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im hoping for the ags to win the national championship because every single one of there heads would explode and we'd be done with them.lol.lots of cocky sob's over at there site but they do have things going there way with sumlin in charge.i hope we play them close for a half so i can witness them freak out in person.i get we arent going to win but we arent second class like these fools want to portray us.with all this said i love tradition and am still looking forward to my trip to college station.atleast were gonna get paid for our ass whoppin.south carolina got that ass spanked for free.lamar's gonna go to the bank monday and cash that big ol aggie check and pay some bills;)

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If this were a UFC fight, most likely we would have to tap out early in the match!! That said if we can keep them under 60 and get on the board we will have done about as good as we could expect. 2nd and 3rd stringers will get a whole lot of minutes for the Agg's. But a the lopsided loss is not the worst of what will come out of this, having to actully listen to the nauseating aggie fans will be the absolute worst!! Go Cards!!
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How about this aggi frank talking about "enlightenment"? Boahahaha!!!! all the way from junior college station. Having rick perry cheerleaders and 10 players arrested in 2014 does make you enlightened it makes you a punch line...frank.


Um... having your football program cancelled -- only to be resurrected 20 years later as the personal vanity project of a local tort lawyer -- makes you a punchline.

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Um... having your football program cancelled -- only to be resurrected 20 years later as the personal vanity project of a local tort lawyer -- makes you a punchline.


For one, if it were his personal vanity project, the program would be doing better. He only paid to have the stadium named after his law firm.


Secondly, it really makes Baylor more of a punchline. Think about it: a former Baylor alum and player chooses to donate more locally to the university to which he did not attend. That's not to completely nix that he already has the law school at Baylor named after him, but he sure knows his hometown roots.

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Frank when was the last time you heard a Cardinal joke? you should go back to eATMe and horselaff and hump and brandish swords at cheerleaders. I cant wait til this game is over and all these aggis and wannabees go back to texfags. whats the best thing about gametime in junior college station? all the criminals are playing for the aggis and the general public is safe.
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Y'all certainly shouldn't read texags as a legitimate source of real Aggie opinion. Unless you're a paying member, all you're reading are troll threads. There's a reason it's called "the zoo". That being said, I'm sure any of you who do come to CS this weekend will find the environment very welcoming and friendly. Good luck Saturday. Edited by aggie11
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Ya'll don't let the words and thread topics of a few at Texags represent all Aggies. If your travelling to College Station come see us at Whiskey Charlie's Liquor. First liquor store coming into town from Houston. I'll give you a good discount. Lots of good Ags around here. Will be a fun game!! Hope some of y'all can make it out and tailgate at Kyle.
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Secondly, it really makes Baylor more of a punchline. Think about it: a former Baylor alum and player chooses to donate more locally to the university to which he did not attend. That's not to completely nix that he already has the law school at Baylor named after him, but he sure knows his hometown roots.


Ummm...he's probably donated 10x more to Baylor than he has to LU. And it's probably more than that

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