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SE LA - Biggest Game Yet?


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To me, this is a HUGE game for the program. It might be the biggest game we've had since we've brought football back. I don't think it is only because a loss would not be devastating but a win...man, that would be huge. We'd definitely be in the top 25 and the I'd think the support/excitement over the program would go through the roof. What do yall think?
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Short answer yes.


I felt after the BU game the SHSU game was our biggest game in terms of showing that we belonged by hanging with the "top dog" in the SLC. The win in turn made this game bigger due to the fact we have to prove that that win was not a fluke and we have arrived. The week off (or 11 days) were important for the staff to develop a gameplan but I hope it hasn't let the team lose the motivation to prove the doubters wrong.


I know some people are upset by the game being moved to Thursday because not many people can travel to it but I think it was really smart for both programs. They were both off last week so they have had ample time in preparation, allows the game to be televised, and gives both programs a couple extra days to get ready for their next opponents.

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I'm not sure this game is "huge", but is definately important, as are all conference games. Being a road game makes it more important if we win, but if that is the case next week's home game against Abilene Christian Univ. will be the next "huge" game. I also believe that ACU, Central Arkansas, NW St, & McNeese are all formidable opponents for us. I do believe a win against this team would enhance our ranking enough to increase our chances for an at-large playoff bid at the very least, but I do not see any conference team "running the table" in conference play at this point.
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I'm with Cardinal on this, this game is HUGE. SHSU and SLU are the top dogs in the conference and if LU can knock them both off to start the conference schedule then that would put them in the driver's seat. The conference seems a little weaker this year with both SFA and NWST winless. I want to see both LU and McNeese undefeated in conference when they play in November. Could we finally see another sellout?
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I think if McNeese and LU both get to Nov. 21 perfect in conference we are talking Standing Roon Only...a bunch of people will make that 1 hour drive from LC but we'll have to make sure they can't get all of them in seats. Still a LONG ways to go before that happens though. ACU is not a slacker and could be a tough game. NWSt. Has really struggled this year but that game is that their house so you never know how that will go. UCA is always a tough game but we get them at home this year and after last years heartbreaking loss we should have some extra motivation.
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No worries, if Lamar spreads the ball around on offense to ALL its weapons, I can't see anyone stopping Lamar. If Lamar plays conservative, run run pass, 3 downs and out or limits the ball to 2-3 players for the defense to key on, it may be a hard game. Lamar has alot of weapons that can score points if they are used. Using all its weapons, opens up the offense to strike at any position at any time....attack attack attack for 4 full quarters, Lamar will win easy. Lamar Db's need to buckle down on pass coverage, that's were our opponents are getting most points. Offensive & defensive line doing a gr8 job....
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I feel that the SAM game was huge. It was a win over a highly ranked team, a conference win nobody felt we would get and it showed that the way we played Baylor was no fluke. Now to clarify, the SAM game wasn't huge going in because it was SAM and we were not expected to beat them, or even be close by the final gun. The aftermath of the game and the game itself was huge in the way Lamar took it to SAM and beat them at every turn. Even with players going off left and right the backups played great and we won the biggest game this school has had in football in a long, long time. This game with SELA is a big game in that nobody expects us to win this game either. Except for LU fans of course. But, if we do it could be the springboard to a one-loss season and a conference championship. I think this SELA game is bigger going in than the SAM game but if we win how huge would that be? In the Lamar football season prediction thread nobody picked Lamar to win against either SAM or SELA. We would beat Bacone College and lose the next three on our way to an 7-4 season if everything worked out well. I believe I was the only one who picked Lamar to beat one of the two of SAM or SELA and pick Lamar to end up 8-3, possibly a 9-2 team. How many rolled their eyes at that prediction? It doesn't sound so far fetched now does it? If we beat SELA there is a better than even chance we go into the final game against McNeese 9-1. We gave some teams a real run for their money last year before losing and if you recall we beat McNeese at their house to end last season with a winning record +1. This will be huge game 1B if we win, when we win. Edited by eagle eye
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