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Okie State's Joe Mitchell next to Lamar??


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I checked out one of the OSU sites. It appears as though he will be coming to Lamar. While Sims may have the biggest upside of the 4, Mitchell is the surest thing you have to a guarantee. The kid is a good player and OSU does not want to see him leave. All reports have been positive on Mitchell since his arrival at OSU. He should be an asset on and off the field. As a fan of OSU, I hate to see him leave. As a fan of Lamar, I love to see him coming. If he were going anywhere but Lamar, it would be a terrible day.



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Is getting Joe Mitchell better for Lamar than getting Collin Garrett?


If anything else he's the better pickup due to not having the baggage attached to him. The oSu posters cant believe he'd leave because he's expected to be a contributor this season for the Cowboys. He'd be a hell of a pickup for the Cardinals.

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So, who's #5 to transfer from OSU? lol Seriously though, I hope this is a new pipeline that we can reap benefits from in the future as well!


If these four players have a good year here I would not be surprised if we picked up another OSU transfer next year. We might become the first stop for OSU transfers to FCS in the future. ha.


Go Cards! I'm surprised this hasn't picked up some national attention. 4 players all transfer to the same FCS school from the same FBS school, that has to be rare right?

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So, who's #5 to transfer from OSU? lol Seriously though, I hope this is a new pipeline that we can reap benefits from in the future as well!


If these four players have a good year here I would not be surprised if we picked up another OSU transfer next year. We might become the first stop for OSU transfers to FCS in the future. ha.


Go Cards! I'm surprised this hasn't picked up some national attention. 4 players all transfer to the same FCS school from the same FBS school, that has to be rare right?


My thoughts about that concurred with yours.

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