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**Lamar Cardinals vs. University of Louisiana at Lafayette -2012 Season Opener**

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Guest NorthoftheBorder
Thought I was going to make the trip today to Lafayette but it didn't work out. Will be rooting for a major upset. A competitive game like we had with McNeese to open the season in 2010 would be nice if we can't pull off an upset!
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I think that defensively if the speed of our linebackers - an essential part of the 3-4, can be disruptive the game will be close. Offensively there can be - NO - turnovers and Garrett and Sims will have to be successful for the game to be close.


U of L - 28

Lamar 21


Oh yeah how about this:

Go to hell U of L go to hell! sounds like the old school chant....

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Guest CardAmbassador

its not looking good, to start. Watching on pay per view


Yikes, should have just done ESPN3.


Actually I already like Moss, he makes good reads. My expections were different than alot of peoples though.

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