrong. The guy is a HC of DI university he knows a thing or two about football, it's his life, he can probably give you lesson on the entire game.


P.S. Prewitt is on schlarship, receives medical insurance, nutrition, tutoring and top notch recovery facilities. Has Woodard really been that bad to the kid???


Ok, let me step in here and say something. Just because you are a fan of Lamar does not mean you have to support the Coach. That is a ludicrous statement. I happen to be a huge fan of PNG and for the longest time I would pray that the school board would replace Burnett. Granted he was a great defensive coach, but his head coaching ability was never even close to par. He knew a lot about football, but one of his biggest flaws was not being able to evaluate his talent(or not listening to his position coaches opinions). Now from what I can tell it seems as if Woodard may have the same problem/s. Having a QB controversy is not a bad thing, yes, but only if the talent level of all Qb's involved are of the same caliber. Clearly this is not the case for Lamar and everyone here seems to agree on this. Guys come on, quit bashing another boarder for his opinions. Really, these boards are for information, opinions, and debate.


A little side note for you on talent evaluation: Brennan Doty, who Woodard refused to even talk with, is now the 3rd string Qb for Oregon Ducks. All projections have him actually at #2 because they are trying to utilize the athletic ability of their #2 by moving him to WR. The QB coach for the Ducks is on record saying that if Doty keeps progressing at the rate thus far, then he could very well be the starter next year. Great for Doty, but very sad for Lamar.


Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto!! Why Doty wasn't recruited by Lamar is beyond me!!! Anyway, he wouldn't be playing anyway because he isn't from Navarro.

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#5- i agree because the year of offseason and key team editions obviously make this team a better team than last years group.


#4- i guess we'll see because if its not itll be a long season. some teams are either diciplined and some arent and theres nothing you can do to change it. some are just snakebit. im hoping the weather and opening game mistakes are all it was.


#3- I am. i think if they wanted they couldve ran for as many yards as they wanted. plus the fire of the team had to be down a little once they all realized how inferior that school was.


#2- time will tell but having dorsey back for game action last night sure sured up that dline some since the practices. i was able to make a couple of the later practices and was concerned when the offense was gashing the ddefense up the middle. i love coleman at linebacker but time should tell whether it was the right choice or not.


#1- Heck no it hasnt but i tell you what some on here im reading are going overboard on their assesments. i think its the coaches wish to have jeremy johnson as the starter. none of us were at all the pracices, film sessions, weight training, etc but coach woodard and his staff has. they made a decision and we as fans should stick by it. heck doug prewitt has a better attitude about the situation than most of our fans. if he keeps busting butt they wont be able to keep him off that field but all the armchair talking going on messageboards isnt going to change a thing. get behind whoever is on the field cause theyre all cardinals that are playing for us.


The coaches want him because they probably promised it to him. How embarrassing to admit a walk on is better, right? Everyone else wants him because he came from West Virginia so he has to be great, right?

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testiment- i think its pretty clear that johnson is long term QB in beaumont. plus they already had a young prewitt. i think he offered doty if they didnt have johnson. whether they made the right choice is up for debate but we cant fault them for not giving out another qb scholorship with what they already had on campus. forney doesnt count cause there was never intent on letting him play qb. wasnt he moved after the first practice to tight end? hes just a big body they figured could play another position. plus if lamar screweed up how about houston, tcu, baylor, texas a&m, rice, etc screw up because i dont think he was offered by any of them. i hope he blows up in oregon but i dont think lamar did anything wrong. they just went in another direction.


Yes ScreamingDeane that is right.


Wrong. If the job is all the sudden supposedly "open" why sign johnson and not doty? Sorry, but if doty wanted to come here and we turn him down, I hope he starts for Oregon and they come beat us here 90-0 with him throwing 10 touchdowns and running for 2 more.

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Dude, all I can go by is what I see on the field. You can go with the hype/reputation of JJ, you can go with Bevil because if his great game against McNeese or you can go with the one that gas performed the best on the field



No man, I go with the coaches decision because I wouldn't want them telling me how to take care of a cardiac patient. They have forgot more than I know about the game of football. LOL


wah wah wah. would you like a little cheese with that whine? by the way, south alabama is still undefeated.

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The coaches said before the Texas College game they were going to run run run. Throw in the bad weather and the fact this was going to be like an exhibition game then no QB was going to throw that much. Maybe Bevil and JJ played most of the first half to see who was going to backup Prewitt this Saturday. They didn't want to show USA anything, and I'm sure the USA coaches will have a hard time evaluating Lamar based on that game. Johnson is a freshman and really hasn't played a real game yet so the coaches are going to give him plenty of chances to succeed before giving up on him.


Ok, finally a reasonable argument. I hope you are correct. If so, I will gladly eat crow. Bevil was given a 14 interception and ???? fumble leash? Prewitt had 2 picks last year and gets demoted to third string? Hopefully, he gets the nod this week and I can quit my whining/bitching.

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Guest CardAmbassador

First there are very few people adamant about sticking behind Bevil, it's about sticking behind the team. I think JJ is the #1, Prewitt is the #2 and Bevil is the #3. My stipulation on Bevil is that if he has gotten better on his decision making than he might be the best guy we have this year. I don't think that's the case but we have to But I'm going to give the team time, and you say it's easy to evaluate talent, so how many times have you see the guys play, like I said before the coaches have seen them everyday.


No one ever said you can't have an opinion, it's just one I don't disagree with. It's more of being annoyed at supposed fans that have much more negative to say about the entire team than anything positive. Are you even happy we have a team?


Yes I played sports most of my life. Basketball in particular, I didn't say coaches were nice, when did I say that?


You are pretty biased to think Prewitt is that much better than the other QB's. There is one thing I do know and that is that we have a QB battle for a reason. Did you follow the stats from the spring scrimmages and fall practices. I saw most of the spring practices in person and I saw the first fall practice in person, I've read every thing on every practice, every comment every article every opinion. I came out of the spring impressed the most by JJ, his passes aren't more accurate than Prewitt, but it's not much worse and he makes better decisions than Bevil that's why I thought he was the favorite to eventually take over. I wanted Prewitt to start the season off because we already know he isn't turn over prone and he has more experience than JJ.

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Guest CardAmbassador
testiment- i think its pretty clear that johnson is long term QB in beaumont. plus they already had a young prewitt. i think he offered doty if they didnt have johnson. whether they made the right choice is up for debate but we cant fault them for not giving out another qb scholorship with what they already had on campus. forney doesnt count cause there was never intent on letting him play qb. wasnt he moved after the first practice to tight end? hes just a big body they figured could play another position. plus if lamar screweed up how about houston, tcu, baylor, texas a&m, rice, etc screw up because i dont think he was offered by any of them. i hope he blows up in oregon but i dont think lamar did anything wrong. they just went in another direction.


Yes ScreamingDeane that is right.


Wrong. If the job is all the sudden supposedly "open" why sign johnson and not doty? Sorry, but if doty wanted to come here and we turn him down, I hope he starts for Oregon and they come beat us here 90-0 with him throwing 10 touchdowns and running for 2 more.


Alright that's it, you have just shown your true colors, you don't care about Lamar at all. You're not a cardinal fan, might as well change your name to duck. It wont matter the first time Lamar has a really bad season you will just stop being a fan. WOW.


EDIT: and the Johnson stuff was already pretty much decided way before the Doty stuff happened.

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testiment- i think its pretty clear that johnson is long term QB in beaumont. plus they already had a young prewitt. i think he offered doty if they didnt have johnson. whether they made the right choice is up for debate but we cant fault them for not giving out another qb scholorship with what they already had on campus. forney doesnt count cause there was never intent on letting him play qb. wasnt he moved after the first practice to tight end? hes just a big body they figured could play another position. plus if lamar screweed up how about houston, tcu, baylor, texas a&m, rice, etc screw up because i dont think he was offered by any of them. i hope he blows up in oregon but i dont think lamar did anything wrong. they just went in another direction.


First off, he did not have to offer Doty a scholarship. Doty wanted to play for Lamar and was willing to walk on and was told by the coaching staff that they were not interested in him. Secondly, I do think all those other schools missed out on a great opportunity in Doty, but this is a Lamar fan site and I happen to be a fan of Lamar talking about Lamar football.


That's great that he wanted to play here, I'm sorry it didn't work out. The coaching staff chose to address different needs, notice that we didn't allow any more walk on QB's. They were probably comfortable with what we have at that position and were trying to address other needs (o line, defensive backs, etc.)


Thanks for being a Lamar football fan, at least that means you will continue to be a fan even if certain players don't get on the team. We can't say that about everyone.


Well I am a fan and an alum. I think that gives me the right to question some of the coaching decisions. Look I am not questioning Woodard's knowledge level or love of his job, but I am questioning his ability as a HC. Now I am not oblivious to the simple aspect of "he is starting a program from the ground up". I realize this and wish him the best. But as a former coach, I understand the very importance of reconizing and utilizing your talent. This is an area that alot of coaches have a hard time with. In the little time that he has had to do this, I think this is his biggest weakness thus far and maybe his only. He can overcome this just as many HC's do by having a capable coaching staff in which he listens to. I am not saying he does not, but then again we are still having this conversation.


You mean taking a big ten linebacker and putting him at defensive end may not have been the smartest move? Or taking Chavis and trying to make him a tight end may not be the best use of his skills? Or, making arguably your best defensive lineman a backup this year? Or your best starting qb now 3rd string? What about moving Ploch to linebacker..nah, that is really smart. Well, thank goodness I'm not a coach because I know nothing about football...whew.

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testiment- i think its pretty clear that johnson is long term QB in beaumont. plus they already had a young prewitt. i think he offered doty if they didnt have johnson. whether they made the right choice is up for debate but we cant fault them for not giving out another qb scholorship with what they already had on campus. forney doesnt count cause there was never intent on letting him play qb. wasnt he moved after the first practice to tight end? hes just a big body they figured could play another position. plus if lamar screweed up how about houston, tcu, baylor, texas a&m, rice, etc screw up because i dont think he was offered by any of them. i hope he blows up in oregon but i dont think lamar did anything wrong. they just went in another direction.


First off, he did not have to offer Doty a scholarship. Doty wanted to play for Lamar and was willing to walk on and was told by the coaching staff that they were not interested in him. Secondly, I do think all those other schools missed out on a great opportunity in Doty, but this is a Lamar fan site and I happen to be a fan of Lamar talking about Lamar football.


That's great that he wanted to play here, I'm sorry it didn't work out. The coaching staff chose to address different needs, notice that we didn't allow any more walk on QB's. They were probably comfortable with what we have at that position and were trying to address other needs (o line, defensive backs, etc.)


Thanks for being a Lamar football fan, at least that means you will continue to be a fan even if certain players don't get on the team. We can't say that about everyone.


Well I am a fan and an alum. I think that gives me the right to question some of the coaching decisions. Look I am not questioning Woodard's knowledge level or love of his job, but I am questioning his ability as a HC. Now I am not oblivious to the simple aspect of "he is starting a program from the ground up". I realize this and wish him the best. But as a former coach, I understand the very importance of reconizing and utilizing your talent. This is an area that alot of coaches have a hard time with. In the little time that he has had to do this, I think this is his biggest weakness thus far and maybe his only. He can overcome this just as many HC's do by having a capable coaching staff in which he listens to. I am not saying he does not, but then again we are still having this conversation.


I'm not saying people can't question the coaching staff, but you have to give them more time and some credit that they spend more time with these kids than any of us. People are talking about who he hired or why we didn't do A. Well Lamar like all FCS programs is limited by dollars.


I'll definitely question the coaching staff if recruiting this next year isn't greatly improved from last year. But we also have to realize this was one game, Woodard can't give everyone equal time or shot in one night. And I always give a coach more than a season and one game before I say we need to toss him.


Also I just don't see how we can question coach for passing up a walk on QB when we already had 5 on our roster. I think we have enough weaknesses in other places that it makes sense to address those concerns first before taking another QB.


You'll question the coaching staff about recruiting but not their coaching decisions? Now that is funny. So they have total control over who they sign? I mean, damn..why didn't they sign the top 50 players in the country...that has to be a coaching problem!!! lol

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Ok listen, I in no way condone someone threatening a player or do I even like the fact that people have hatred in their hearts. The simple reality is this, if you do not think a player is good enough or is not performing up to what you think he should, then you should have the right, especially if you buy game tickets, to express you opinion though be it a negative one. Now that does not mean doing harm to somebody.


I absolutely agree. If the players don't want to hear it then don't play. As far other jobs, everybody has to put up with it. We either complain or praise almost every person about their job. Get a reality check. If you aren't performing well at your job, your boss will tell you or your customers/clients will tell your. I am so tired of all this polyanna b.s. it makes me want to puke.

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Ok listen, I in no way condone someone threatening a player or do I even like the fact that people have hatred in their hearts. The simple reality is this, if you do not think a player is good enough or is not performing up to what you think he should, then you should have the right, especially if you buy game tickets, to express you opinion though be it a negative one. Now that does not mean doing harm to somebody.


I absolutely agree. If the players don't want to hear it then don't play. As far other jobs, everybody has to put up with it. We either complain or praise almost every person about their job. Get a reality check. If you aren't performing well at your job, your boss will tell you or your customers/clients will tell your. I am so tired of all this polyanna b.s. it makes me want to puke.


I think the point is "give it time". On the same note, judge the coaches/admins. Woodard has openly taken this responsibility and asked that we do not bash players. That's all I can take from this. The coaches are grown men who can take the flak that comes for their decisions about this team. The players are just there to turn the map the coaches give them into a reality.


I see both sides, but just out of being good fans, let's give these guys (players) a break.

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testiment- i think its pretty clear that johnson is long term QB in beaumont. plus they already had a young prewitt. i think he offered doty if they didnt have johnson. whether they made the right choice is up for debate but we cant fault them for not giving out another qb scholorship with what they already had on campus. forney doesnt count cause there was never intent on letting him play qb. wasnt he moved after the first practice to tight end? hes just a big body they figured could play another position. plus if lamar screweed up how about houston, tcu, baylor, texas a&m, rice, etc screw up because i dont think he was offered by any of them. i hope he blows up in oregon but i dont think lamar did anything wrong. they just went in another direction.


Yes ScreamingDeane that is right.


Wrong. If the job is all the sudden supposedly "open" why sign johnson and not doty? Sorry, but if doty wanted to come here and we turn him down, I hope he starts for Oregon and they come beat us here 90-0 with him throwing 10 touchdowns and running for 2 more.


By the way, I don't think you have to worry about Oregon playing us, much less coming here, anytime soon. You seem to support this guy a great deal. I understand that. However, if he said he would walk on while we already have 3 sound quarterbacks competing for this starting position, what would he do at Lamar? I respect Woodard for being honest to him and not just taking him for a roster spot. Let's face it, a roster spot on Oregon is a lot more appealing to a young man than the same on Lamar. However, why the hostility?

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Alright that's it, you have just shown your true colors, you don't care about Lamar at all. You're not a cardinal fan, might as well change your name to duck. It wont matter the first time Lamar has a really bad season you will just stop being a fan. WOW.


EDIT: and the Johnson stuff was already pretty much decided way before the Doty stuff happened.


Not true at all. If I would have known that by losing every game my senior year of high hchool would have gotten my head coach fired, then I would have done it. Just so the players after me could have had a better opportunity. With that said, I do not in no way wish they would fire Woodard. I am just a passionate fan who wants Lamar to be better!

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Guest CardAmbassador
Alright that's it, you have just shown your true colors, you don't care about Lamar at all. You're not a cardinal fan, might as well change your name to duck. It wont matter the first time Lamar has a really bad season you will just stop being a fan. WOW.


EDIT: and the Johnson stuff was already pretty much decided way before the Doty stuff happened.


Not true at all. If I would have known that by losing every game my senior year of high hchool would have gotten my head coach fired, then I would have done it. Just so the players after me could have had a better opportunity. With that said, I do not in no way wish they would fire Woodard. I am just a passionate fan who wants Lamar to be better!


No fan roots for their team to lose. None. So if you're condoning this, then I don't really have anything more to say.


And what in the first part of my post has anything to do with truth?? It's about respect for your team. I can't believe anyone would say that.

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Alright that's it, you have just shown your true colors, you don't care about Lamar at all. You're not a cardinal fan, might as well change your name to duck. It wont matter the first time Lamar has a really bad season you will just stop being a fan. WOW.


EDIT: and the Johnson stuff was already pretty much decided way before the Doty stuff happened.


Not true at all. If I would have known that by losing every game my senior year of high hchool would have gotten my head coach fired, then I would have done it. Just so the players after me could have had a better opportunity. With that said, I do not in no way wish they would fire Woodard. I am just a passionate fan who wants Lamar to be better!


There seems to be some confusion here. He was talking to "cardinal".

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