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Are we playing tomorrow


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It shows on the schedule that we have a game. No write up today on LU football website. No pre game hype, are we doing away with the articles being written a few days before the game about our next opponent? Marco must be trying to completely do away with our small loyal group of fans by giving us the silent treatment. Coach dont talk when we lose, but we won last week. Let s carry that into the ACU game. Checking for apostrophes
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It shows on the schedule that we have a game. No write up today on LU football website. No pre game hype, are we doing away with the articles being written a few days before the game about our next opponent? Marco must be trying to completely do away with our small loyal group of fans by giving us the silent treatment. Coach dont talk when we lose, but we won last week. Let s carry that into the ACU game. Checking for apostrophes


granted, i dont watch much news, but i havent heard didly shite about the game. I dont think people should have to search for game info. PR should be shoving it in your face. Both LU and City of Bmt

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