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Lamar Football Coaching Search


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Getting word that there may be a small announcement maybe as early as tomorrow. Doesn't sound like it's a hire but an announcement of some sort.


I'm also hearing that Lamar holds "new coaches orientations" at the beginning & middle of December and January. So I would look (and hope) for the new coach to be selected before the 15th so he can go through this and be the official head man with 6 weeks to recruit vs 4


I'm hoping that announcement is gonna be that Henderson got shit canned.

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Well Dauphine died this summer and from what I heard just the other day, Umphrey is not doing very well at all...was hold they believe Alzheimer's has set in and he completely out of it.


Hadn't heard that about Dauphin. I've heard rumors about Umphrey.

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The latest from the Enterprise.... Big whoop. You just hired a consulting firm to help you look for your new coach LAST FRIDAY??? Unbelievable. Henderson's an incompetent jackwagon.






What's Henderson been doing for 2 weeks? Interviewing search firms? This is ridiculous & embarrassing! If he can't figure out how to hire a football coach, why don't he just hire Ray back.

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I had a feeling this would be the announcement...I was hoping it wouldn't be because this should have been something that was set up from the time it was decided Woodard wouldn't be retained.


Also Texas A&M-Commerce HC Colby Carthel has signed an extension so it looks like he will not be a candidate

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The latest from the Enterprise.... Big whoop. You just hired a consulting firm to help you look for your new coach LAST FRIDAY??? Unbelievable. Henderson's an incompetent jackwagon.






how common is it to hire a consulting firm?

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Henderson must have read that book "getting a head coach for dummies". According to this article in the Beaumont enterprise, we may narrow the list of candidates as soon as the end of this week. It also said we hired this consulting firm last Friday. Plus, we are sending out the official post for the position online either today or tomorrow. I am worried Henderson is going to give some unproven coach his big shot at being a head coach. In return this coach will owe Henderson and LU football will go nowhere. I hope I am wrong and Henderson picks a great coach, but I got a feeling.
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The administration should be asking questions at this point of Henderson. I think at most schools the AD makes the coaching decisions but the AD works for the President and it doesn't make sense that it takes two weeks to hire a consulting firm. Why fire Woodard if you don't have a go forward plan in place? At a minimum have the consulting firm lined up to find the finalists for the coaching position.
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The administration should be asking questions at this point of Henderson. I think at most schools the AD makes the coaching decisions but the AD works for the President and it doesn't make sense that it takes two weeks to hire a consulting firm. Why fire Woodard if you don't have a go forward plan in place? At a minimum have the consulting firm lined up to find the finalists for the coaching position.


"..a go forward plan in place?" My sentiments EXACTLY. It was made clear to the football office that Evans did not want to be bothered with anything that was football related. So, apparently, Evans has put blind his faith in Henderson to take care of business. Which, in my next tenured opinion, means... WE ARE IN DEEP DOO DOO.

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My only guess on why a 2 week delay for the the search firm is this allows time for applications to come in. From there, the list can be narrowed down. Idk how these things are paid for, but if it's not a flat rate then there really is no point of paying them when you aren't ready for them yet.
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You would think that firing Woodard was not an overnight decision by the AD, especially with $100k contract buy-out, so there is no excuse not to have a plan executed immediately. There should be a search committee of knowledgeable others made up of folks in & out of Lamar (LU used RC Slocum when bringing the program back) to vet the applicant list. These folks should have been selected as soon as the decision to fire Ray was made. You should also post the job asap. I know in Texas for public institutions there are some rules about when you post a vacancy and for how long before it can be filled. That's why a school like ACU has an advantage when hiring, they can basically do what they want to do (btw, they haven't hired anyone yet, but looks like might be an assistant from Notre Dame). Also, did we hire a search firm for the baseball vacancy? Why would football be different, if it is? Then again, maybe the AD has his man & is going thru these moves because it is required or has the vision of being on the up & up. I'm really concerned we maybe promoting from within.
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You would think that firing Woodard was not an overnight decision by the AD, especially with $100k contract buy-out, so there is no excuse not to have a plan executed immediately. There should be a search committee of knowledgeable others made up of folks in & out of Lamar (LU used RC Slocum when bringing the program back) to vet the applicant list. These folks should have been selected as soon as the decision to fire Ray was made. You should also post the job asap. I know in Texas for public institutions there are some rules about when you post a vacancy and for how long before it can be filled. That's why a school like ACU has an advantage when hiring, they can basically do what they want to do (btw, they haven't hired anyone yet, but looks like might be an assistant from Notre Dame). Also, did we hire a search firm for the baseball vacancy? Why would football be different, if it is? Then again, maybe the AD has his man & is going thru these moves because it is required or has the vision of being on the up & up. I'm really concerned we maybe promoting from within.


There is no within imho. There's nobody that did a GREAT job this year. Special teams coach? QB coach, I heard he booked it pretty quick.

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If we hire from within they should have kept Woodard and saved a $100G. I don't think I've ever heard of a loosing program hiring from within. After all the coach you fired hired the replacement.


From what I've heard, there was a small severance discussed for the assistants. If it actually came to be, that's another story... But I don't think there is any chance that we hire from within. 1. Because, as mentioned before, none of them performed very well... and 2. There has been a long time, deep seeded division between football and administration that I don't think any one of them would want to stick around. I know I wouldn't. It all pretty much culminated with Henderson being absent at Woodard's press conference. To me, that spoke VOLUMES about how bad that division has been... and it's been going on since Henderson was promoted to AD. This new hire will be 100% on Henderson's head... and I think he's a weasel on a power trip. So, he's going to take as much time as he feels he needs to get a new coach that he's going to be willing to hang his career at Lamar on. Cause if this coach sucks, both the coach and Henderson are done. So, unfortunately, we will have to see Henderson for at least 3 more years.

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From what I've heard, there was a small severance discussed for the assistants. If it actually came to be, that's another story... But I don't think there is any chance that we hire from within. 1. Because, as mentioned before, none of them performed very well... and 2. There has been a long time, deep seeded division between football and administration that I don't think any one of them would want to stick around. I know I wouldn't. It all pretty much culminated with Henderson being absent at Woodard's press conference. To me, that spoke VOLUMES about how bad that division has been... and it's been going on since Henderson was promoted to AD. This new hire will be 100% on Henderson's head... and I think he's a weasel on a power trip. So, he's going to take as much time as he feels he needs to get a new coach that he's going to be willing to hang his career at Lamar on. Cause if this coach sucks, both the coach and Henderson are done. So, unfortunately, we will have to see Henderson for at least 3 more years.


It's not a secret that there is no love loss between the coaches and the AD. Not sure what happened with Tidwell but he had things going that first year they brought football back.

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USA Today just updated their database of FBS assistant coaches salaries:




A couple of coaches already mentioned are:


Mike Canales at Utah State makes $178K


Bobby Hauck at San Diego State makes $200K


Both should be LU's price range, unless of course LU is looking for a K-Mart blue light special.

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USA Today just updated their database of FBS assistant coaches salaries:




A couple of coaches already mentioned are:


Mike Canales at Utah State makes $178K


Bobby Hauck at San Diego State makes $200K


Both should be LU's price range, unless of course LU is looking for a K-Mart blue light special.


I kind of browsed through that yesterday as well. Noticed that Peveto made $460,000 last year at LSU. While ~$200,000 for the HC position at Lamar would be better than nothing as he's currently unemployed, gotta wonder if he would try to get on with another Power 5 school in a similar capacity to keep his salary closer to what he was making. Things I've read about him are that he is an excellent recruiter. Big boys pay big bucks for those kinds of guys.

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