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Cardinals Land Nationally Ranked Recruiting Class


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Perhaps I will come across less impressed than I should be, but making the assumption that a recruiting class ranking is based on the total individuals added together, the fact that Lamar had a signing class of thirty players can raise the ranking compared to another school that only added twenty. This is base on a previous Lamar basketball recruiting class that was highly ranked which had eight or nine recruits compared to a P5 schools that only signed maybe three recruits. Point is we will see in future years if this class is really a good class or not. At the same time I wish Coach Morgan and staff the best.
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Perhaps I will come across less impressed than I should be, but making the assumption that a recruiting class ranking is based on the total individuals added together, the fact that Lamar had a signing class of thirty players can raise the ranking compared to another school that only added twenty. This is base on a previous Lamar basketball recruiting class that was highly ranked which had eight or nine recruits compared to a P5 schools that only signed maybe three recruits. Point is we will see in future years if this class is really a good class or not. At the same time I wish Coach Morgan and staff the best.


While I understand what you are saying, I don

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The way I understand the rankings work 30 two star players add up to a higher ranked class than 10 five star players. Which is more likely to improve your teams play?

I am pretty sure that the math is not that simple as 2x 30 and 5 x 10. Besides a star, each player that is rated also gets a numerical rating on a system the goes from 1.0000 and below. IN football, there are typically only approximately 30 kids who are rated a 5 star and their numerical factor ranges from 1.000 to approximately .9850 and then 4 stars range from approximately .9849 to .8950 and then 3 stars fall below. I cannot tell you where the 2 star breaking point is. More kids signed no doubt help increase the total numerical rating a school receives and obviously getting all 5 & 4 stars with a good amount of 5 stars in a class helps tremendously. Everything considered, I get more juiced to see a kid who is overlooked and lands at a school like Lamar go on to have a great career there and then go big in the NFL than a highly rated kid who signs with Bama and has a decent to good career there and flames out in the NFL. ( Side Note: I was really pulling for Kade Harrington to get a real shot and I think that if New England would have taken a chance on him instead of that idiot Jerry Jones, then maybe he could have turned out to be a good pro player.) But if you are a power 5 school fan (LU is my alma mater and my first priority, but I have been, since I was 9 years old, a UT football fan even though I didn't want to go there and my political views are contradictory to that prevailing views on that campus) you understand the value of a great recruiting classes stacked on top of each other and your chances for conference and national championships.


Maybe this 143rd ranked class out of all FBS and FCS schools is the start of something really special for LU and there are a couple of sleepers in this class that help propel the program to the next level!!

Edited by NorthoftheBorder
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Did not intend that my thoughts of how the rankings work was factually based. Only that one they are somewhat arbitrary and two, the number of recruits does impact the ranking. I am hoping for the best but I remember that Roc consistently had high recruiting rankings but the basketball record didn't reflect the potential based on the ranking of the recruiting class. The same kind of ranking optimism is reported for baseball under Davis but to date the recruiting ranking has not shown up in wins. Like you I thoroughly enjoy the overlooked player that makes it big. I also like that Morgan is committed to building for the future on a base of freshman. The only problem I see with this plan is that with a limit of 65 full scholarship equivalents in four years nearly half the team will need to be replaced again, if all of these freshman stay with the team. At the same time I doubt that more than maybe twenty of the thirty will still be at Lamar playing football in four years. Edited by geezer
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Did not intend that my thoughts of how the rankings work was factually based. Only that one they are somewhat arbitrary and two, the number of recruits does impact the ranking. I am hoping for the best but I remember that Roc consistently had high recruiting rankings but the basketball record didn't reflect the potential based on the ranking of the recruiting class. The same kind of ranking optimism is reported for baseball under Davis but to date the recruiting ranking has not shown up in wins. Like you I thoroughly enjoy the overlooked player that makes it big. I also like that Morgan is committed to building for the future on a base of freshman. The only problem I see with this plan is that with a limit of 65 full scholarship equivalents in four years nearly half the team will need to be replaced again, if all of these freshman stay with the team. At the same time I doubt that more than maybe twenty of the thirty will still be at Lamar playing football in four years.


Well, better than not being ranked. I was hoping for some Juco players to bridge the gap. All HS players will take a bit of time to grow/develop.

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