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no more 3pm games !!!!

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3 pm games in November aren't bad because it starts to get cooler at night, and you'll want to play when it's at least a little bit warm.


I remember a year or two ago there was a night game in November and supposedly the excuse for the empty seats was it was too cold. Like many have said over and over again, just win and the fans will show up. Lamar does not have a long winning tradition in football so winning is the only answer in the short term.

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I talked to some of my Lamar buddies down in B-town (MUCH BETTER THAN H-TOWN), and they told me the reason they did not go was cause they didn't want to see us lose by 50+ points. They still went and tailgated, but that is it. I think we would have had more people show up to watch us versus Nichols. Not cause anyone cares about Nichols, but because they don't like watching LU get beat by 50+ points by SHSU or others. Right now people are at the point were they are losing faith in the team. That is really disheartening for me. We are lucky to have anyone at the games with the way we are playing. We will probably have a decent crowd versus Nichols but only because people think we have a chance against them.


Also they said they didn't really care about the early kick off cause they could watch the game and then tailgate afterwards. So, I think the early start is a little bit of a problem but the bigger problem is we are being blown out by opponents. We are not even in the game. I would have had trouble sticking around for that game and I am a very avid LU fan.

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fans must be staying home and watching cooger hi ::)


Lamar has never been able to get people in the afternoon...I've been going to games since the 60s..afternoon games are a bust


3pm...deer season...nichols st......it'll say 8k paid...5k actual if somebody puts it on tv...3k


Lamar, the Harvard of SETX is calling us Cougar High, that is hilarious. Our student section alone practically outdraws a Cardinals game. However, you are partially right, everbody will be watching our nationally televised game on FSN next Saturday morning. Of course, Lamar wouldn't know anything about that.

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hahahhaha...20k outta a city of over 2 million? thats there beez something to brag about!


u of h.....where ya go when ya flunk outta sam and san jac wont take ya.......


hahhahahhhaahhahaha u of h? hahhahahha


First off, we don't have just 20k.


Second, considering we sold out all of our home games averaging 33k for the last 3 years and for the first 2 home games this year. I should also take into fact that our current stadium only holds 32,000. You consider 12k a good turnout. I can't wait until our new 45-50k stadium is done. I bet you would have a heart attack if Lamar had more 300 season ticket holders. (UH has over 15,000). You try to laugh, yet last year, Cougar tickets were up to $250 a pop. I'd like to see who would pay $250 for a single game ticket for LU.





I wish we would schedule a body bag game with Lamar. It would be reminiscent to Oklahoma State-Savannah State.



You try to make fun of UH academic standards yet they are far higher than Lamer U's. I wouldn't brag about admissions since the average student admitted to LU has an 850 SAT average. Plus Lamar's endowment is only 287 million while UH's is a little over half a billion.


MAYBE in a few decades, Lamer U can be considered for Tier I status. Something only UT, Rice, A&M, Tech and UH have as far as Texas schools go.


Again, I left Beaumont as soon as I graduated from West Brook for a reason.

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hahahhaha...20k outta a city of over 2 million? thats there beez something to brag about!


u of h.....where ya go when ya flunk outta sam and san jac wont take ya.......


hahhahahhhaahhahaha u of h? hahhahahha


First off, we don't have just 20k.


Second, considering we sold out all of our home games averaging 33k for the last 3 years and for the first 2 home games this year. I should also take into fact that our current stadium only holds 32,000. You consider 12k a good turnout. I can't wait until our new 45-50k stadium is done. I bet you would have a heart attack if Lamar had more 300 season ticket holders. (UH has over 15,000). You try to laugh, yet last year, Cougar tickets were up to $250 a pop. I'd like to see who would pay $250 for a single game ticket for LU.





I wish we would schedule a body bag game with Lamar. It would be reminiscent to Oklahoma State-Savannah State.



You try to make fun of UH academic standards yet they are far higher than Lamer U's. I wouldn't brag about admissions since the average student admitted to LU has an 850 SAT average. Plus Lamar's endowment is only 287 million while UH's is a little over half a billion.


MAYBE in a few decades, Lamer U can be considered for Tier I status. Something only UT, Rice, A&M, Tech and UH have as far as Texas schools go.


Again, I left Beaumont as soon as I graduated from West Brook for a reason.


UT, Texas A&M, Texas Tech and Baylor left UH behind in the 1990s because although those 4 schools are located in smaller markets, they knew UH was dragging them down. TCU has worked their way back to the Big 12 while UH is still trying to stay relevant by joining a diluted Big East with fellow castoff SMU.


You would think that a school with 40K in a very large media market would be in very high demand, but UH's track record in the world of college sports is truly laughable. UH is only a afterthought in Houston, and they only draw medium attention if they win. But as soon as one of their coaches sniffs success he's off to a better school.


But what's truly pathetic is you coming here to put down Lamar and brag about UH. Lamar's never been in a power conference but you have this urge to compare the two. UH gets laughed at by the likes of the Big 12 and the SEC. That's probably why you're commenting here, it's make you feel a lot bigger than you actually are.

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Guest Cardinalrule

and......we're glad your gone


oh my! 30k outta 2million people?...whoohoooo!


uof h...hahahha..never met a grajumate of that there fine institooshun


Graduate*, institution*. Ah, the beauty of an LU education.


Seriously? You don't understand sarcasm when you read it? Stay off our board and go cheer for Cougar hi.

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Guest Cardinalrule

proof is in the pudding.play the nichols game at 6pm and i guarantee twice the crowd we had today.setx wont make the 3pm starts.they have turned out for every late start so give your customers what they want!!!tell the slc to keep there game of the week.


I agree. If we want more people in the stands we cannot have these 3 pm games, and we have to quit televising games. oh, and certainly winning will help


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Guest Cardinalrule

While I wish you no bodily harm I wish you would stay off BRI unless you have some valuable input. Why would we not want to play on TV? that should be the games the student body wants to show up for?


For starters, it is just local tv. Secondly, for many people, if they can watch it on tv they won't bother going out to the game.

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