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Lamar MBB Opens Season Against St. Thomas


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Was at the game. Here are my thoughts:


1) The sound system was horrible. Sounded like there was 1 working speaker in the whole place- east side of the stadium (on the Pep Band side).

2) They need to figure out what's going on with the floor because they could not get it to stay dry. Was ready to see Brooks out there with a towel himself a few times. (easily 5 minutes of extra deadball time for wiping the court)

3) The fan experience was rough. Part of it was not being able to hear announcers (PA and in-game), but most of it was just nothing going on.

4) It was a far cry from the experiences I had in the 90s going to games. The place was listless... basically comatose. I'm in my 40s and was definitely below the median age in the arena. More Cardinal Club members using their season tickets than students.

5) There were few students around. It's 7PM for the season opener! Why were the Greek organizations not competing for turnout? Have Brooks offer $500 to the organization that checks in the most fans. You'll get butts in seats!

6) Speaking of #5- There should have been at least another thousand fans there.

7) Why wasn't the soccer team there to be honored at the game?

8) O'Malley needs someone in his office to put together a cleaner script for the game- everything felt thrown together. Get it down to: 14-min- start reading pre-game info; 6-min- SSB; 4-min- visitor lineups; 2:30 left- home lineups; 7:00- clock runs out... then 1st timeout- band gets 1 minute, this commercial, this activity, and back; 2nd timeout- band plays after the activity and this commercial... way too slipshod for a D1 program. Let's be honest, if a recruit came to that game, they wouldn't have been impressed with the experience.



9) Sloppy play for a game where the talent level was definitely a mismatch; the UST team also was rather disrespectful- continuing to practice during the National Anthem. Lamar was still in the locker room (likely just in game prep); that, though, is better than literally running warm-ups during the National Anthem. Medina needs to be talked to about that (he's a good coach but that's still poor form- just imagine what Bob Knight would have done, if he'd seen that)

10) Brooks definitely had plenty to work on in practice today.

11) Lots of talent on the court and I loved the intensity to start the 2nd Half (literally looked over at the guy across the way and said, "Where was this the WHOLE FIRST HALF?")... but then it went away until the last 90 seconds of the game. If you can do it for the 1st two minutes of the 2nd half and the last 2 minutes of the game, you can do it more.

12) #4 is a beast and a half. #3 put up some sneaky good stats.

13) They're definitely well-conditioned. They still had their feet under them despite the starters all tallying 30+ minutes. Here's to hoping the rest of the roster can spell them because 30+ minutes of even the Southland 2-3 times a week is a lot for these guys to keep up for 4+ months.

14) We weren't nearly as physical as them. While fouls aren't a perfect measure of defensive intensity, the fact we only were called for 13 fouls reinforces that we weren't pressuring them much.

15) Hopefully, the fact they had to get a block in the last 4 seconds to seal it will wake them up that what Brooks is preaching probably needs to stick. He didn't give up 2nd Chair for a Final Four team to have guys horse around. (no such thing as a bad win, if you come out healthy, but that wasn't exactly a signature win)

16) Spacing seemed really off except for in those two dialed-in portions (see: #11). When we were running the offense or being mindful of our coaching, we were strong... but there was a lot more "falling over each other" than "my man is NOT going to score" and/or "My man might as well start jogging back in transition because he's going to be useless." Literally found myself quoting the Don Haskins character from Glory Road talking about movement w/o a purpose- telling the ballbandlers, "You're not going anywhere w/o the ball." The off-ball movement was great, but there were a lot of habits they could have as HS stars that you can't have when everyone else on the court is just as talented as you.

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LU + 33 @ #14 (overrated) TCU tonight


[LUQUOTE=TexGator;64226]Was at the game. Here are my thoughts:


1) The sound system was horrible. Sounded like there was 1 working speaker in the whole place- east side of the stadium (on the Pep Band side).

2) They need to figure out what's going on with the floor because they could not get it to stay dry. Was ready to see Brooks out there with a towel himself a few times. (easily 5 minutes of extra deadball time for wiping the court)

3) The fan experience was rough. Part of it was not being able to hear announcers (PA and in-game), but most of it was just nothing going on.

4) It was a far cry from the experiences I had in the 90s going to games. The place was listless... basically comatose. I'm in my 40s and was definitely below the median age in the arena. More Cardinal Club members using their season tickets than students.

5) There were few students around. It's 7PM for the season opener! Why were the Greek organizations not competing for turnout? Have Brooks offer $500 to the organization that checks in the most fans. You'll get butts in seats!

6) Speaking of #5- There should have been at least another thousand fans there.

7) Why wasn't the soccer team there to be honored at the game?

8) O'Malley needs someone in his office to put together a cleaner script for the game- everything felt thrown together. Get it down to: 14-min- start reading pre-game info; 6-min- SSB; 4-min- visitor lineups; 2:30 left- home lineups; 7:00- clock runs out... then 1st timeout- band gets 1 minute, this commercial, this activity, and back; 2nd timeout- band plays after the activity and this commercial... way too slipshod for a D1 program. Let's be honest, if a recruit came to that game, they wouldn't have been impressed with the experience.



9) Sloppy play for a game where the talent level was definitely a mismatch; the UST team also was rather disrespectful- continuing to practice during the National Anthem. Lamar was still in the locker room (likely just in game prep); that, though, is better than literally running warm-ups during the National Anthem. Medina needs to be talked to about that (he's a good coach but that's still poor form- just imagine what Bob Knight would have done, if he'd seen that)

10) Brooks definitely had plenty to work on in practice today.

11) Lots of talent on the court and I loved the intensity to start the 2nd Half (literally looked over at the guy across the way and said, "Where was this the WHOLE FIRST HALF?")... but then it went away until the last 90 seconds of the game. If you can do it for the 1st two minutes of the 2nd half and the last 2 minutes of the game, you can do it more.

12) #4 is a beast and a half. #3 put up some sneaky good stats.

13) They're definitely well-conditioned. They still had their feet under them despite the starters all tallying 30+ minutes. Here's to hoping the rest of the roster can spell them because 30+ minutes of even the Southland 2-3 times a week is a lot for these guys to keep up for 4+ months.

14) We weren't nearly as physical as them. While fouls aren't a perfect measure of defensive intensity, the fact we only were called for 13 fouls reinforces that we weren't pressuring them much.

15) Hopefully, the fact they had to get a block in the last 4 seconds to seal it will wake them up that what Brooks is preaching probably needs to stick. He didn't give up 2nd Chair for a Final Four team to have guys horse around. (no such thing as a bad win, if you come out healthy, but that wasn't exactly a signature win)

16) Spacing seemed really off except for in those two dialed-in portions (see: #11). When we were running the offense or being mindful of our coaching, we were strong... but there was a lot more "falling over each other" than "my man is NOT going to score" and/or "My man might as well start jogging back in transition because he's going to be useless." Literally found myself quoting the Don Haskins character from Glory Road talking about movement w/o a purpose- telling the ballbandlers, "You're not going anywhere w/o the ball." The off-ball movement was great, but there were a lot of habits they could have as HS stars that you can't have when everyone else on the court is just as talented as you.

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