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Very good question. Tidwell certainly had the PR machine going that first year they brought back football and he knows how to raise money for the program.

Very good question. Tidwell certainly had the PR machine going that first year they brought back football and he knows how to raise money for the program.


Coach Tidwell gave Henderson a ringing endorsement on the Red Zone earlier tonight. Said some good things about Jason and LU president Jimmy Simmons.

  • 2 weeks later...
From talking one on one with Tidwell he didn't want the gig. Took too much away from his recruiting, etc. Jason is a great guy and has been doing a ton of the AD work for the past few years without the title.

Although I read the forums pretty often, I have never posted before. But, having the knowledge I have of Mr. Henderson, NO!! He is in way over his head!! He went from beginning as a compliance intern to A.D. in four or five short years...come on! You say maybe he is just that talented...I say maybe he just rides a lot of coat tails...kisses the right rear ends.


Yes, it is no secret he has done the majority of the A.D. workload since the infamous Billy Tubbs was in his final couple of years...so, ask yourself this...if he was the answer shouldn't we be gaining momentum instead of losing it? I have a lot of respect for Coach Tidwell. He should have stayed the A.D., but I understand why he didn't. But, Jason is his boss...it's not like Tidwell's going to bite the hand that feeds him.


Yes, Mr. Henderson can quote rules and procedures...he is the master of playing it safe. But, we all know greatness doesn't come from playing it safe...mediocrity does! That is exactly what we have under Mr. Henderson. For those of you who have REAL conversations with staff and close followers of the program, you know I am right.


He made a good Compliance Director, but he doesn't have the foresight, nor the personality, to be an effective A.D. It's almost laughable that this question has been posted and even more laughable how few replies it has received. It doesn't need to be asked...it's an easy NO...it's not even in question.

we need someone that can talk the panties off of a _________.did this guy get much action in college?? ;D seriously though we need someone like a tidwell that people gravitate to.dont know this guy but ive seen him around and he doesnt look like he's comfortable working the room.hope im wrong about the guy but the ad can make or break an athletic dept.
UTSA has an AD that can makes things happen and they are heading to the CUSA. Tubbs was pushing for LAMAR to get into a FBS conference. Now with Henderson at the helm it looks like LAMAR will be in the SLC for a while. Hope I'm wrong but since he's taken over there's not been one peep from him about moving up.
Guest eagle eye
I have an idea. Ask Henderson to be a guest on the Red Zone show. Make it known early enough that forum members can get questions in and hopefully we find out what his vision of the school's programs are. Ask him if the school is making attempts to move to an FBS conference like the Sun Belt. Give us a crack at him and we can judge for ourselves. I can't play the shows on my computer but if I have to go to the show live I'll go. I would like to hear what he has to say for myself anyway.

well....whoever scheduled fricking Bacone oughta get shit canned


Why are you always gripping about the schedule. Who cares who they schedule as long as they play the game and win.


from my time reading here, that guy doesnt seem happy unless he has something to gripe about.

My opinion is Henderson is probably a nice, smart guy but he seems 'small time' and I'm tired of my alma-mater being content on being small-time. The LU administration should be striving to become big-time. Am I saying LU should be considered in the same breath as a BCS conference school? No not even close but we also should not settle for being just a lower tier FCS school that doesn't get the support it deserves from its own community. We live in an area with over 250K people and Lamar University is the only major college in town. Beaumont specifically should have LU stuff up everywhere but you barely see it. Every sporting event LU host should be treated like an event in this area, the hottest ticket in town but some complain about kickoff times being too early or on what day the games are played. Big-time schools don't worry about Saturday kickoff times because of pee-wee football games or if one of the local high schools have a basketball game the same night. We need a positive, upbeat thinker at the helm of our athletic dept that will treat Lamar as if they're big-time or REALLY believes that we could get there. I don't see Jason Henderson as that type of guy but I hope I'm wrong.

well....whoever scheduled fricking Bacone oughta get shit canned


Why are you always gripping about the schedule. Who cares who they schedule as long as they play the game and win.


from my time reading here, that guy doesnt seem happy unless he has something to gripe about.


welllll...in your short time here..are you impressed with the progress of football?..the fantastic basketball season?




well....whoever scheduled fricking Bacone oughta get shit canned


Why are you always gripping about the schedule. Who cares who they schedule as long as they play the game and win.


from my time reading here, that guy doesnt seem happy unless he has something to gripe about.


welllll...in your short time here..are you impressed with the progress of football?..the fantastic basketball season?


absolutely not but you're personal attack method of complaining is very immature. I've also seen the women's basketball team have a pretty good season and now tied for 1st in the conference and the baseball team getting off to a pretty good start yet no post from you on those threads. I'm guessing if the baseball team gets swept by Columbia this weekend you'll be all over it.


well....whoever scheduled fricking Bacone oughta get shit canned


Why are you always gripping about the schedule. Who cares who they schedule as long as they play the game and win.


from my time reading here, that guy doesnt seem happy unless he has something to gripe about.


welllll...in your short time here..are you impressed with the progress of football?..the fantastic basketball season?


absolutely not but you're personal attack method of complaining is very immature. I've also seen the women's basketball team have a pretty good season and now tied for 1st in the conference and the baseball team getting off to a pretty good start yet no post from you on those threads. I'm guessing if the baseball team gets swept by Columbia this weekend you'll be all over it.


I think Rome wasn't built in a day and it takes time to be a dominate team. Calm down and give the coach's time to win. Basketball lost a lot of seniors last season so a majority of the players are young players they will be fine down the road with time. Football is going in the right direction and if guys like you spent more time thinking about the good things you see on saturday's at the game and less time talking about how you hate Woodard and his staff is only here to get a check. Lamar is going to be fine if more people came to the games and watched and cheered the bigger conferences would see the attendance numbers and maybe invite Lamar to there conference. Just relax and enjoy the fact that we have football, basketball, baseball, soccer, softball etc.


maybe ya oughta read some of my posts re: baseball, softball and womens basketball..They are doing good and i applaud them..btw,so bass fishing team did well, also


Dominate team? how about competitive?


lessee...this started cuz of a comment about scheduling Bacone ...Its a useless game, but I will be there


people here wanna put lipstick on a pig when it comes to Woodard and Knight... I dont....3 basketball wins? ..no excuse...NONE

How the AD will evaluate the coaching staffs is still in the future, but I am not impressed with him from the stand point of the amenities at the games. Football seems to be little to no control over who gets onto the sidelines. Sorry I don't think seeing grade school kids playing catch on the sideline during a game is anywhere close to acceptable. Basketball most of the year only one of potentially four refreshment stands open. Last night before the men's game started the only open stand was out of fountain Coke. That doesn't say much for planning or organization. Any possibility they will offer me a refund for Saturdays game as I paid full price for my season ticket and to try to get some people there for Dr. Simmons retirement celebration they are selling tickets for $1. Earlier post was correct LU projects a small time non-relevent atmosphere despite the great facilities.

"Small time" should be his nick name. Have you ever watched our AD "work the room"? He's as cold as a dead fish and that's being generous. Let's be honest, the reason Dr.Simmons has been so successful in rejuvenating Lamar is because he understands people and knows how to win them over...knows how to make them believe in something grander. The current AD has none of that. In today's world an AD has to be a marketing and fundraising guy first and foremost...the face of the department. Have you ever seen him at a community function outside of Lamar?? How does he reach out to make friends from sitting in his cozy office? The reason the question is being posed is bc no one knows him!! Is that what we need? Mr. Henderson, I challenge you to step outside your comfort zone...go meet the community! We have a great one.



Guest bigred360
Our current AD is a nice guy but he is not a charismatic person. To get money, interest in the school and build a successful athletic department he is not who another university would have turned to for leading the athletic department.
While there is a lot of hate, you have to give him some credit as while Simmons might be the one that brought football and softball back, the AD is the one that has work out all of the details with the conference and others to make it work per say. It'd be a tough job to do no matter how good you were.

"Duh Cards" please tell me you are not serious! Did you not hear yourself...the President brought back football and softball...why did the President have to do that...isn't that the job of an AD? And cry me a river over the sob story about how hard the job is...he gets paid to do it and he should be doing it better...we need it done better! Look at one of your own examples, Softball. He wasn't prepared for it's return. We've had a coach for over a year and already begun our first season. Have plans for a permanent facility been released? Has he secured the funds to start construction?


The facility upgrades at Ford Park are pretty decent you say? Ask Coach Bruder how much help and resources she received from our AD? The answer would appall you!! I know. I've asked. Ive seen her digging holes for fence posts herself!! I've seen her hanging banners herself. I've seen her sod an entire field...herself!!! If I were AD I'd be embarrassed of those facts! To be honest, knowing everything she's done and her program is doing as well as it is in her first year...I'd make her AD!!

Don't get me wrong I think for the most part he could have done a better job and should be replaced, however there is a small percentage of things (maybe 2% or less) that he has done a decent job of considering the circumstances.

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